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Handshake 101

How to Optimize Your Handshake Profile

Across the nation, over , and 51蹤獲 has relationships with companies and employers that want to hire our students. Handshake is one of the best resources for you to find opportunities, so take advantage of it!


Optimize your Handshake profile to be more visible to recruiters.

Like other job-searching resources, you can filter and search through job roles based on your interests. But did you know that recruiters on Handshake can also message you directly with event invites and job opportunities? According to Handshake, students with a full profile are 5x as likely to be messaged by employers!

Here are 9 steps to make your profile stand out:

  1. Add a professional photo Profiles are 7x more likely to be viewed when there is a photo. Check out this on your own!
  2. Write a bio In a few sentences, creatively describe who you are to provide employers insight into your career goals and personality. Things to include: your experience, personality and some accomplishments (use the bullet point formula for these).
  3. Upload your resume/ documents Handshake allows you to upload your resume and will autofill various sections of your profile for you!
  4. Maximize your experience Include all of your work experience (jobs, internships, volunteer, clubs, athletics, etc.) to show what you have to offer. Describe action items and include metrics to show growth and your impact in your role.
  5. Highlight relevant coursework Add courses that are relevant to the industry or role you are applying for.
  6. Add projects Add any projects that youve done for classes or jobs. This is an opportunity to show your critical thinking, research skills, creativity, teamwork, and ability to take ownership of your tasks.
  7. Select skills Find hard and soft skills in the description of roles you are interested in, and add them to your profile. Recruiters are looking for students with these specific keywords.
  8. Add social links Add links to your , , or anything else that speaks to your professional experience/success. If you have a small business, include its social media account.
  9. Show engagement Show up to and interact with employers directly!

Utilize these tips to increase your visibility to employers and your chances of landing a role. To learn more about using Handshake to the fullest,

How do I update my contact information on Handshake?

  1. Sign in to .
  2. At the top right corner, click on your profile picture.
  3. Click on Settings.
  4. Scroll down to Emails in the Account Information section.
  5. Click on + Add another email.
  6. Type in your personal email address and click Add. A confirmation email will be sent.
  7. In order to make your personal email address your primary email address, repeat steps 1-4.
  8. Click the three dots to the right of the desired email address and select Make Primary.