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    8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. (²Ñ´Ç²Ô»å²¹²â–F°ù¾±»å²¹²â)

Published by this Department

  • 2019-2024 plan for the Speech-Language Pathology, M.S. program

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The mission of the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders is to prepare Christian men and women with the proper foundation for graduate studies in speech-language pathology and audiology, so they can one day serve with excellence the millions of people whose lives are affected by various speech, language, hearing, cognitive and swallowing disorders, problems that touch our sense of humanness.

Department Members

Teri Clemons
Program Chair of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Tonya Dantuma
Director, Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology Program (MSLP)
Lori Newport
Associate Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Lori Peirson
Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders and Clinical Coordinator
Matthew Rouse
Dean, School of Science, Technology and Health
Melissa Raymond
Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders and Clinical Coordinator

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