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51ÂÜÀò Inspire Research Initiative for Biblically Responsible Investing

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Created in partnership with , the 51ÂÜÀò Inspire Research Initiative for Biblically Responsible Investing seeks to research, explore and provide resources on investing ways that are consistent with biblical principles. The initiative publishes academic research to support the widespread adoption of Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) as not only a vital part of Christian stewardship, but as a wise and beneficial investment methodology for use by all fiduciaries, both Christian and non-Christian alike.

Although publicly traded stock market indexes have enabled individual investors to own thousands of companies, many individual Christian investors are unaware of their voting rights, particularly within large corporations that have a significant influence on worldwide culture. In addition, many Christians are unaware that they own shares in companies that engage in behaviors they would not support, such as the production of pornographic materials, funding Planned Parenthood and enabling gambling behaviors. According to eVALUEator, up to 50 percent of companies in the S&P 500 Index (the most popular investment in the U.S.), are engaged in active funding of products or services that are not considered biblically responsible.

As Christian investors become more aware of their voting rights and ownership claims in the companies they own, it becomes their responsibility to maintain integrity by "actively managing" their ownership interests. Active management can be practiced by moving towards owning companies that enable human flourishing and moving away from companies that cause human suffering. Though relatively new in the financial marketplace, there are a variety of BRI products that provide active management tools for the average investor.

White Papers

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