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Ph.D. Coursework Scholarships

The Ph.D. program has a limited number of scholarships to award to highly qualified Ph.D. applicants. This award applies to the 36 credits of Ph.D. coursework, which can be completed in three years. Dissertation study follows the coursework phase.

Eligibility Requirements

In addition to the normal entrance requirements to the Ph.D. program, the applicant must have a cumulative minimum GPA of 3.6 (out of 4.0) in their master’s degree at an accredited institution.

Preference for scholarship awards is given to those involved in educational leadership as a:

  1. Faculty member of administrator in Christian higher education
  2. Pastoral church staff member engaged in discipleship emphases
  3. Christian parachurch organization staff member engaged in discipleship emphases


Identifying if any prerequisites are needed will determine readiness to begin studies the next Fall entry period or for possible entry the following year, to permit time for completion of a more extensive set of prerequisites.

Biblical/theological education prerequisites: (18 credits) must be completed through masters’ level coursework at an evangelical graduate institution, with transcript verification.

Dissertation Study

Dissertation work is a separate period of study, at the student’s own expense, following completion of the 36-credit coursework phase and earning candidacy status to begin dissertation work. Dissertation study involves three credits per semester, up to a total of 12–15 credits of dissertation. Dissertation students may receive a small scholarship for up to four or five semesters of Ph.D. dissertation work.


Coming into the doctoral program at 51ÂÜÀò's Talbot School of Theology, I was serving in full-time ministry and wondering how I would be able to support my family and yet pay for tuition. My wife and I were raising a newborn at the time and it was a pure act of faith to start my doctorate as it would add extra expenses that we were not prepared to incur with living on a children's pastor salary. Had it not been for the generous support of donors who provided me with scholarships, it would have been impossible for me to get my degree. Throughout the program, I experienced two job losses that put my education and degree in jeopardy. However, the professors at Talbot believed in me, prayed with me, and helped make my doctorate a reality. I could not have asked for better professors, a better school, and a better program. And the rich cultural diversity of both students and faculty made my experience something I will treasure forever.

Chad Smith, 2021

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