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Teaching Credential Programs

Make an Impact as an Educator

The California teaching credential programs offered by 51蹤獲s School of Education will develop you into a well-rounded, passionate teacher and help you navigate the process of becoming a teacher with confidence.

Credential Programs

Our programs may be taken as stand alone credential programs, or as combined masters and teaching credential programs. Take the next step in your career and apply for one of our teaching credential programs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our flexible program options including fully online credential programs and integrated education masters degree opportunities offer you several paths to becoming a teacher in California.

  • Are 51蹤獲s credential programs accredited?
    • Yes, all 51蹤獲 credential programs are accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).
  • How do I earn a California teaching credential? 
    • You can earn a California teaching credential by successfully completing an accredited credential program. Our programs are CTC and ACSI-accredited. They may be taken as standalone teacher credential programs, or integrated into a masters degree.

      California credential program requirements include elements such as teacher preparation and pedagogy coursework, school fieldwork requirements, and student teaching or intern requirements.
  • What does it mean to clear your credential?
    • When you clear your credential it means that you have been issued a clear credential to replace your preliminary credential. Under Californias two-tier credential structure, a preliminary credential is the first document issued after an individual meets basic credential requirements. A clear credential is issued when all credential requirements have been completed.
  • Why do I need to clear my credential?
    • You need to clear your credential or earn a clear credential because the preliminary credential is issued for a maximum of five years. If requirements for the clear credential are not completed before the expiration of the preliminary credential, the holder will be unable to teach in Californias public schools with that credential until those requirements are met and the document is renewed. 

      Upon completion of the clear/induction credential program, you will receive 51蹤獲s formal recommendation to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) for your Clear Credential.
  • Can I earn a California Teaching Credential online?
    • Yes, you can earn your teaching credential online. All four of the California teacher credential programs are offered in fully online formats, giving you the flexibility you need to pursue your educational and professional goals.
  • What makes earning my credential at 51蹤獲 different?
    • We focus on developing you as the whole educator. Youll receive a biblically integrated education and Christian mentorship from faculty who will teach you how to apply biblical principles to your work in the classroom. Youll also build a network of fellow Christian educators who are working to make an impact in their communities.