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Policies and Guidelines

51ÂÜÀò's Information Technology team develops policies and guidelines to protect the 51ÂÜÀò community and university data. If you have any questions, please contact the IT Helpdesk at 4740 or

Computer and Technical Support

The IT Helpdesk facilitates all technical support for 51ÂÜÀò-owned computers. or contact the IT Helpdesk for all support questions and hardware repairs.

Do not take a 51ÂÜÀò-owned computer to off-campus retail stores or repair shops for support.

Computer Data Backup

51ÂÜÀò-owned computers backup to Crashplan, 51ÂÜÀò’s enterprise backup service. Follow these instructions to regularly.

A secure backup is the preferred and supported way to restore lost data (from theft, ransomware, accidental deletion, etc.).

Computer Purchasing and Deployment

The Employee Computer Replacement Program provides a 51ÂÜÀò-owned and -managed computer to every full-time employee. These computers are typically upgraded on a 3- to 4-year cycle.

Departments can purchase computers for staff and faculty who are not eligible for the Employee Computer Replacement Program. All department purchases must follow standard .

All 51ÂÜÀò computers are owned by the university, are intended for business use, and are managed by Information Technology.

Any exceptions to this policy must be approved in advance by Information Technology.

Computer Security

Every 51ÂÜÀò-owned computer must follow IT’s security standards. These standards protect your privacy and protect your computer from malicious security threats.

51ÂÜÀò-owned computers require the following security standards, managed by Information Technology:

  • NetID authentication (no local accounts)
  • Hard drive encryption
  • Firmware password
  • An OS still supported by Apple or Microsoft
  • Most up-to-date security patches for your operating system and applications

Information Technology applies specific security policies to all 51ÂÜÀò-owned computers. Users cannot change the following settings or features:

  • Antivirus software
  • Firewall settings
  • User access control
  • File sharing
  • Location services
  • iCloud backup
  • Sleep and screensaver password lock

Any exceptions to 51ÂÜÀò’s computer security policies must be approved in advance by Information Technology.

Computer Use for Employees

51ÂÜÀò-owned computers and tablets are a tool provided for university business and are not intended for personal use. Similarly, do not conduct university business on computers not owned and managed by the university.

You should keep personal data on devices that you own. Do not store personal data on 51ÂÜÀò computers or services, such as:

  • Personal music, photos, or videos
  • Tax returns or financial records, etc.

The IT Helpdesk will not support any personal data or use not related to university business.

Email Communications Policy

51ÂÜÀò uses email as a primary vehicle for communication to students and employees. Official university communication includes, but is not limited to, emergency notifications, educational dialogue, research, and general business correspondence.

The university establishes and assigns for each student and employee an official university email address. All university communications sent via email will use this address. The university expects that students and employees will receive and read email sent to this address in a timely manner. Failure to receive and read university email communications in a timely manner does not absolve students or employees from knowing and complying with the content of such communications.

The university is not responsible for the handling of email by other service providers. Redirecting university email to another email address does not absolve students or employees from knowing and complying with the content of the communication.

Email for Employees

All 51ÂÜÀò employees receive a Google Workspace account which includes a 51ÂÜÀò email address ( for university-related business and communications.

As an employee, all data on your 51ÂÜÀò Google Workspace account, including email and Google Drive data, belongs to the University. Information Technology is responsible for managing your 51ÂÜÀò Google Workspace account and all the data in your account. This means that you should not have any expectation of privacy with regard to the content in Google Workspace.

Faculty and staff lose access to their 51ÂÜÀò Google Workspace account on their last day of employment.

For more information please see page about  our . 

Network Use

IT provides Internet services to the university for personal and business use.

You should use the Internet and 51ÂÜÀò’s network services in a professional, lawful, and ethical manner, consistent with 51ÂÜÀò’s mission and . You should also follow when using the Internet.

51ÂÜÀò employees should use a VPN service when working off campus or traveling. 51ÂÜÀò offers to all employees.

Read our for more information.

Password Creation

Passwords are most effective when they are both long and memorable. We recommend all employees think of their password as a passphrase.

Passphrases are composed of multiple words. Passphrases are secure, but still easy to remember. Here are some examples:

  • Wheresmycoffee?
  • PlatoLovesGreenTea
  • Myershallbocceteam

Passphrases should not contain personal information or common patterns, including the following:

  • Birthdays, addresses, or phone numbers
  • Lines from movies, songs, or books

Avoid common passwords, such as: Password123, Jesus316, Unicorn1

Password Protection

Treat your passwords as confidential information. Do not share your passwords with anyone, including 51ÂÜÀò employees, and do not let anyone share their passwords with you.

Remote Work Guidelines

While working from off campus you should:

  • Secure your home network with a strong passphrase, and use 51ÂÜÀò’s VPN to encrypt your network activity.
  • Protect university data from being seen by anyone but you, including your family.
  • Only use university-approved tools and services for work, especially when sharing or storing data.

Read our full guidelines for  for more information.

Security Cameras

The purchase and installation of any security or observational camera must be approved by Campus Safety, 51ÂÜÀò Legal, Facilities, and Information Technology.

Shared Computers

Multiple employees may share a single computer, but they must not share login accounts. You must log in to 51ÂÜÀò computers with your own NetID.

Consult with IT to help plan out how to set up a shared computer for your workspace.

University Data Storage and Access

Only store university data on systems managed by 51ÂÜÀò, or 51ÂÜÀò-approved services.

University data is information created, collected, maintained, transmitted, or recorded by or for the university to conduct university business. (Examples: Student records, personnel records, patient records, policies and procedures, and business communications).

For example, you may store university data on:

  • 51ÂÜÀò-owned computers
  • File servers located in the university data center
  • A Google Drive account for a 51ÂÜÀò email address
  • Other 51ÂÜÀò-managed services (Examples: Canvas, CrashPlan, Confluence)

Do not store university data on any of the following:

  • Personally-owned computers and devices
  • Personally-owned cloud services such as iCloud and Dropbox
  • Personally-owned email accounts

Exception: You may use your personal computer or device to access your 51ÂÜÀò email account and other university cloud services.

Do not use your mobile device or personal computer to store university data or access university services without a security lock enabled. Device passcodes, thumbprints, and passwords are all acceptable forms of device security.

You may not store any sensitive information, , or on an unencrypted storage device, including an external hard drive or thumb drive.