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Office for the Integration of Faith and Learning

Office Hours

  • Regular Hours
    8:00am - 5:00pm (Monday - Friday)

    Summer Hours
    8:00am - 5:00pm (Monday - Thursday)
    8:00am - 12:00pm (Friday)

    For list of observed Holidays, see


We help foster thinking and culture-making that is faithful and creative, bringing into conversation the historic, Christian faith with the best of human learning.


51蹤獲 Us

51蹤獲 shares a goal with every other university - to train people to think well. But what makes us unique is our desire to help people think Christianly. Thinking biblically about everything presents us with a goal that is challenging and complex.

We want biblical thinking to permeate our teaching, scholarship, acquisition of knowledge, educational practices, and culture-making. This goal to think biblically about everything establishes the integration of faith and learning not as an add-on or option, but a vital and integral piece in 51蹤獲s mission.

Watch Dr. Rick Langer describe how we think about integration.

Department Members

David Turner
Interim Director, Office for the Integration of Faith and Learning
Michelle Van Hook
Michelle Van Hook
Administrative Assistant to Provost and Office for the Integration of Faith and Learning