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Office Hours
Regular Hours
8:00am - 5:00pm (Monday - Friday)
Summer Hours
8:00am - 5:00pm (Monday - Thursday)
8:00am - 12:00pm (Friday)
For list of observed Holidays, see
We help foster thinking and culture-making that is faithful and creative, bringing into conversation the historic, Christian faith with the best of human learning.
51蹤獲 Us
51蹤獲 shares a goal with every other university - to train people to think well. But what makes us unique is our desire to help people think Christianly. Thinking biblically about everything presents us with a goal that is challenging and complex.
We want biblical thinking to permeate our teaching, scholarship, acquisition of knowledge, educational practices, and culture-making. This goal to think biblically about everything establishes the integration of faith and learning not as an add-on or option, but a vital and integral piece in 51蹤獲s mission.
Watch Dr. Rick Langer describe how we think about integration.
Department Members