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Interlibrary Loan Policy

What is ILLiad?

ILLiad is the name of the library resource sharing system that the ILL staff uses to process Interlibrary Loan requests.

Who may use Interlibrary Loan?

Currently enrolled or employed 51蹤獲 students, faculty, and staff, with no outstanding library fines or fees may use Interlibrary Loan. Guests and alumni are not eligible to use this service. These individuals may access ILL services through their local public library or their own academic institution library.

How much does an ILL request cost?

The library covers the cost of requesting Interlibrary Loan items. There is no charge to students. Overdue items incur a $1/day fine. There is no grace period. Replacement charges for lost or damaged ILL items are determined by the lending library. These fees cannot be waived.

What items are available through ILL?

Prior to requesting items from ILL, check to see if the item you need is available through the 51蹤獲 Library. See Use Interlibrary Loan for detailed instructions. Books and journal articles, conference proceedings, as well as microform, audio-visual materials, government documents, theses, and dissertations not owned by the 51蹤獲 Library may be requested through ILL. Also, items owned by 51蹤獲 Library but declared lost or missing, or are at the off-campus bindery, may be requested.

What items are NOT available through ILL?

If the article or book is available through the 51蹤獲 Library, you will not be able to order the item through the ILL service. The following are not available through ILL:

  • Items available by 51蹤獲 Library
  • Articles and other items available through 51蹤獲 Library databases
  • Textbooks for current 51蹤獲 classes
  • Entire issues or volumes of journals
  • Reference works, items in special or rare book collections, some dissertations, and some audio-visual items

How long does it take to get an item through ILL?

It may take up to two weeks to obtain an item from another library through the U.S. mail. However, articles received through the ILLiad system may arrive within one or two days, or even the same day.

How many requests may I submit?

There is no limit to the number of requests accepted. However, if more than ten requests are submitted, prioritize them so that the most important items will be processed first.

How will I know when the item has arrived?

The ILLiad system will contact you by email on the same day the item arrives, or the very next day at the latest. Physical items will be made available for pick-up at the Information Desk on the same day you are contacted. Electronic copies of articles will be posted to your . You can also track the progress of your requests by logging into your .

How long can I keep the loaned item?

Electronic copies of articles are posted to your , and may be accessed/copied for 30 days. Due dates for books and other items are determined by the lending library prior to sending the items. The due date is the day on which the item is to be returned to the Information Desk. The average loan is typically two weeks but can vary from one week to four weeks. 

What are the overdue fines and replacement fees for ILL materials?

Overdue items incur a $1/day per item fine. Fines apply to 51蹤獲 students, staff, and faculty. If items are lost or damaged, patrons will be charged a replacement fee by the lending library. The ILL Department may suspend borrowing privileges of patrons who abuse ILL services.

What limitations are there? May I renew a loan?

Lending libraries may set limitations on certain loans such as For Use in Library Only or No Renewals. Requests for renewals must be made prior to the due date. If the request is granted, a new due date will be posted on your  by the ILL Department.