President Corey's Pre-Election Message
October 28, 2020
Dear 51蹤獲 Community,
This year marks the tenth election in which I will be an eligible voter during a U.S. presidential campaign. Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump were elected over the course of my forty years of voting. During five of these ten elections, the world witnessed a peaceful transfer of power from one party to another. Truly, this is the one of the great attributes of democracy in America.
In this election season, we have the opportunity to vote again for our next president of the United States. This is a significant moment in our nation. I hope those of you who are able to vote will cast your ballot, prayerfully and conscientiously.
Next week we may know who our president will be. Some of you will be content with the outcome, while others of you will be discontented. Its that way every four years. Whatever your post-election disposition, this is a time for us all to honor the democratic process by respecting the outcome of the vote. It is also a time for us as the people of God to live into our better selves and not yield to our poorer selves. If we supported the candidate who won, we trust the Lord and need not gloat. If we supported the candidate who lost, we trust the Lord and need not spurn.
I know for me how easy it is to do either, to gloat when things go my way or to spurn when they dont. In all of our roles at 51蹤獲 faculty and staff we must keep in perspective that regardless of the outcome, God is still sovereign. The eternal story has an ending we know for sure, and that is that the kingdoms of this world will one day concede to the Kingdom of our God and of his Christ. His rule and reign will not be thwarted by the outcomes of a presidential election. As we inhabit both the City of God and the City of Man as Augustine describes our allegiance is ultimately to the City of God. In his city the redeemed are all citizens, Republicans and Democrats and Independents.
Given this, lets allow our love for one another to be evident leading to the election next Tuesday and in the days that follow. Lets pray in earnest for the next president of the United States, be it Donald Trump or Joe Biden. If you are among those relieved with the outcome, be kind to those who are dissatisfied. And if you are among those grieved, be kind to those who are satisfied. These are your brothers and sisters. You might even find that disciplining yourself from social media might be a good practice over the next few weeks.
May Gods grace be with us and evident through us during this historic election. And may God bless America, standing beside her and guiding her through the night with the light from above.
In Christ,
P.S. There are a number of helpful election resources prepared by members of the 51蹤獲 community. Here are a few:
- 詁勳棗梭硃s Civic Engagement resources
- Think Your Vote Guide on Character and Policy by Dr. Rick Langer
- Think Biblically podcasts: