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Chapel Policies & Frequently Asked Questions

University chapels and conferences are intended to bring the 51蹤獲 community together regularly for biblical teaching, worship, spiritual nurture and wisdom regarding relevant issues facing us in our lives. Chapels are a central part of 51蹤獲s education, training students in the habits and capacities to open to the work of God in their lives. As a part of the educational mission of 51蹤獲, chapels, like classes, are required of all undergraduate students.

On this page, we cover topics such as:

Chapel Overview

Chapel Etiquette

Standard Behavioral Statement

As a Christian institution, we are intentional in gathering as the 51蹤獲 community for corporate worship and the hearing of God's Word outside of the classroom. These times are designed to foster student engagement as a community. Students are expected to honor the requests and instructions of the chapel staff. Distracting, disruptive, disrespectful or dishonest behavior may result in losing chapel credits or being fined at the discretion of the Chapel Accountability Coordinator.

Tech-Free Zone

YOU are a necessary part of the 51蹤獲 community. And you have an impact on those around you. That's why as we gather together in times of corporate worship during chapel, we need your presence and not just your attendance, for your own sake and the sake of others. Similar to silencing your phone in a movie theater, we ask each student to take the same posture when approaching chapel.

We offer an abundance of chapel credit opportunities each semester; Please choose your chapel attendance at times that you will be able to engage in chapel and not be distracted by academic requirements or electronic devices. If you need help scheduling your chapel requirements around your academic schedule, please reach out to Chapel Accountability for assistance.

Why do I have to attend chapel?

Learn more about our chapel programs on our "51蹤獲 Chapel" page.

What is my chapel/conference requirement each semester?

Full Time Undergraduate Student (12+ credits)

  • 20 Spiritual Development/Chapel Chapels + 5 Conference credits

Part Time Undergraduate Students (911 credits)

  • 12 Spiritual Development/Chapel Chapels + 3 Conference credits

8 credits or less

  • Encouraged, but not required to attend

Graduate Students

  • No requirement for graduate students

Remember, Chapels are not the only way to fulfill the 20 required Spiritual Development credits. Spiritual Direction, is another option for students to receive up to 5 credits towards their Spiritual Development requirement.

Do seniors have chapel/conference requirements?

Yes, unless your Degree Status on your Degree Audit is SO (cleared to graduate) by the deadline of March 15th for Spring graduation or by the deadline of November 15th for Fall graduation. A student who has a Degree Status of PO after the deadlines will need to complete the required amount of chapels.

If you have not submitted your grad petition, please contact the Registrar's office and let them know you need to talk to a graduation counselor to ensure you have met all academic requirements and are cleared to graduate. Your student records will be updated when you have met those requirements, and your chapel requirements will become zero. This may take a couple of days so please be patient.

If you are not graduating in the current semester, you will have a chapel and conference requirement even if you are a senior by credits.

Do commuters have a chapel/conference requirement?

Just as commuter students are expected to attend class as scheduled and fulfill their Bible minor, they are expected to fulfill their chapel requirements. However, if you have a commute that regularly takes 1 hour and 20 minutes or longer, you may contact Chapel Accountability at the beginning of the semester to request a Chapel & Conference Requirement Waiver Application.

Chapel & Conference Requirement Waiver Applications are due by the 4th week of the semester. No exceptions can be made. If we are unable to verify your employment or circumstances, your waiver cannot be approved.

Do grad students have chapel/conference requirements?

No, you do not. There is no requirement for graduate students. However, given both the caliber of speakers in our teaching chapels, and the space provided for prayer in our services of guided prayer, we encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities to integrate your faith and learning in worship.

I work full time. Do I still have to participate in chapels?

Yes, unless you are financially obligated to work 35+ hours a week and your employment has been verified by our office, you are required to participate in chapels. 

If you are financially obligated to work, please contact Chapel Accountability for a Chapel & Conference Requirement Waiver Application. 

Chapel & Conference Requirement Waiver Applications are due by the 4th week of the semester. No exceptions can be made. If we are unable to verify your employment, your work waiver cannot be approved.

Chapel Tracking and Schedules

How do I track my chapel progress?

Students must download the onto their smartphone.

Log in to the app using your email only. If you use any other email, your attendance will not be recorded to your account.

Once in chapel, scan in as directed using the buttons at the bottom of your home screen of the app (usually will be a QR code or text code).

When you scan in, your phone will ask to activate location services. Please allow while using the app as it is required for the app to track your attendance properly. The app only works if you scan when you are in chapel.

Chapels may require a scan out, so please be prepared.

If you do not have a smartphone, see a chapel host who will register your attendance.

Chapel attendance will not be recorded after 5 minutes of the scheduled start of chapel. In other words, if you are 5 minutes late you will not get chapel credit.

How do I receive credit through IAttended?

To receive credit, scan the QR code provided at chapel during entry using the IAttended app. Once scanned, the app will display a checkmark, confirming that your attendance has been recorded. Credit is received immediately after the scan is processed by your smartphone.

To confirm your credit has been applied, check your Progress tab in the app. If the credit does not appear, speak to a chapel host immediately to have it added manually.

Can I check the number of chapels I have participated in?

The most up-to-date number of chapels/conferences you have participated in can be found on your . Credit will be immediately reflected in your progress. See a chapel worker immediately if the credit is not recorded.

Where can I find the chapel schedule?

Students will attend Chapel on their own schedule. The Chapel Schedule is the most accurate source of Chapel offerings. Students will also have access to the schedule on the homepage.

Chapel Participation and Credit

What if I dont get credit for a chapel I attended?

Students are responsible for checking their chapel attendance report (found in your ) on a regular basis.

If a chapel is missing from a students chapel report, that student must contact the Office of Chapel Accountability ( within 1 week of the date of the chapel.

Any missing chapels that are not reported within 1 week of the missing chapel will not receive credit.

What if I come to chapel after the scanners are gone?

Chapel scanning ends promptly 5 minutes after chapel begins. If you arrive late, you are welcome to participate in chapel, but you will not receive chapel credit.

What if I have to leave chapel early?

If you need to leave chapel before it ends, your chapel credit will be removed.

Does Spiritual Direction count for credit?

Spiritual Direction counts for chapel credit if you meet with your Director at least twice by the last day of classes and it is not required for a class.

Meetings during finals do not count. Each session earns 1 credit, up to 5 credits per semester (in other words, you can receive between 2 and 5 credits). Your Director will report your credits to the Chapel Accountability office by the last day of classes, so plan your sessions accordingly.

Does Pastoral Care count for credit?

No, Pastoral Care does not count for chapel credit.

Special Circumstances

What if I have an extreme medical or mental health situation?

The chapel/conference requirement is a necessary portion of the curriculum and an integral part of earning a degree from 51蹤獲. Should the occasion arise, we are willing to make accommodations for extenuating circumstances that have been approved by the Learning Center or Student Care.

Students with extreme circumstances should be connected to the Office of Student Accessibility to receive academic accommodations for classes. Please contact the Office of Student Accessibility to ensure you are getting the support you need to complete the semester at 51蹤獲.

Possible Penalties

What happens if I don't go to all my chapels and conferences?

Your student account will be automatically fined $375 if you do not complete your requirement for the semester.

Note: Student loans or grants usually do not cover the chapel requirement fine.

Can I be charged the $375 fine twice in a semester if I fail both my chapels and my conferences?

No, just one $375 fine per semester.

Is it really right to fine people for not going to chapel?

All university educational requirements have some form of accountability. If you dont meet the minimum requirement of courses, for instance, you will get a non-passing grade. This in some ways, means you have to pay more (like a fine) to make up those classes, and in some cases costs students another semester.

Department Hosted Chapels

How can I get a list of the Department chapels around campus?

Check with your Department and check the chapel schedule. Please note that department chapels will only be available on certain Monday evenings 7-8 p.m. in Calvary Chapel (Mosaic Mondays) or Thursday mornings 9:30-10:20 a.m. at various locations around campus.

How do I plan a Department Hosted Chapel?

Thank you for your interest in holding a Department Chapel!

Along with our modified overall chapel schedule, we will now be offering two time slots for chapels sponsored by your department. We value your partnership in ministering to our students together through larger worship gatherings, so please know that these changes are to streamline not only our efforts in Spiritual Development, but Event Services as well. This will also give set times for students so they know when they can expect chapel credit opportunities.

  1. If you need Event Services support, we ask that you plan for your chapel on Mosaic Mondays from 7-8 pm in Calvary Chapel. You will still need to cover the Events Services costs as well as the chapel scanner fees (which has been standard practice already). You can focus the chapel content with your department in mind, but we do anticipate that a wider portion of our student body will attend these chapels.

  2. If you do NOT need Event Services support, we will ask you to plan for chapels on Thursdays at 9:30-10:20 am for Community Chapels sponsored by your department. You will need to book the room through 25Live on your own, and chapel scanner fees will also be covered by your department (again, this has been standard practice already). Per usual, ALL students must be welcome to attend the chapel sponsored by your department though you can tailor the content toward your primary audience.

Please note: whether you want a Monday evening or Thursday morning time slot, you will need to complete an application form with our chapel accountability office by mid-August. Only one chapel hosted by a department will be allowed per time slot. We will disperse the chapels as equally as possible throughout the semester. Each department will be allowed to host up to 3 chapels per semester. We will NOT be granting chapel credit for events after the semester begins. The form to submit your request is listed here: .

Chapels hosted by a department should be characterized by being chiefly a Godward time that has as its end (telos) interaction with, enjoyment, knowledge, and worship of God and fellowship with others. Although the chapel may be geared towards a specific major or vocation, the chapel must be open to the whole student body and 51蹤獲 community at no cost. Chapels sponsored by a department could be characterized by a number of elements:

  • Personal and vocational testimonies from faculty, staff, and students that serve to mentor others not merely in their professional lives but in the life of faith.

  • Teaching from the Word or on wisdom from the discipline that connects with or expands upon the truths and commands of scripture.

  • Musical and non-musical worship.

  • Discussion of and reflection on readings or media that bring those present into a deeper knowledge and awareness of God and his kingdom.

A department chapel should not be a time characterized chiefly by:

  • Curricular lecture (e.g. visiting lecturer on some aspect of the discipline apart from a significant integration or implications for faith, wisdom, etc.)

  • Awareness or promotion of particular ministries or clubs on campus (we dont want a club or ministry external to the dept. using a dept. chapel as has happened)

  • Exclusively social or fellowship

  • Academic or informational orientation or meetings

  • Awards ceremonies

  • Academic advising

Consider your target audience and your subsequent outcomes for your time together. What God is doing in their lives? How is God working and moving? What are they bringing with them to your chapel? What are their felt and actual needs? How could you minister to, equip, and teach them during this time?

Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any questions (, or would like some assistance ensuring your Department Chapel is a success!

-The Office of Chapel Accountability