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All Episodes

Watch: Video tapings of 51蹤獲 Hour conversations .
Listen: Podcasts are available below or wherever you find your podcasts.
Reflect: B-sides are follow-up podcasts where we continue the conversation with various students.

Ep 65:
Dr. Lucy Peppiatt
The Disciple

Dr. Lucy Peppiatt - Principal of Westminster Theological Centre, pastor at Crossnet Anglican Church, and author of The Disciple and recently released Rediscovering Scriptures Vision for Women - discusses her journey as a female theologian and what shes learned about discipleship throughout her years serving the Church. Her insights provide important wisdom on whats missing in Western paradigms of discipleship and practical ways to follow Jesus more wholeheartedly. (Coming soon)

65b: Sorry, no b-side episode!

Ep 64:
Dominic Done
Finding God in the Shadow of Doubt

Dr. Dominic Done - pastor of Westside: A Jesus Church, professor of applied theology at George Fox University, and author of When Faith Fails - discusses the importance of doubt in our faith. Not only does he share his experiences of doubt, but the ways he learned to walk through doubt to develop a bigger perspective of God. His emphasis on compassion and mercy is so necessary for those who are currently experiencing doubts in their faith. (Coming soon)

64b: Landon hosts a conversation with Jordan and Shelbi Shutt, 51蹤獲 alumni and staff members at Westside: A Jesus Church. Mike Ahn joins in on the conversation as they all reflect on the importance of doubt in our faith, and reflect on Gods faithfulness through their spiritual walks. (Coming soon)

Ep 63:
Dr. Deborah Taylor
Leaning into Gods Gifts

Dr. Deborah Taylor has served as the Provost and Senior Vice President at 51蹤獲 since 2015. Her leadership journey might be untraditional, but it highlights her dependence on Gods grace and her courage to step into the gifts and callings Hes placed in her life. Her wisdom is not only practical and helpful, but points us to a deeper walk with God.

63b: Landon hosts a conversation about women in leadership with 51蹤獲s Dean of Community Life, Sandy Hough, and President of the Student Missionary Union, Carly Micheal. They discuss the importance of discovering their own gifts and then leaning into those gifts as women leaders. They share openly about the ups and downs of their own leadership journeys. (Coming soon)

Ep 62:
Dean Yamada
Faith, Film, and Finding Your Voice

Dean Yamada is an award-winning filmmaker and professor at 51蹤獲, with experience in producing, directing, and screenwriting. He oversees the 51蹤獲 Film each year, and our new School of Cinema & Media Arts can only be possible with professors like him. Dean discusses the importance of finding our voices, not only in artistic expression, but also in our walks with God. [] (Coming soon)

62b: Landon White talks with two students - Kyle Venberg and Bailey Captain - to continue the conversation on thriving in a social media world. (Coming soon)

Ep 61:
Carolyn Kim
Human Thriving in Social Media

Carolyn Kim is an award-winning Public Relations professor at 51蹤獲. Under her leadership, Public Relations became a major in 2014 at 51蹤獲, and will become its own department starting this fall. She is the author of Social Media Campaigns and editor of Public Relations: Competencies and Practice. Dr. Kim provides practical ways to live out our faith and thrive in our communications-saturated world. []

61b: Landon White talks with two students - Kyle Venberg and Bailey Captain - to continue the conversation on thriving in a social media world.

Blog: Sydney Perry reflects on Ep 61: Who Are You Offline?.

Ep 60:
Octavio Cesar Martinez
Fatherhood and Forgiveness

Octavio Cesar Martinez has worked as a pastor, police chaplain, and sales
manager, among other things. He's written a new book called It Was a Beautiful Day When My Father Died, which explores the themes of fatherhood and forgiveness in a disarmingly heartfelt, raw, and honest way. We discuss the importance of forgiveness, especially to the ones that it is most difficult. []

60b: Landon White talks with four students - Bailey Giersch, Dee Jacocks, Olivia Maldonado, and Courtney Johnson - to continue the conversation on fatherhood and forgiveness.

Ep 59:
Chip Roper
Chores and Treehouses

Chip Roper - President of the VOCA center in New York City - discusses the importance of understanding our calling in the way we approach our career and jobs. He and his team coach and train people to be more effective and joy-filled in their workplaces, and we get a taste of that in this podcast. []

59b: Landon White talks with three students - Josh Oglesby, Jennifer Aspland, and Kyle Venberg - to continue the conversation on career and calling.

Ep 58:
Jennifer Guerra Aldana
Cultural Identity and Faith Formation

Jennifer Guerra Aldana - Manager of Multicultural Initiatives at Fuller Youth Institute and Pastor of La Fuente Ministries (a bilingual, intercultural ministry of First Church of the Nazarene Pasadena). We learn about how our cultural identity plays into our faith formation, and how the context of our faith is as important as the content of our faith.  []

58b: Landon White talks with three students - Jacob Cooperstein, Alyssa Jupiter, and Tiffany Santillan - to continue the conversation on cultural identity and faith formation.

Ep 57:
Matt Redman
May I Never Lose the Wonder

Matt Redman - worship leader and songwriter - has written many modern classics that are sung all over the world like Heart of Worship, Blessed Be Your Name, and 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord). We discuss his ministry, his walk with Jesus, and how he usually can't predict the success of a song. []

57b: Landon White talks with three students - Kaylee Kyle, Benjamin Lee, and Hope Langston - to continue the conversation on worship as a lifestyle.

Blog: Sydney Perry reflects on Ep 57: The Power of Worship.

Ep 56:
David Kinnaman
Faith for Exiles

David Kinnaman - President of the and 51蹤獲 trustee - joins us to discuss his new book, . His past research in books like and have been pivotal in understanding the spirituality of young Christians, and his new research helps unpack what resilient discipleship looks like for young Christians today. []

56b: Landon White talks with three students - Karissa Gaffney, Michael McKay, and Emily Smith - to continue the conversation on resilient discipleship in Gen Z.

Blog: Hannah Harkness reflects on Ep 56: Are We Home Yet?.

Ep 55:
Christopher Barragan
Loneliness and the Art of Friendships

Chris Barragan - Assistant Director of Pastoral Care at 51蹤獲 - oversees pastoral care on campus and small groups like The Dwelling, our on campus ministry for students that experience same-sex attraction or identify as lgbtq, and Depths, a program for students seeking freedom from pornography. He discusses the loneliness epidemic and how we might better develop healthy relationships. []

55b: Landon White talks with three students - Lavender Tonini, Kayton Garcia, and Evita Larissa - to continue the conversation on loneliness and the art of friendships.

Blog: Hannah Harkness reflects on Ep 55: Alone in a Crowded Room.

Ep 54:
Lena Byrd-Miles
The Gospel in Gospel Music

Lena Byrd-Miles - gospel artist and worship leader - discusses the rich biblical and spiritual tradition of gospel music. She recognizes how gospel music provides proper joy in the Lord even amidst unspeakable hardship. []

54b: Amir talks with four students - Emi Larsen, Isaac Escamilla, Colleen Sammons, and Amina Edache - to continue the conversation on gospel music and worship leading.

Blog: Becky Mitchell reflects on Ep 54: Singing for the Joy of the Lord.

Ep 53:
Lisa Swain
Media as Human Expression

Lisa Swain - film professor at 51蹤獲s School of Cinema and Media Arts - discusses how media environments and media itself affect the way we interact with content. Her unique skill set in media production and media criticism from a faith perspective (credits include Anger Management, Big Fish, Varsity Blues, Face/Off) provides helpful ways for us to converse with content instead of simply consuming it. []

53b: Amir talks with students - Matthew Jordan and Johann Malasig - to continue the conversation on media ecology from a faith perspective.

Blog: Becky Mitchell reflects on Ep 53: Process What You See.

Ep 52:
TaTyana Leonard
Sports and Spirituality

TaTyana Leonard - Associate Campus Pastor for Preaching and Spiritual Programming at Azusa Pacific University - joins us to discuss her storied softball career (she still holds the LA City career strikeout record!) and how her faith developed on the field. She reminds us of the importance of finding our complete identity in Christ, and how it leads us to excellence in everything we do. []

52b: Amir talks with students - Colleen Sammons and Tracy Brooks - to continue the conversation on sports and identity in Christ.

Blog: Becky Mitchell reflects on Ep 52: What Does Success Mean to You.

Ep 51:
Steve Lindsey
Faith in a Gig Economy

Steve Lindsey - Executive Director of the - discusses the importance of approaching the modern gig economy with a sense of calling. He not only points us to the inherent significance of our jobs in Gods Kingdom work, but to the value in participating with Gods redemptive plan through our vocations. []

51b: Amir talks with students - Shane Rojas, Hannah Harkness, and Evita Larissa - to continue the conversation on vocation and the gig economy.

Blog: Becky Mitchell reflects on Ep 51: The Lord Has Business for You.

Ep 50:
John Perkins
One Blood

 - civil rights activist and author of the recently released  - discusses the importance of multiethnic reconciliation and justice. His work over the past few decades has paved the way for deeper conversations on race, ethnicity, and culture. This session was part of 51蹤獲's SCORR conference, where he was awarded the Charles W. Colson Conviction and Courage Award. []  

50b: Amir sits down with students - Yukari Becker (51蹤獲), Caleb Norris (Asbury University), Angela Pachanian (Azusa Pacific University), and Kyle Thompson (Simpson University) - to continue the conversation on multiethnic reconciliation and justice. 

Ep 49:
Doreen Dodgen-Magee
Doing Nothing Deliciously

 - psychologist and author of the recently released  - discusses the effects of technology on our well-being. Her warnings are not only informative and research-based, but are coupled with compassionate and practical ways to develop habits to flourish. [] 

49b: Landon sits down with students - Connor Pfaff, Joe Kim, and Hannah Harkness - to continue the conversation on technology and well-being.

Blog: Becky Mitchell reflects on Ep 49: Finding Rest in Pencils and Paper, Again.

Ep 48:
Laura Dryjanska
Human Trafficking is Not OK

Dr. Laura Dryjanska - professor of social psychology at 51蹤獲 - brings our attention to human trafficking and its dangers. As a researcher who focuses on social representations applied to fields like human trafficking, her knowledge, compassion, and wisdom are important for us to figure out how to be part of the solution. []

48b: Amir sits down with Alyssa Miller, the president of 51蹤獲's human trafficking club to continue the conversation on the human trafficking and modern slavery. 

Blog: Becky Mitchell reflects on Ep 48: Shine a Light on Child Soldiers.

Ep 47:
Oscar Merlo
Poured Out

Oscar Merlo - Director of 51蹤獲's Center for the Study of the Work and Ministry of the Holy Spirit Today - discusses the importance of not only relating to the Father and Son, but the Holy Spirit as well. We hear about Oscar's travels, especially in Latin America, and how the Holy Spirit is at work around the world. []

47b: Amir sits down with students - Tracy Brooks and Evita Larissa - to continue the conversation on the Holy Spirit and his activity around the world.

Blog: Becky Mitchell reflects on Ep 47. A Testimony of the Holy Spirit, Too.

Ep 46:
Shelley Garcia
Majoring in the Minors

Dr. Shelley Garcia - English professor at 51蹤獲 - discusses the importance of broadening our perspectives by reading authors that might be outside of our tradition. As an educator who's developed many important courses at 51蹤獲, she reminds us of the significance of story and the impact that minority voices in literature can have in our lives. []

46b: Amir sits down with students - Molly Larsen, Hannah Harkness, and Derrick Keller - to continue the conversation on minority voices and story.

Blog: Becky Mitchell reflects on Ep 46: Listen to Minority Voices, Too.

Ep 45:
Albert Tate
MLK's Legacy Today

Albert Tate - lead pastor of , executive director of , and board member for and - discusses Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s life, teaching, and legacy. Albert talks about MLK's impact on his own perspective and ministry, and how we might intentionally participate in the kingdom value of reconciliation. []

45b: Landon sits down with students - Jennifer Aspland, Brianna Reynolds, and Annie Kim - to continue the conversation on MLK and making his dream a reality.

Blog: Becky Mitchell reflects on Ep 45. Join God's Kingdom Come.

Ep 44:
Caleb Kaltenbach
God of Tomorrow

- author of and - discusses his new book and how we might confidently face our futures. He not only shares his story of what it was like growing up with three gay parents, but how Christians might better engage with our neighbors and the wider culture around us.

44b: Amir sits down with students - Jared Nilo, Isaac Adams, and Molly Larsen - to continue the conversation on the tension of grace and truth [].

Blog: Becky Mitchell reflects on Ep 44: Love is Not Based on Agreement.

Ep 43:
Seun Otukpe (S.O.)
Finding Satisfaction in Christ

Nigerian-born and London-raised hip hop artist, , encourages us to find satisfaction in Christ in all we do. His music is labeled "emo rap" because he bears his soul on his records. He's a rapper with a real message, representing Christ above all else. 

43b: Landon sits down with students - Sarah Lim, Chris Blanco, and Josh Durant - to continue the conversation on joy and art. [].

Ep 42:
Andy Bales
Devastated by Homelessness

Andy Bales attended 51蹤獲 in the 1970s and lived in Stewart Hall which was named after one of 51蹤獲s founders, Lyman Stewart. Ironically, Stewart also founded the Union Rescue Mission in 1891 (51蹤獲 was actually founded afterward in 1908), where Andy currently serves as CEO. He discusses the crisis of homelessness in Los Angeles, and how we might become part of the solution.

42b: Amir sits down with students - Amina Edache, Tracy Brooks, and Emi Larsen - to continue the conversation on homelessness and Christian responsibility. [].

Blog: Becky Mitchell reflects on Ep 42: Thoughts on Homelessness.

Ep 41:
Michelle La
From Biochemistry to the Big Screen

- star of the new film - talks about her path after graduation from 51蹤獲 ('11). As a biochemistry major, she got a job working in a lab analyzing waste water, but her career path took an unexpected turn. She became an actor and discusses the ups and downs of Hollywood life.

41b: Landon sits down with students - Amina Edache, Joseph Kim, and Yasmine Garcia - to continue the conversation on vocational decisions and career pathways. [].

Ep 40:
Alan Noble
Disruptive Witness

- English professor at Oklahoma Baptist University and co-founder/editor-in-chief - joins us to discuss his new book, . His prophetic vision for our generation is important to pay attention to, especially as he provides practical ways to better witness to our changing world.

40b: Amir sits down with students -Tiffany Santillan, Tracy Brooks, and Chris Blanco to continue the conversation on Christian witness and Western culture. [].

Blog: Becky Mitchell reflects on Ep 40: Dear Child Please Relax.

Ep 39:
David Lowry
Pick Up Your Funky Mat!

Dr. David Shane Lowry - Anthropology professor and acting chair of the department at 51蹤獲 - discusses the importance of acknowledging and reconciling Native American realities. He is currently writing two books - one on Michael Jordan, and one on his own tribe, the Lumbee tribe in North Carolina, and how they became a hub for healing in America.

39b: Landon sits down with students - Joseph Morales, Julia Upshaw, and Cole Williams - to continue the conversation on anthropology and Native American realities. [].

Blog: Becky Mitchell reflects on Ep 39: We are on Native American Land.

Ep 38:
Joy Qualls
Christian Engagement in Politics

- professor/chair of Communication Studies at 51蹤獲 and author of - talks about our Christian responsibility to engage in politics. Joys specialty is in political and religious communication and her thoughts on this podcast are very helpful in navigating our current political landscape.

38b: Landon sits down with students - Molly Larsen, Amina Edache, and Yasmine Garcia - to continue the conversation on Christians and politics.[]

Blog: Becky Mitchell reflects on Ep 38: A Perspective on Politics.

Ep 37:
Chad Miller
God-concept and God-image

Chad Miller, 51蹤獲's Director of Student-led Ministries and Spiritual Formation, discusses how it's not only important to know God conceptually, but to know him relationally. He makes connections with his father and children to help us see what our relationships with God might look like.

37b: Amir sits down with students - Connor Pfaff, Meagan Chung, and Hannah Harkness - to continue the conversation on God-concepts and God-images. [].

Blog: Becky Mitchell reflects on Ep 37: The Father's Embrace.

Ep 36:
Dianne Collard
Choosing to Forgive

Dianne Collard - missionary, artist, and spiritual mentor - shares her story of tragedy, and how God used the dark moments of her life to set a new trajectory and calling through forgiveness and the arts. She's also the author of , which unpacks her story more in depth.

36b: Landon sits down with students - Molly Larsen, Aubrey Dela Cruz, and Zach Guerrero - to continue the conversation on healing, forgiveness, and the arts. [].

Blog: Becky Mitchell reflects on Ep 36: The Truth of Forgiveness.

Ep 35:
Jessica Rey
The Business of Beauty

Jessica Rey - , , , Advisory Board Member of 51蹤獲's Startup Competition, and former Power Ranger - shares how her faith informs her business practices. Not only are her products ethically made and environmentally friendly, her designs promote modesty and the inherent dignity of each person.

35b: Landon sits down with students - Amir Girgis, Elaine Fung, and Sofia Franco - to continue the conversation on redemptive entrepreneurship. [].

Blog: Sam Gassaway reflects on Ep 35: Habits of the Hottest.

Ep 34:
Charles Ryu
Escaping North Korea

Charles Ryu - Advocacy Intern at - shares his story about fleeing North Korea...twice. His refugee story reminds us that safety and freedom are not a given, and that we have a Christian calling to upend systems of injustice. Be sure to catch the original song by in the middle!

34b: Mike and Lisa sit down with "Rachel", 51蹤獲's first North Korean student, to share reactions to Charles' story and share her own. [].

Blog: Sam Gassaway reflects on Ep 34: The Bride of Christ in Chains.

Ep 33:
Allen Yeh
Still Evangelical

Dr. Allen Yeh - missiologist, professor of intercultural studies, author of , and contributor to - joins us to discuss the term "Evangelical" and its PR problem. His expertise in global Christianity helps frame the conversation and mirror what we might lack in Western Christianity. Be sure to catch the original song by in the middle!

33b: Dr. Todd Pickett and Landon White sit down with Nadia Lauren to continue the conversation on Evangelicalism. [].

Blog: Sam Gassaway reflects on Ep 33: For the Love of Heresy: Evangelical is not a Curse Word.

Ep 32:
Jamie Sanchez
Cultivating Community

Dr. Jamie Sanchez - professor of intercultural studies - joins us to discuss the lost art of developing deep, meaningful friendships. College seems like a place where friendships just bloom, but the pervasiveness of loneliness tells us that we need to be more intentional in how we approach friendships.

32b: Mike sits down with two students - Hannah Harkness and Megan Collins - to continue the conversation on spiritual friendships. [].

Blog: Sam Gassaway reflects on Ep 32: Space of Grace: Friendships as Intimacy.

Ep 31:
Noreen Muehlhoff
The Christian Dating World

Noreen Muehlhoff - 51蹤獲 chapel programs administrator, Family Life marriage conference speaker, and former Cru staff member for 30 years - joins us to discuss the dysfunctional nature of dating in Christian circles. She provides a helpful definition of dating and delineates practical steps to more intentionally enter non-/pre-romantic friendships.

31b: Mike sits down with three students - Molly Larsen, Emma Denis, and Mikayla Stiff - to continue the conversation on dating in Christian circles. [].

Blog: Sam Gassaway reflects on Ep 31: Failure is not an Option.

Ep 30:
For All Seasons

- Emily Hamilton, Johnny Hamilton, and Jeff Luckey - join us to discuss their new album, Clarity. As 51蹤獲 alumni, they share their wisdom in developing their calling as traveling worship leaders, the highs and lows of full-time music ministry, and how they've learned to trust God in all seasons of life.

30b: Mike sits down with three students - Justin Sinclair, Raeann Lopez, and Michael Ramirez - to continue the conversation on music and culture. []

Blog: Sam Gassaway reflects on Ep 30: Fan Thyself in the Fire.

Ep 29:
Arianna Molloy
Meaningful Work

- professor, speaker, consultant, and speech coach - joins us to discuss the importance of developing meaningful work in our lives. She explains why it is so crucial that we find meaningful work, and how we can steward it well for the glory of God.

29b: Landon White and Lisa Ishihara sit down with two students - Josh Durant and Megan Collins - to continue the conversation on meaningful work and calling. []

Blog: Sam Gassaway reflects on Ep 29: Work Like You Mean It.

Ep 28:
Sarah Schwartz
Be a Good Girl

- writer, speaker, and founding member of 51蹤獲's Women's Resource Collective, GRIT - joins us to discuss how the empowerment of women is actually the empowerment all people. Her wisdom and insight in the gender conversation, especially as it is played out in Christian circles, are thoughtful, nuanced, and winsome.

28b: Mike and Lisa sit down with two students - Celeste Scott and Sofia Franco - to continue the conversation on gender and faith. []

Blog: Sam Gassaway reflects on Ep 28: Oh my Goodness: How we are Losing our Potential for Positive Change.

Ep 27:
Paul Sohn
Quarter-Life Calling

- leadership coach, speaker, and founder of - sits down with Mike to discuss his new book, . Paul demystifies the notion of calling and delineates practical ways to approach our life with God.

27b: Lisa and Landon sit down with two students - Dillon Yoon and Daisy Krigbaum - to continue the conversation on quarter-life crises and calling. []

Blog: Sam Gassaway reflects on Ep 27: The Quarterlife Question.

Ep 26:
Alma Zaragoza-Petty
Haves and Have-Nots

Dr. Alma Zaragoza-Petty - sociologist, educator, and cohost of - joins us to discuss how inequities in education affect social issues. Her wisdom invites us to not only be aware, but to truly care for the marginalized.

26b: Mike sits down with two students - Jacob Keeth and Raeann Lopez - to continue the conversation on education and social justice. []

Blog: Sam Gassaway reflects on Ep 26: Prizes To Be Won.

Ep 25:
Phillip Chang
Calling in the Marketplace

Phillip Chang - founder and CEO of - joins us to talk about how he navigates faith in a competitive business environment. In a world where being a successful Christian businessperson can be seen as an oxymoron, Phillip provides an important vision for spirituality in the marketplace.

25b: Landon sits down with three students - Sammy Belgum, Elaine Fung, and Anolyne De Guzman - to continue the conversation on business and faith. []

Blog: Sam Gassaway reflects on Ep 25: The Third G.

Ep 24:
Peter David Gross
God Wants Us To Grow Up

Peter Gross - executive director of - joins us to talk about the importance of #christianadulthood in a culture that values adolescence. A compelling vision for adulthood is not missing only in broader cultural narratives, but it seems to be completely absent in our churches as well.

24b: Mike sits down with two students - Amanda Estrella-Guerra and Isaiah Bernados - to continue the conversation on adulthood and growth. []

Ep 23:
Brett McCracken

- senior editor at - joins us to discuss his new book . As a millennial, he's noticed that church has become more about catering to felt needs rather than a deep focus on the important matters of faith and holiness. Instead of fearing discomfort, Christians need to develop faithfulness and character through resilience within a church body.

23b: Mike sits down with three students - Rachel Alexander, Jennifer Aspland, and Cole Fencl - to continue the conversation on church engagement and spiritual formation. []

Blog: Sam Gassaway reflects on Ep 23: Out-Gospel the Growing.

Ep 22:
Tim Muehlhoff
Winsome Persuasion

Dr. - professor, speaker, and author - joins us to discuss his new book (co-written with Dr. Rick Langer), . He answers questions that Christians must wrestle through in our post-Christian age: How can we be persuasive and loving at the same time? How do we respond to the caricatures that shape our society's views of Christianity? How do we engage and challenge the beliefs of other communities with respect and civility?

22b: Todd Pickett sits down with three students - Paul Forbes, Katy Webster, and Sofia Franco - to continue the conversation on civility and neighbor love. []

Blog: Sam Gassaway reflects on Ep 22: Love on the Wrong Side.

Ep 21:
Arlene Pellicane
Technology and Habits

, speaker and author, joins us to discuss her new book, . We discuss the ways technology shapes our habits, relationships, and worldviews, and how we might develop more awareness of this. Arlene also provides practical ways to create good boundaries in our technology use so that we can more appropriate relate with our devices and people around us.

21b: Mike sits down with two students - Josh Durant and Judy Kim - to continue the conversation on technology and habits. []

Blog: Sam Gassaway reflects on Ep 21: A Herd of Scapegoats.

Ep 20:
Lisa Igram
Outside-in Spirituality

Lisa Igram, the Associate Dean of Spiritual Development, discusses the importance of the body in our spiritual journeys. As a current Ph.D. student researching embodied spirituality, she provides an important perspective on balancing our bodies and feelings with our beliefs and doctrines.

20b: Mike sits down with three students - Brenda Arellano, Molly Larsen, and Justin Sinclair - to continue the conversation on embodied spirituality. []

Blog: Sam Gassaway reflects on Ep 20: Fleshly Prison or Beautiful Vessel.

Ep 19:
Josh Smith
Immigration and Loving Your Neighbor

Josh Smith is the pastor of in Monrovia, CA. As the church interacted with their neighbors, they realized that a community need was in immigration. Thus, they started the to serve their community. With President Trump's call to terminate DACA last week (on 9/5/17), Pastor Josh is uniquely positioned to speak on immigration and DACA from a pastoral and theological perspective.

19b: Landon sits down with three students - Kayla Bumpass, Nadia Lauren, and Tebraie Johns - to continue the conversation on immigration. []

Blog: Sam Gassaway reflects on Ep 19: The Monarchs of Our Time.

Ep 18:
Christa Dietzen
Performance Anxiety and Identity

, captain of the US Women's Volleyball Team in last year's Rio Olympics, shares the side of an athlete we rarely get to hear about - performance anxiety. She shares how her faith and practical spirituality helped center herself more deeply in her identity in Christ and gave her the strength to overcome her performance anxiety.

Lisa Igram, Landon White, and Mike Ahn discuss the wisdom from last week's podcast, especially the practicality of developing spiritual habits. Sometimes we see spiritual disciplines as burdensome and overwhelming, but they discuss a refreshing way to approach spirituality in a more helpful and meaningful way.

Ep 17:
Matt Lewis
Worship in a Self-Help Culture

Matt Lewis has nearly two decades of experience as a worship leader, technical advisor, conference speaker, and local church pastor. Landon White has nearly a decade of experience in similar capacities. Together, they sit down and unpack the importance of reimagining our worship services. Instead of simply adopting values from our entertainment culture, they believe that we should start with biblical principles and discipleship in mind.

Lisa Igram, Chad Miller, and Mike Ahn unpack lessons from the previous podcast, especially the idea of crafting worship services with process more than perfection in mind. They brainstorm ways that worship services can better reflect the actual experiences of the congregation so that we can be more in tune with what the Holy Spirit might be doing in our everyday lives.

Ep 16:
Matt Jenson & Carol Sato
Intergenerational Discipleship

Dr. Matt Jenson teaches theology in 51蹤獲's Torrey Honors College and Carol Sato serves as an administrator at their local church. They have generational differences which are magnified by ethnic, cultural, and gender differences as well. Still, their relationship is a beautiful picture into what the church is meant to be - a place where believers can encourage each other into deeper discipleship.

Lisa Ishihara, Landon White, and Mike Ahn unpack the relevance of intergenerational discipleship and how that's played an important part of their own walks with God. They talk about how comfort and compartmentalization help us feel more effective in our church settings when we might be called to being more present and open to our differences.

Ep 15:
Brooke Mardell
Grief, Hope, and a Wild Belover

Brooke Mardell does a lot of things - she's a lawyer, runs a , and is a /speaker/. Going through extreme sorrow a few years ago, she had a difficult time finding appropriate resources to help her process grief well. She's had to learn on her own, and through her own investigation of the Bible, she wrote a to help others along that journey. In this episode, she recognizes that the church doesn't do grief well, and invites us to look at the lows of life as opportunities to know God better.

Chris Barragan, Justin Sinclair, and Mike Ahn sit down to discuss the grief in their lives - from romantic breakups to unexpected family deaths to helping friends cope with tragedy. They jump into this conversation a bit unsure of what to expect, but they realize the importance of "sitting in our Saturdays" to develop the resilience necessary to recognize God's presence in the most trying times of life.

Ep 14:
Eugene Cho
How to Change the World

Eugene Cho, a pastor (), activist (), and author (), wonders if Christians are more in love with the idea of changing the world than actually participating in changing the world. He provides a winsome, holistic, and captivating picture of what disciples should look like as they engage in issues that are close to God's heart.

Lisa Igram, Chad Miller, and Mike Ahn continue to unpack the wisdom from Eugene Cho in last week's podcast. They discuss how they've fallen short in the ways they approached short-term mission trips, worship music, multiculturalism, and social justice issues - and how they've learned to engage well in these issues that are close to God's heart.

Ep 13:
Adam Edgerly
Unity in Diversity

Adam Edgerly, pastor of , cultural consultant, and 51蹤獲 board member, explains the importance of diverse perspectives in the Christian life. He believes that having a multicultural worldview is not simply a preference but a gospel-driven mandate. He is not only well-versed in the race conversation, but provides an important voice to unify the church that might feel segregated along racial lines.

Todd Pickett, Chad Miller, and Mike Ahn continue to discuss unity in diversity as they unpack the lessons from the previous podcast. They come from widely different backgrounds, but come together in the gospel-driven, multicultural worldview that Adam explained. As they share their experiences, they recognize how race has shaped their perspectives, and how we might all be thoughtful and action-oriented about such an important topic in America today.

Ep 12:
Penny Nance
Sanctity of Human Life

Penny Nance, CEO of and author of , explains the importance of advocating for the sanctity of life. She believes that being pro-life is being pro-woman, and being truly feminist is to stand up for the unborn. This is obviously a politicized issue, but she brings clarity and hope to such a divisive topic.

Lisa Igram, Landon White, and Mike Ahn discuss the unborn, politics, and feminism as they unpack the lessons from the previous podcast. They readily admit that they bring different biases and perspectives into this discussion, but as they share their experiences, they recognize the importance of being thoughtful and action-oriented about such a hot topic.

Ep 11:
Nancy Yuen
Reel Inequality

Dr. , Sociology Professor and Author of , discusses the importance of representation in movies. She unpacks the impact of Hollywood's lack of representation and how that affects people of color in particular. This is more than a conversation on race, but one that speaks to the importance of people being made in the image of God.

Lisa Ishihara, Chris Barragan, and Mike Ahn unpack the the previous podcast with Nancy Yuen. They are all people of color who love watching movies, but feel left out because of the lack of representation in media. This conversation reminds us that our individual stories provide deep identity and worth to our existence, and to have our stories truncated or dictated to us through stereotypes on the big screen is an injustice to the image of God in all of us.

Ep 10:
Derek Minor
The Land of Opportunity

Hip-hop artist, , discusses how spirituality, creativity, and inequity have been important catalysts to his music. He shares lessons from experiences around the world, ranging from spiritual insights to social critiques. Derek is the co-founder of the record label, Reflection Music Group, and his latest album is also titled, Reflection.

Landon White, Justin Sinclair, and Mike Ahn unpack the previous podcast with Derek Minor, and discuss the interplay between spirituality and creativity. They approach the subject as musicians and worship leaders, and talk through inspiration and innovation, especially in the context of Christian music and art. Their insights are important in helping frame artistic expression in the context of everyday situations.

Ep 9:
Tania Abouezzeddine
Arabs, Muslims, and Misperceptions

Dr. Tania Abouezzeddine, a 51蹤獲 psychology professor, shares her insights about Arabs, Muslims, and the misperceptions Christians might have of them - and ultimately, how this is hurting the Christian message to the Arab world. Her insights are extremely helpful in understanding current events like the Syrian refugee crisis, ISIS, and islamophobia. Tania specializes in pediatric neuropsychology, and is actively involved in ministry, both within her community and internationally.

Dr. Todd Pickett, Lisa Igram, and Mike Ahn discuss Dr. Tania Abouezzeddine's insights on Arab/Western relations from the previous podcast. Their discussion of fear/vulnerability, compassion/compromise, dwelling/seeking, and invitations to wisdom are helpful to process what it means to be good neighbors to the people around us, especially those of Middle Eastern descent.

Ep 8:
Barry Corey
Being Christian in a Post-Christian World

51蹤獲's president, Dr. Barry Corey, shares his vision for Christians thriving in a post-Christian world. Although the faith might be thriving in other parts of the globe, Christians in the West must re-imagine what their faith looks like in a world that is increasingly hostile toward organized religion. Dr. Corey's insights are not only compelling and insightful, but they are valuable and prophetic. He is also the author of .

Chris Barragan, Lisa Ishihara, and Mike Ahn discuss their experiences of being Christians in an increasingly post-Christian America. They discuss Dr. Corey's insights, and make important connections to their experiences of church, evangelism, and spirituality. They notice that Christians have a difficult time sitting in tension, and how that is hurting our ability to listen well, understand people's reservations about the faith, and winsomely live out an abundant life in Christ.

Ep 7:
Carrie Stockton
Flourishing in Singleness

Though marriage is important, Christian culture tends to elevate marriage above singleness - so much so that singles feel like second-class citizens in many of our churches. Carrie Stockton, 51蹤獲's Dean of Student Success, reminds us that our marital status does not determine our core identity. She invites us to see that God is actively and presently working in the circumstances He's placed us in.

Lisa Igram, Todd Pickett, and Mike Ahn unpack Carrie Stockton's interview about how to flourish in singleness. They reflect on important issues brought up by Carrie, and make applications to their real life situations. All three approach singleness from their own perspectives, and they highlight the importance of living out our callings in the life stage we're in.

Ep 6:
Fred Sanders
The Trinity and "The Shack"

Dr. Fred Sanders, author of , discusses how the doctrine of the Trinity is portrayed in the book, "The Shack." In this balanced discussion, Fred unpacks the implications of weak trinitarian theology as it is played out in literature and art. Fred teaches systematic theology at 51蹤獲's Torrey Honors College.

Todd Pickett, Landon White, and Mike Ahn unpack their experiences of the book and movie, "The Shack." They reflect on the important issues brought up by Fred Sanders, and consider other benefits and hindrances of the book/movie.

Ep 5:
Dave Wang
Stress Management and Emotional Regulation

Dr. Dave Wang discusses stresses management and emotional regulation and provides tangible ways to cope with the ups and downs of life. As a psychology professor, licensed psychologist, and local church pastor, Dave's experiences provide a depth of wisdom to help people understand themselves, their relationships with others, and their relationships with God. His practical way of discussing emotions and spirituality is both practical and inspiring.

Todd Pickett, Lisa Igram, and Mike Ahn follow up with a discussion on emotions and spirituality. Though the cognitive domain tends to rule the way we approach spirituality, they unpack the importance of listening to our emotions as an imperative avenue to relate with God.

Ep 4:
Carolyn McKinstry
Racial Reconciliation in Today's Culture

Guest host Evan Rosa sits down with Rev. Dr. Carolyn McKinstry, who survived the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama, on September 15, 1963. The explosion took the lives of four of Carolyn's friends, and became a catalytic moment in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's. Carolyn shares from a deep well of wisdom and helps make important connections to today's racial unrest. She is the author of .

Lisa Ishihara, Chad Miller, and Mike Ahn discuss their takeaways from Carolyn McKinstry, and make connections with their life stories. They discuss the lessons they are taking away from Carolyn, especially as they reflect on her resilience, graciousness, and wisdom. They consider possibilities of how Christians might grow in the conversation of racial reconciliation, especially since it seems to be a central theme throughout the Bible.

Ep 3:
Stephanie (Sanford) Calley
Identity Development in a Global Community

Stephanie (Sanford) Calley and Mike Ahn discuss the importance of intercultural competence in our increasingly global world. With her experience as an overseas missionary and professor, Steph provides keen insight into culture and spirituality that frames the importance of difference in our Christian calling to love others. Steph is currently the Director of Global Student Programs and Development at 51蹤獲.

Chad Miller, Lisa Ishihara, and Mike Ahn discuss their takeaways from episode 3, and make connections with their life stories. They have worked together since 2012, and one of the consistent conversations for them in their campus ministry has been thinking through the importance of an increasingly globalized campus and culture. They unpack their own struggles in a globalized world, and provide helpful perspectives to confidently approach differences well.

Ep 2:
Rich Park
Developing a Sense of Calling

Rich Park and Mike Ahn discuss calling in the Christian life, unpacking how confusing it can be but also validating its importance in our walks with God. Rich provides a practical framework to help us confidently develop a sense of calling in our lives. Rich is a theology professor at Vanguard University (he was at 51蹤獲 at the time of taping), and the founder and president of the , a non-profit organization aimed at raising the next generation of Christian cultural leaders.

Landon White, Justin Sinclair, and Mike Ahn discuss their takeaways from episode 2, and make connections with their life stories. They approach calling from three different life stages, and their discussion helps illuminate the struggles and victories of developing a sense of calling in our real life situations.

Ep 1:
Todd Pickett
The Worshipping Community

Todd Pickett and Mike Ahn discuss the importance of communal worship, especially in times where we aren't feeling worshipful or where worship feels forced. Todd's insights and wisdom provide an intentional and reassuring approach to life with God. []

Landon White, Justin Sinclair, and Mike Ahn unpack and discuss the wisdom from Episode 1 and make connections to how this plays out in their lives. Their conversation is not only thoughtful, but practical and helpful.