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The Office of Student Accessibility ensures legal compliance with state and federal disability law by providing reasonable and appropriate accommodations for a wide-variety of students with psychological, medical, physical and learning disabilities. This includes but is not limited to our military and veteran population, students suffering from chronic health or psychological conditions such as auto-immune disease, cancer, heart disease, anxiety, depression and much more.

We aim to cultivate and develop self-advocacy in our students by providing holistic guidance, ADA counsel, life skills, academic tools and personal resources for success. We also work to advocate for student equality and facilitate with other departments across campus on the students’ behalf.

Learning Center Student Categories
LC Student Categories: psychological condition (34.6%), learning disorder (29.3%), chronic medical (18.1%), temporary medical (14.7%), physical disability (3.4%).

This is a snapshot of the students we accommodated in 2018 and the types of conditions they were registered for.