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Academic Appeals (Graduate)

General Process

An academic appeal may be made in accordance with this policy when a student believes that an academic decision (e.g., a course grade, admission to a program or major, etc.) involving that student is unfair or erroneous. It is the intent of the University that appeals should be dealt with in a timely manner and moved toward closure with appropriate balance of deliberation and speed. During the regular semesters, the appeal will normally be brought under review by the relevant party within two (2) weeks of its receipt. The process will then move forward to the final decision as rapidly as is reasonably possible. During times between regular semesters (summer, January), review of the appeal may be delayed until the relevant people are available.

Course grades and decisions regarding admission to a program must be appealed within 90 days of the posting of grades or notification to the student of a decision regarding admission to a program.

A student's negligence regarding policies and deadlines stated in the University Catalog or other official documents does not merit petition approval.


A. Appeal of Academic Decision by a Faculty Member

Step 1: Consultation with Faculty Member

In order to appeal an academic decision made by a faculty member (e.g., course grade), the student must first interact with the relevant faculty member. This interaction may be made verbally or in writing (letter or email) stating why the student disagrees with the decision. This level of interaction is likely to resolve the issue in most cases.

Step 2: Appeal to Associate Dean or Dean of School

If the situation is not resolved in Step 1, the student may appeal the faculty member’s decision to the Associate Dean or the Dean of the School. This appeal must be in writing and must set forth the reasons for the appeal. The Associate Dean or Dean will contact the student and the faculty member and may seek further information or consultation regarding the merits of the appeal. The Associate Dean or Dean’s decision will be provided to the student in writing.


B. Appeal of Academic Decision by a Department/Program

Step 1: Appeal to Chair of Department

In order for a student to appeal a decision made by a department or program, the student must first submit the appeal in writing to the Chair of the department setting forth the reasons for the appeal. If the original decision was made by a committee within the department, the Chair will forward the appeal to the relevant committee. The Chair or committee will contact the student to discuss the student’s concerns and the relevant departmental policies and practices. In most cases, this interaction will resolve the matter.

Step 2: Appeal to Dean

If the situation is not resolved in Step 1, the student may then appeal in writing to the Dean. The Dean will review the appeal, contact the relevant parties and gather information pertinent to the matter. The decision related to the appeal shall be made by the Dean and is final. The Dean’s decision will be provided to the student in writing.


C. Appeal of Academic Decision by the University

Step 1: Appeal to Registrar

In order for a student to appeal an academic decision made by the University (e.g., academic probation or dismissal), the student must submit the appeal in writing to the Registrar setting forth the reasons for the appeal. The appeal must be made within three (3) weeks of the posting of grades. In most cases, this interaction will resolve the concern.

Step 2: Appeal to Senior Associate Provost

If the situation is not resolved in Step 1, the student may appeal the decision to the Senior Associate Provost. The Senior Associate Provost will review the appeal, contact the relevant parties and gather information pertinent to the matter. The Senior Associate Provost may convene an advisory committee to review and make recommendations to the Senior Associate Provost. The decision related to the appeal shall be made by the Senior Associate Provost and is final. The Senior Associate Provost’s decision will be provided to the student in writing.


D. Appeal Beyond the University

If your complaint is associated with the institution’s compliance with academic program quality and accrediting standards, WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) is the agency that accredits 51ÂÜÀò’s academic programs. Therefore, if your complaint remains unresolved after exhausting all of the steps and appeals outlined by Student Development or the Office of the University Legal Council, you may present your complaint to WSCUC at .

Federal regulations require the States to provide students the ability to file complaints against educational institutions located in their state. Listed below are the states where 51ÂÜÀò maintains a Title IV approved site and contact information for the filing of a complaint. 51ÂÜÀò encourages all students to first use all available grievance procedures provided by the institution before pursuing a complaint with a state agency.

California: Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education
2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400
Sacramento, CA 95833
Phone: (916) 431-6924
Fax: (916) 263-1897

New York: State Education Department
Office of College and University Evaluation
EBA Room 969
89 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12234
Download a complaint form at .

Nothing in this disclosure should be construed to limit any right that you may have to take civil or criminal legal action to resolve your complaints. 51ÂÜÀò has provided this disclosure in compliance with the requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, as regulated in CFR 34, sections 600.9 (b) (3) and 668.43(b). If anything in this disclosure is out of date, please notify the Office of University Legal Counsel at 51ÂÜÀò, 13800 51ÂÜÀò Ave, La Mirada, CA 90639.
