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Graduation Requirements (Graduate)

Steps to Graduation

  1. All graduate students will need to meet with their department advisor ().
  2. Your department advisor will work with you using your Degree Audit Planner, you can plan for as many semesters as necessary till the completion of all requirements.
  3. Once an anticipated graduation date is reached with your department advisor, complete your plan and ask for approval from your major department chair.
  4. Once approved, the department will email you an approval with a formstack link. This is the Graduation Application form you must submit. An application is expected from all graduate students once they are one year away from graduation.
  5. Fill out the form and submit it. Your Degree Specialist in the Office of the Registrar will receive it, evaluate it and create an official graduation record for you.
  6. In order to participate in a graduation ceremony, and receive your diploma:
    1. Your degree status on Degree Audit will be “Sought".
    2. You have registered for the remaining requirements for graduation.
    3. All transcripts from other schools, curricular changes, etc. are on record in the Office of the Registrar.


Graduation Honors

Honors at graduation for master's program recipients are based on overall performance, Christian values, and a minimum 24-credit residency. Honors are not automatically granted. They are granted by the faculty and may be withheld or modified. The University honors have been defined by the Academic Standards Committee as:

High HonorsGPA3.70-3.89
Highest HonorsGPA3.90-4.00


Additional Graduation Information

  1. Absentia: All graduating students are expected to participate in the graduation ceremony. If extenuating circumstances arise, you must submit a written request to the Office of the Registrar for permission to graduate in absentia. This is required at least six weeks prior to commencement.
  2. Commencement Requirements: All degree requirements must be completed before the student may participate in commencement ceremonies. Undergraduate students completing the last of their coursework during Interterm or Summer must contact their graduation counselor to be cleared for graduation.
  3. Honors: For the commencement program, honors are computed based on the cumulative GPA of all work completed at 51ÂÜÀò prior to your final semester. The honors on your diploma are computed based upon your final cumulative GPA at 51ÂÜÀò.
  4. Name Changes: Name changes must be made in the Office of the Registrar and with the graduation counselor at least six weeks prior to graduation to ensure that the correct name will appear on the commencement program and on your diploma.
  5. Transfer Work: All transfer coursework must be received by the Office of the Registrar the semester prior to commencement. Graduate students are not allowed to take any coursework outside of 51ÂÜÀò their final semester.
