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Skateboard and other Coasting Devices Policy & Safety Rules

Allowable Use

51蹤獲 allows as a privilege to its students the use of skateboards, non-motorized scooters, roller skates and roller blades on campus, but only for the purpose of efficiency of movement around campus and only when operated in accordance with this policy and the safety rules below. The term skating as used in this Policy shall mean the operation of skateboards, non-motorized scooters, roller blades and roller skates.

Skating will be allowed only on open walkways and only in the locations depicted in GREEN on the . This general rule is subject to the following specifically prohibited locations:

  • Roadways on which cars and other motorized vehicles are driven
  • All athletic facility/court surfaces (e.g., tennis courts, track)
  • Parking lots and parking structures
  • Hills, including but not limited to Caf hill near Parking Lot F
  • Inside any campus building (they may be carried but not ridden and they should not be put down in an area where people may encounter them while walking)
  • Benches and tables
  • Railings
  • Walls
  • Fountains
  • Congested pedestrian areas - even when otherwise allowed, if a particular allowed location is heavily congested with pedestrians, skaters must exercise good judgment and not skate through the congestion.


Risks and Safety Rules

Skating in an unsafe manner can cause injury to the skater, pedestrians, drivers and University property.. It is imperative that in order to minimize risks, skaters must exercise extreme caution at all times and the following rules be obeyed:

  • Skating is prohibited in a manner which presents an unreasonable risk of harm to the skater or others. No person shall skate by weaving in and out through traffic or pedestrians, by entering a congested area when pedestrians cannot anticipate the skater (e.g., in between buildings onto a pedestrian path), or at such a speed that they are unlikely to be able to stop without entering a congested area, or otherwise without regard for the skaters safety or the safety of others.
  • No skating at a speed in excess of 5 mph
  • No Stunts, Tricks or Acrobatics. This occurs when any of the wheels of a skateboard, or of both skates, are simultaneously out of contact with the ground during skating. This definition applies except when the skateboards or skates are being carried or when they are motionless.
  • No Reckless Skating. Reckless skating occurs when there is a significant risk of injury to another person or damage to another person's, or the university's, property. Skating activity will also be considered reckless if it disrupts University operations. The presence of pedestrians and vehicles or the skater's speed may be considered when determining if the skating is reckless.
  • Even though not allowed on 51蹤獲s campus, there shall be no skating while the skater is under the influence of alcohol or other drugs that impair ones mental and physical abilities.
  • Wearing headphones while skating is prohibited.
  • Skaters must be aware of their surroundings at all times.
  • Skaters may never attach themselves to bicycles, cars, or other vehicles.
  • Obey all posted signs applicable to skaters, especially those that say no skating allowed.
  • Skaters must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and at all times.
  • Skating must not occur in a manner that puts pedestrians at risk.

Do not damage University property. No person shall skate in a manner that presents a risk of damage to University property including landscaped areas.


Rider Safety

Skateboarding can be very dangerous if riders do not observe basic safety rules and wear proper equipment. Skateboarders may be involved in serious accidents involving other riders, pedestrians, vehicles or just with the environment. The following are some important safety tips to avoid serious risk of injury:

  • Wear closed-toe shoes and safety equipment such as helmets, knee and elbow pads. Note: Skaters under the age of 18 are required by state law to wear a helmet whenever skating.
  • heck for rust on the wheels and trucks
  • Watch the skating surface ahead as there may be potholes and patches of sidewalk that might be uneven or contain debris from trees, littering, etc. that can create safety hazards to skaters.
  • When it gets crowded, walk the board or take another path.
  • Communicate with other skaters and pedestrians to avoid collisions.



Persons who violate the rules in this Policy are subject to one or more of the following: (i) citation and/or fine by Campus Safety; (ii) referral to the Student Conduct Process for violation of University policy; (iii) revocation of right to skate campus.
