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Angela Ann Zukowski

By Frances Plude


Sister Angela Ann Zukowski, D.Min., (born May 5, 1945), is a member of the religious community known as the Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart.  She served as a member of her communitys Leadership Service Board from 2000 to 2008.  She is also a Professor in the Department of Religious Studies of the University of Dayton (UD), in Ohio, and Director of the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives at UD.  She served as World President for the International Catholic Association for Radio and Television, known as UNDA, and as a former member of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications at the Vatican. 

        Angela Ann has been involved with distance or e-education for over 40 years in cable TV, radio, satellite communication, multimedia, and computer technologies.  She currently directs the Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation (VLCFF), at the University of Dayton, a Christian formation network that offers 100 courses in seven sections, serving up to 10,000 learners per year in the US and 32 other countries.  


Prologue: Changing Ecosystems as a Context for a Life

            As a young adult, Sister Angela Ann Zukowski made two decisions and these choices would take her into environments that would be both chaotic and full of opportunity.  One choice was to become a member of a religious congregation of vowed women within the Catholic Church.  The other decision was to commit to integrating communication theories and technologies into the very fabric of her life and work as a religious educator.

            The challenge for this young woman was that in every aspect of the life she entered there would be dramatic change; she would be forced to reflect (prayerfully) upon the challenge of this change and strategically integrate new ideas and on-the-ground realities into her work.

            The Catholic Church has, itself, offered a challenge as it has struggled with renewal after its momentous Vatican Council in the 1960s.  It also struggled to deal with global cultural changes and internal scandal.  And how was she as a dynamic leader to deal with the limited role of women in the Catholic Church?

            But it was in the field of integrating communication theory and technology into her religious education ministry that Angela Ann Zukowski was to face the greatest challenge.  She would move from a cable television studio to satellite broadcasts and then reconceptualize it all over again for computers, Internet distance learning, social media, wireless phones and tablets.

            Along the way this woman forged her own unique pathways.  She determined to devote herself to both Catholic schools and parish religious education programs, whereas many reside in one camp or the other as each competes for limited resources.

            As an entrepreneur, she borrowed planning ideas from the business world.  Convinced of the strategic value of dialogue she learned to commit to the importance of grassroots whether listening to parish leaders or steering three international Catholic communication organizations into one more effective organization.

            Her extensive global travel made her aware of the value of various cultures and the need to respect them.  And all this prepared her for the change within communication theory as the field moved from the idea of communication as instruments to the realization that media are integral to the meaning and construction of culture.

            Over the centuries the Catholic Church has invested heavily in many different media:  oral storytelling; manuscripts of the scriptures (and Church tradition); scriptoria and libraries; print publications; and an extraordinary educational system bringing literacy to billions of human beings.  In the 20th century, the Church early recognized the life-altering impact of film, issued several communication documents, and had a Pope who became a media icon.

            Today, however, computer and communication technologies have merged into huge but highly personalized social networks.  These webs of relationships and their interactivity represent new challenges for ministries in all churches.

            Sister Angela Ann Zukowski has devoted her life to the study and implementation of religious education within this rapidly-changing ecosystem.

Early Life Story

            Angela Ann Zukowski was born into an American family with grandparents who were immigrants from Poland.  She spent many hours as a child listening to stories of the old country told by her grandfather.  (As one would expect from a technological educator, she captured some of these stories on a tape recorder).  Family holiday gatherings were filled with the festivities of the familys Polish traditions and she recalls her childhood as a very happy time.  Her mother would continue to stage a party at many significant moments of Angela Anns life.

            As a child she lived in Erie, Pennsylvania, developed her artistic gifts with the Benedictine Sisters of that city, and participated vigorously in a number of high school sports.

            Upon graduation she spent a year in North Carolina working for the Catholic Lay Apostolate.  This gave her an early sense of independence to make her own decisions, to develop a systematic prayer life, and to experience a ministry among the poor.

The Decision to Join a Religious Order of Women

            In 1964 Angela Ann entered the Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart, a religious community of women in Towson, Maryland.  It is notable that the religious formation of these young women was very different from todays formation programs.  For example, for the three years in the novitiate they were kept in isolation as they began initiation into a way of life that would change greatly as her life in the religious community developed.  This particular religious congregation did not establish their own colleges or hospitals, as many other groups did.  Later, as the Sisters aged, they faced a serious challenge financially without the institutional resources that many other religious orders had built.

            The Mission Helpers focused on the work of evangelization and most especially on the follow-up task of catechesis faith formation in the light of Gospel teachings.  Many important early catechetical materials were developed by their members such as Sister Rosalie Walsh who wrote of the adaptive way of faith formation.  Later, the National Directory for Catechesis (NDC) document of the Catholic Church states:  catechesis is a pivotal dimension of the Churchs pastoral activity and a significant element in all the Church does to hand on the faith.  (NDC #19c)  The document also states:  The definite aim of catechesis is to put people not only in touch but in communion, in intimacy, with Jesus Christ. (#19b)

            With her heart set on working within the Hispanic community a young Angela Ann was surprised to learn that her religious superiors had decided to send her to Dayton, Ohio.  At this early stage of her life she was to begin a life-long journey in educating catechists and supervising the teaching of religious education in Catholic schools and in parish religious education programs. 

Expanding Her Availability with Cable Television

            With huge needs in the field and limited time to meet the needs, Angela Ann early accepted the invitation from a local cable owner to use a half hour weekly for her ministry.  She began to produce TV courses and to learn the rudiments of television production, eventually establishing a TV studio.  To meet the needs in rural Ohio, she invited farmers and others in to the studio to talk about their issues.  As the project grew from four to eight cable systems, a new studio was designed in a one-room schoolhouse in St. Patricks, Ohio.  Many farmers helped soundproof the walls with egg cartons!  A local paper wrote up the story with the headline TV studio sprouts in a cornfield.

Travel and Partnerships Add New Dimensions

            During the summers of 1974 and 1976 Angela Ann was assigned to give workshops in Germany to assist chaplains with the education of catechists and the preparation of persons to serve on new parish councils.  This probably planted an awareness of the importance of going to outlier groups and her life of travel (detailed below) is simply extraordinary.

            It was during the cable TV years that Sister became involved with the United Methodist Theological Seminary in Dayton and she began systematic study of TV and radio production with courses at Loyola University in New Orleans, the University of Tennessee and Purdue.  She also began to write articles about her communication experiences and she participated in Congressional hearings on the 1980 House Bill on Communications.

            As her work built in Dayton, her Cincinnati supervisor, the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, urged Sister to focus more of her time on the challenge of communication issues in the Catholic Church.

Association with the University of Dayton

            As Angela Ann began her association with the University of Dayton (UD) many new avenues opened.  She began to teach in the Religious Studies Department the courses related to religious education, catechetical formation, and pastoral ministry.  She became Director of the Moral and Religious Education (MORES) Office and, later, the Center for Religious Communication.  Finally a number of UD offices merged into the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives, which she has directed since 2003. 

            Sister is currently (2013) a full professor with tenure at the university.

Partial List of Awards

2012  National Catholic Lay Leadership Lifetime Achievement, Excellence in Catechetics

2010  Emmaus Award for Excellence in Catechesis

2008  National Catholic Educational ONeil DAmour Award

2005  Honorary Prize of Julian Kulenty for Catholic Communications, Warsaw, Poland

2001  Papal Cross awarded by Pope John Paul II, Rome, Italy

2001  Asian Award for International Service to Catholic Communication in Asia

1993  University of Dayton Award for Catholic and Marianist Identity in Academics and Service

1979  Gabriel Award for Outstanding Religious Programming, Los Angeles

Contributions to Christian Education

There are different and unique strands in the tapestry of Sister Angela Anns service to Christian education.  I have separated them below to highlight the breadth and depth of her accomplishments and service; in many of these areas she has charted a bold new path.  She has been associated with the University of Dayton since 1979.  The university was established by the Marianist religious community and the Marianist Foundation has helped to finance many of the programs cited below.  Material connected with many of these projects resides in special archives at the University of Dayton.

The Institute for Pastoral Initiatives (IPI)

            The home base for Professor Angela Ann Zukowski at the University of Dayton has been the Institute established as an umbrella agency for interacting with many units in the Christian Education field locally, nationally, and globally.  The Institute for Pastoral Initiatives has grown out of various centers at the university, including the Center for Christian Renewal founded by the Marianist Foundation and the university to address the pastoral, catechetical and lay leadership formation needs of the Catholic Church.

            Today, for example, IPI provides a support network and teaching resources for those working with individuals with disabilities.  DVDs, print resources and consultations are available for sacramental preparation and many other aspects of making inclusion a part of parish religion education programs. 

            For many years IPI conducted an annual Summer Institute with courses that attracted religious education personnel from around the globe.  The faculty assembled for courses and workshops also reflected expertise from around the world.   The famed French educator Pierre Babin, an early collaborator with Marshall McLuhan, attracted many to the Institute. 

The Virtual Learning Community of Faith Formation (VLCFF)

            One of the most energetic and effective programs Angela Ann has developed within the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives is a virtual learning community.  As distance learning has begun to change education (and will do so even more in the future), she conceptualized applying online learning systematically to develop leaders for religious education at the diocesan level throughout the United States and around the globe.

            The Virtual Learning Community of Faith Formation was launched in 1996 with the support of a University of Dayton Special Initiative Grant that supported major research before establishing VLCFF.  The goal of the distance learning program is to engage in research and development of effective e-learning environments for adult religious education.  The original concept was to work directly with individual bishops and diocesan training programs rather than develop a separate training movement apart from existing church structures. 

            Currently e-learners are enrolled from over 100 dioceses and 40 countries.  Some courses are available in Spanish and a Certificate program in Spanish Catechesis is available. . Between 8,000 and 10,000 e-learners are expected to register in 2013.  In 2012, 1500 were enrolled in the online Certificate for Catechesis.  University of Dayton Alumni can enroll in courses.  Requests are emerging from the field to design high school VLCFF courses.

            Courses are designed and offered in seven cycles each year.  Each course is refreshed every 18 months and the course is totally reviewed every three years.  By 2010 there were 145 facilitators working directly with e-learners and 19 course designers in the VLCFF program.

            There are seven online full certificate tracks available including Youth Ministry, Social Justice; Marianist Studies, Foundations for Leadership in Ministry, Adult Formation Leadership, and Catechesis.  The Institute continues to collaborate with various Catholic media entities in the United States for supporting ongoing digital media formation and education.

            One specific certificate example is instructive.  The online Course of Study for a Certificate in Catechesis has two levels of course work involving theology, method, and formation.  Level one theology courses include Survey of Catholic Doctrine, Introduction to Scripture, Images of Jesus, and Sacraments.  The method course is Introduction to Catechesis and the formation course is Introduction to Prayer.  In level two, theology courses are offered in the Hebrew Scriptures, the New Testament, Ecclesiology, and Introduction to Practical Morality.  The method course is Faith and Human Development.  The formation course is entitled Vocation, Spirituality and Discipleship of Catechists. 

            In addition, a two-year program for UD undergraduate and graduate students has been developed in collaboration with several other units at the university.  This is called the Forum for Young Catechetical Leaders.  A minor in religious studies and catechesis is also available.  

            Over 60 Catholic Dioceses in the United States are VLCFF partners.  The Antilles Episcopal Conference of Caribbean Bishops has emerged as a partner.  The Vicariates of Southern Arabia and Northern Arabia joined in 2011.  Currently Trinidad, Barbados, St. Vincent and Buyana are active partners.  The Archdiocese of Westminster, England and Adelaide, Australia recently have become engaged partners weaving the VLCFF in the Year of Faith program in their dioceses.

            The foundation of the VLCFF operation has consisted of approximately 100 curriculum designers since 1998.  Numerous course facilitators interact directly with students.  Online class groups are kept small.  There is an annual diocesan-partners conference at the university where needs are targeted, courses are evaluated, and talented course designers are sought.  In this way the virtual learning community itself is guiding the development of course material to meet practical needs in the field.  Regularly requests are made for serving diverse groups in the Church.  Currently the VLCFF is planning new tracks in Continuing Education for the Permanent Diaconate, Forming Catechists for Special Needs Religious Education, Liturgy, and Catholic Culture and Identity for Catholic Schools.

            The University of Dayton has also created a Web conferencing program called the Virtual Conference Center to facilitate e-conferences, e-seminars and e-workshops during the year. 

            The Zukowski model (permeating many of her projects) includes a dialogic approach that builds upon feedback loops.  The VLCFF has, from the beginning, been structured upon distance learning research and sound pedagogical principles.

            As distance learning programs proliferate (from MIT-level courses to learning modules like Kahn Academy), millions of individuals around the globe will be able to access instruction on their smart phones and tablets.  The challenge will be to integrate patterns and thinking styles of literate culture texts, lessons, activities, exercises, essays, question-and-answer formats with the mediated digital learning methods that new technologies energize and individuals, especially youth, crave and utilize daily.

            As an early pioneer of distance learning in the Christian education field, Angela Ann Zukowski has already designed a unique program model serving church needs on a global scale.  She will, I am sure, continue to adapt and improve this model as communication technologies and grassroots need require.

Partnership with Catechist Magazine

            For more than twenty years, Sister Angela Ann has coordinated a close relationship with the Peter Li, Inc. Education Group, publisher of the Catechist magazine.  She is the Executive Editor of the University of Dayton Catechist Formation series.  This series began in 1993.  Each year a thematic series of articles authored by experts in a particular theological, biblical or catechetical field is published.  Angela Ann composes the Study Guides for the series as well as one of the articles (see her Bibliography below). Along with other requirements, the articles enable individuals to earn a continuing education unit or a graduate credit from the university.

            These materials expand the outreach of the Institute for Pastoral Leadership through yet another channel to thousands of catechists in the field.

Leadership and Collaboration as Catholic Schools Changed

            On a parallel track of service, Sister Angela Ann has worked closely with the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA).  For twenty-five years she has written a column in the NCEA publication Momentum entitled Technology Trends.  These essays have provided guideposts for Catholic educators who have struggled to adapt their schools to changing technologies from classroom videos to computer learning labs and digital wireless tools.

            For many Catholic school teachers and administrators Angela Ann has been a cheerleader encouraging these educators in the midst of dwindling numbers of Catholic schools and budgets that were hard pressed in the face of costly learning technologies.

            In addition she has been a regular speaker in many breakout sessions at the NCEA convention held annually the week after Easter.  In 2013 she has been asked to be a keynote speaker at the NCEA meeting.

            She has helped design several specific projects within NCEA.  One such project was the New Frontiers for Catholic Schools Project.  Using satellite technology a telecourse was developed for school personnel, with an accompanying handbook.  The focus was helping schools deal with technology changes in learning.  A three-day conference was also held at the University of Dayton to bring educators together, learn about the new technology changes, and return to their institutions as leaders on the ground.

            A continuing project is the Catholic Schools of Tomorrow Award for Innovation and Education co-sponsored by the Peter Li, Inc. Group.  The project invites Catholic schools to submit an analysis of how they have incorporated innovation in their programs and the award has stimulated creative innovation and has provided models that can be shared widely among Catholic educators.

Satellite Television as a New Arena

            Before computer conferencing made network sharing economical and ubiquitous, the Catholic Conference of Catholic Bishops funded the development of its own satellite network called the Catholic Telecommunications Network of America (CTNA).  It is not surprising that Sister Angela Ann realized this technology would be valuable in her Christian education work.

            During the years of its operation, Angela Ann produced and hosted a number of programs that were sent by satellite to diocesan personnel.  Several times  she hosted the coverage of the national meeting of bishops broadcast on CTNA. 

            CTNA faced serious challenges.  A major one was the huge costs associated with the equipment needed for transmission.  Even more difficult, at the local level, were the costs to a diocese or parish to have satellite reception equipment.  And costs continued to escalate.

            In retrospect CTNA needed a more grassroots structure to be linked more directly to individuals engaged in parish and Catholic schools ministry.  Sister Angela Ann wrote a proposal suggesting that the National Catholic Education Association and the National Conference of Catechetical Leadership (NCCL) play a more direct role in the implementation of the satellite network.  However, the engineers and the bishops continued to administer the system and eventually the network closed down.

            The high cost of satellite transmission was to be overcome, of course, by the growth of the Internet which provided a free transmission system.  And, after this experience Angela Ann was fiercely determined that the virtual learning community she developed would be linked closely to people on the ground engaged in teaching since they could more effectively determine the needs they faced and how to develop materials to meet those needs.

Emerging as a National and International Catholic Communication Leader

            The Association of Catholic Communicators was called UNDA the Latin word for wave since electronic communications depended upon the transmission of waves.  Sister Angela Ann served as President of UNDA-USA from 1988 to 1994.  She was elected World President of UNDA in 1994 and served in that capacity until 2001.  As President of UNDA-World she served as a member of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications at Vatican City from 1994-2002.

            Because of her global leadership positions Angela Ann played an active role in developing the Vatican document Aetatis Novae (At the dawn of a new era).  The document deals with the challenges facing churches in an age of new media technologies.  What was unique about the text is that in an Appendix there is a specific outline of elements of a pastoral plan of communication.  Such a practical strategic planning design is unusual in Vatican texts. 

            These national and international posts required much travel, working with Board members and organizing the groups conferences.  But a huge new challenge appeared during her term as the UNDA-World President.  Another international Catholic media organization existed the International Catholic Organization for Cinema and Audio-Visual known as OCIC.  Both organizations were founded in 1928. Both organizations had the same members and their missions were now going to merge.

            In 1983 as the two organizations held their joint Congress in Quito, Ecuador, the idea of a merger of the two groups was proposed.  However, there was much concern within each organization about lack of identity and independence.    In 1994, in Prague, Czech Republic, the idea was introduced again and as President of UNDA-World Angela Ann was to play a major role in guiding the process of merging the two world associations and forming a new organization.  This involved more than 140 nations on five continents and 30 various international groups each with profound cultural and organizational differences.

            With her patient leadership and strategic-planning skills, Angela Ann guided the three-year plan in which the executive committees of both organizations met to explore challenges. Hundreds of hours of preparation and meetings! The joint UNDA/OCIC boards (45 people) prepared a methodology for each nation to reflect and contribute insights and ideas.  Several draft documents incorporated feedback and in 2000 a joint committee met in Aachen, Germany, to finalize the statutes for approval by the Vatican and Swiss governments.

            Meeting in Rome all the nations voted into being the new group called SIGNIS The World Catholic Association for Communication.  (The title SIGNIS reflects the Vatican Council call to respond to the signs of the time and the signs of sacrament and a new Pentecost).

            As a Catholic communication specialist myself, I feel certain no one else could have offered the unique skills Sister Angela Ann brought to this lengthy and complex merger process.

            And members of both organizations and their Boards would agree with this assessment.

International Consulting

            As her travels as UNDA-World President took her around the world, Sister Angela Ann was frequently asked to serve as a consultant helping others to establish Christian education and communication strategic plans.  I will cite here just two examples, but there are many, many more.

            Over 600 people have received Certificates of Completion in the Caribbean School for Catholic Communications three-year program based in the Archdiocese of Port of Spain, Trinidad.  Angela Ann has been teaching in the program and has assisted in the strategic planning for many years. There is an online Masters program in Catholic Educational Leadership in the Caribbean.  In 2010 there were sixty students in the program.

  During this time in the Caribbean, Angela Ann has networked closely with the Living Water Community a Catholic Lay Ecclesial Community with a core group leading a consecrated life and over 500 covenanted associate members.  The group has developed TV, radio and Internet networks for communications and has a vibrant ministry to the poor in Trinidad.  She has a unique perspective on communication and church issues in the Caribbean.

            Another regular stop in her travels is the Federation of Asian Bishops Committee on Social Communications Conference (FABC-BISCOM).   In September 2012, for example, she was a keynote speaker at the bishops meeting and gave several additional presentations.  Angela Ann has also been a special consultant to the Asian Research Center for Religion and Social Communication at St. Johns University in Bangkok, Thailand. Perhaps more than any communication and Christian education specialist, this woman has a clear grasp of the communication challenges of Christian education in Asia.  Her experience with forming online faith communities is having a deep impact throughout the Asian church.

Above all, a Teacher

            It is amazing to realize that while providing leadership in all of the arenas mentioned above, and being constantly on a plane to many global sites, Sister Angela Ann has maintained her teaching and administrative duties at the University of Dayton.  In fact her teaching load also included regular teaching at Chaminade University in Honolulu (another Marianist University).  Also included were courses in the Caribbean School for Catholic Communication in Trinidad, and annual teaching assignments at CREC-AVEC (the Center for Research and Communication in Audio-Visual Expression of Faith) established by Pierre Babin in Lyon, France.

            In addition I would include her countless presentations around the world (see extensive list below) as teaching; I have attended a number of her presentations personally and much teaching and learning occurs when Angela Ann and her Power Point visuals are in front of an audience.

            Here is a partial list of courses she has offered at UD, online, and in various venues:  Religion and Film; Vocation and the Arts; New Frontiers for Catholic Schools; Theology of Ministry and Leadership; Parish Ministry and Pastoral Planning; and Shifting the Paradigm of Catholic Education for a New Media Culture.

Angela Ann Zukowski and the Role of Women in the Catholic Church

            During the busy lifetime of Sister Angela Ann Zukowski there has been a revolution in the role of women in the family, in social institutions, and in the corporate culture.  Unique has been the challenge of womens role within the Catholic Church, due, primarily to its history of patriarchy and hierarchy. 

            The challenge is compounded when the woman is a member of a vowed religious community under the jurisdiction of the Vatican.  As these groups in the U.S. struggled to redefine themselves there were endless internal meetings and discussions.  Especially as the women in these groups aged (and few young women entered the community) there was often a division among them concerning just how much change was prudent.

            Angela Ann Zukowski served for a number of years as a member of the Leadership Team in her community.  Among the members of the Mission Helpers some were in awe of her prophetic role in catechesis (their main mission) and communications. They acknowledged that her global profile and her work at the University of Dayton produced an unbelievable schedule and they understood that her endless energy and enthusiasm was fed by a deep spiritual life.

            Sister Angela Ann has forged forward in spite of women in the church challenges by simply continuing to get things done in the service of Christian education.

Selected comments about Angela Ann Zukowski

            I had the unique experience of being president of the University of Dayton when Sister Angela Ann got started with her initiatives to use telecommunications for the work of evangelization.  It all started in the early 80s when I was an advisor on her doctor of ministry project which looked at the possibilities of using cable television for religious education in the rural area of the United States.  I could see then that she had the creative imagination of a dreamer always searching for new horizons for religious education.  She never let funding and the technical details be a barrier to her dreaming.  She always knew she could find someone to partner with her accomplish her dream.

            Over the years and with the help of the Marianist Foundation at the University of Dayton and the support of many administrators she was able realize her dream of using all dimensions of electronic media to help educate form several generations of catechists and religious educators. One of her major accomplishments has been the Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation.

            She has been able to extend the charism of her religious community, the Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart to a new age of electronic media.  What started as a dream for rural religious education now spans the globe.  As I write these comments, Sister Angela Ann is preparing for a trip to Saudi Arabia to help dioceses there use the internet for religious education.

            Sister Angela Ann has not only explored the new horizons of electronic media.  She has reflected upon her experience to be a thoughtful critic of these emerging media and she has explored how these media can help religious educators bring the message of the gospel to new generations.  She has also pointed out the eclipse of the religious imagination in our modern society and she is exploring new ways to enkindle the religious imagination for our time. She has a strong conviction that without a vibrant renewal of the religious imagination we risk losing the experience of God.

Brother Raymond L. Fitz, SM, University of Dayton President, 1979-2002

Angela Anns enthusiasm for the ministry of religious education and pastoral ministry is infectious.  She has pioneered the development of distance education for dioceses in helping them train their religious educators.  Her passion to communicate the faith in a digital age has kept her work fresh as we have been through numerous digital and communication revolutions.

Dr. Terrence Tilley, Cardinal Avery Dulles, S.J. Professor of Catholic Theology and Chair of the Theology Department, Fordham University, New York, New York

           You have carried UNDA and the message of the Gospel into 126 member-nations and into the third millennium.  With courage and confidence you have led us in working tirelessly merging two organizations into one.  Thank you for your leadership, your personal warmth, your good humor, your spiritual and intellectual gifts.

Chainarong Menthenvichienchai, Provost, St. Johns University, Bangkok, Thailand

You have made a place in the church for women and for the laity.  You have long been a dreamer, a visionary, a prophetess.

Sisters of the Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart Community

Angela Ann Zukowski has been an energetic and creative catechist and communicator as long as I have known her -- heading toward 40 years. Her faith is deep, her hope is enduring, her love is steady. She has a wide circle of colleagues, acquaintances and former students. She is a great gift to the Church and to the world.

Rev. Bernard (Bob) Bonnot



Zukowski, A. & Helmuth R. (Eds.) (2007). Communicatio Socialis: Challenge of Theology and Ministry in the Church. Kassel, Germany: Kassel University Press.

Zukowski, A. (2007). Interpersonal Communication: Touching the Divine. Living Water Community.

Zukowski, A. & Babin, P. (2002). The Gospel in Cyberspace: Nurturing Faith in the Internet Age. Chicago: Loyola Press.

Zukowski, A. & Plude, F. (Eds.) (2001). Voices of Courage. Brussels: UNDA (International Catholic Association of Radio and Television).

Zukowski, A. & Babin, P. (2000). M矇dias, chance pour l矇vangile. Paris: Buchet/Chastel.

Zukowski, A. & Belanger, P. (Eds.). (2000) Radio Presence: A Collection of International Stories & Experiences. Brussels: UNDA.

Zukowski, A., Cinimo, C., Haney, R. & OKeefe, J. (Eds). (2000). Forming Innovative Learning Environments through Technology. Washington: NCEA (National Catholic Educational Association.

Zukowski, A. & Haney, R. (Eds.). (1997) New Frontiers: Navigational Strategies for Integrating Technology into the Classroom. Washington: NCEA.

Zukowski, A. (1997). Recognizing Our Catholic Identity: Faith Development. Washington: NCEA.

Zukowski, A., Voydanoff, P. and Saxton, S. (1984). The Changing Family. Chicago: Loyola University Press.

Zukowski, A. (1984). Cable Television and Adult Religious Education. Washington: National Conference of Diocesan Directors of Religious Education (NCDD).

Zukowski, A. (Executive Editor/Author). The University of Dayton Catechist Formation Program. Dayton: Peter Li.

Introduction to the Hebrew Scriptures (1993)

Liturgy & Life (1994)

A Journey Through the New Testament (1995)

Our Catholic Heritage (1996)

Images of Jesus (1997)

Wind, Fire & Spirit (1998)

Introduction to St. Paul (1999)

United States Catholic History (2000)

Culture and Cultural Diversity (2001)

Discipleship and the Moral Life (2002)

Sacraments (2004-5)

Christian Morality (2005-6)

National Directory of Catechesis: Six Tasks (2006-7)

Spreading the Word: Catechetical Methodologies (2007-2008)

Prayer: Our Human Desire for God (2008-2009)

Word of God: Living Force (2009-2010

Moral Compass (Beatitudes) (2010-2011)

Spirituality Grounded in the Mystery of God (2011-2012)

Life in Abundance: The Year of Faith (2012-2013)

Chapters in Books:

Zukowski, A. (2012). The Threshold of New Catholic and Faith-Based Learning Environments: The Advance of the Digital Culture. In The Praeger Handbook of Faith-Based Schools in the United States.

Zukowski, A. (2002). Integrating New Communication Technologies for Pastoral Education and Formation. In Social Communication Formation in Priestly Ministry (pp. 65-92). Manila: Logus Publications.

Zukowski, A. (2001). Kaleidoscope Catechesis for the New Millennium. In R. Colbert & J Kraus (Eds.) Perspectives on Leadership and Catechesis (pp. 39-54). Washington: NCEA.

Zukowski, A. (2000). Un nuovo senso del luogo per levangelizzazione. In Pera virtuale e il Vangelo. Chiesa in rete: Nouve Technologie e Pastoral (pp. 47-59). Rome: Italian Episcopal Conference Publication.

Zukowski. A. (1999). Kaizening Into the Future. In Hunt, T., (Ed.) Catholic School Leadership: An Invitation to Lead. NY: Routledge.

Zukowski, A. (1998). Shifting the Paradigm: Perspectives on Diocesan Pastoral Communications Planning in the United States. In V. Sunderaj (Ed.) Pastoral Planning for Social Communication, (pp. 75-119). Montreal: Paulines.

Zukowski, A. (1996). Evangelization in a New Media Culture. In Evangelizatioon, Culture and Catholic Identity (pp.63-84). Saint Leo, Florida: Saint Leo College Press.

Zukowski, A. (1996) Formation of Church Leaders for Ministering in the Technological Age. In P. Soukup (Ed). Media,Culture and Catholicism (pp. 171-190). Kansas City: Sheed and Ward.

Zukowski, A. (1992). Key contributor to Aetatis Novae. Vatican City: Pontifical Council for Social Communications.

Zukowski, A. (1990). Parish Video Libraries: Innovative Way of Supporting Family Faith Development. In Communicatio Socialis Yearbook. New Delhi, India.

Zukowski, A. (1987-88). Un Atteggiamento Critico Verso La Publiciata Televisiva. In Fides Et Labor. Rome: Annuo Scolastico.


In Momentum, the Journal of the National Catholic Educational Association. a regular column on Technology Trends [selected samples]:

The Next Step into the Future. February/March 2012

The Grounding Spirit of Joy. November/December 2011.

Potter, Chesterton and Imagination: Groundings for a New Learning Environment. September/October 2011

McLuhan and Babin: Profiles of 20th Century Media Prophets. April/May 2011.

The Medici Effect: A Key to the Future. November/December 2010,

How Will Catholic Education Respond to Digital Cultural Issues and Questions. September/October 2010.

Greening into the Future. April/May 2010.

This Digital Storytelling. February/March 2008.

Skeptical and Curious Minds. November/December 2007.

A Teachers Primer for Distance Education: Facilitation and Participation. November/December 2000

E-Socialization: Gift or Threat. April/May 2007.

iPods Offer Gateways For New Learning Experiences. February/March 2007.

Social Ethics, Technology and the Curriculum. February/March 2006.

Discernment in a Multi-Dimensional World. November/December 2005

A Moral Imperative: A Martyr and the Media. April/May 2005.

Information Fatigue: Is there a Pathway out?            February/March 2005.

Communication: A Portal for Catholic Social Teaching. September /October 2004. Seize the Day. October/November 1995

Zukowski, A. and T. Tilley. (2001, January). Narrative in a Postliterate Culture. Catholic International. 12(4), 5-11.

Zukowski, A. (2001). Designing a Prototype for Graduate Religious Studies Education. The Milestone Communications Journal (Bangkok), 1(1), 56-63.

Zukowski, A. (2001). Navigating into New Fire. Journal of Religious Education (Melbourne), 49(1)

Zukowski, A. (2000, December). The Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation. Faith Works 3(4).

Zukowski, A. (1999 Spring). Real Food for the Soul: Adult Faith Formation on the Internet NCCL Catechetical Update, No. 17.

Zukowski, A. (1998 Summer). Work in Progress: Theology, Religious Studies and Catechetics via the Internet. Living Light 1(1) 68-72.

Zukowski, A. (1997 September). New Learning Paradigms for Catholic Education. Catholic Education 1(1)

Zukowski, A. (1997, Summer). The ACTA Report: The Use of Technology in Religious Education. Living Light. (pp.10-19).

Zukowski, A. The Cultural Revolution in our Parishes. (1995, October). Todays Catholic Teacher.

 Zukowski, A. (1993 November/December) The Catholic World. Pages?

Zukowski, A. (1993, April 17). Should the Mass be Televised? America Magazine. Pages?

Zukowski, A. (1992, February). Media Literacy: Culture and Christian Values. Priest. Zukowski, A. (1989, November/December). Application of Interactive Educational Technology for Learning Experiences. Catholic Library World, 60(3)


Mission Identity and Formation in Catholic Schools. Archdiocese of Hartford, Connecticut. October 3-4, 2012.

Exploring the Digital Universe for Proclaiming the Good News. Asian Bishops Conference Meeting. Bangkok, Thailand. September 4, 2012.

The Year of Faith in a Digital Civilization: Diocese of St. George. Guyana. July 30, 2012.

Using Technology for the New Evangelization. USCCB Institute for Catholic Leadersship. July 24, 2012 (webinar).

Re-imaging Catholic Schools in a Digital Age. Catholic Education Summit Conference. University of Dayton. July 18, 2012.

The Future of Catechesis in the Digital Age, Archdiocese of Los Angeles Technology Conference, June 30, 2012.

The Year of Faith Through the Marianist Lens in a Digital Milieu, Marianist High Schools Conference, University of Dayton, June 27, 2012.

The Challenge of Being Catholic in the 21st Century, Church of the Incarnation, Dayton, Ohio, January 19, 2012.

Witnessing Gospel Values in a Social Media World, the Murray Institute Colloquium: University of St. Thomas, St. Paul Campus, November 17, 2011.

Re-Discovering the Power of Catholic Imagination, Northern Area Congress, Piqua, Ohio, September 17, 2011.

 The Future of Catechesis: The Lens of Technology (Culture). Keynote Address at the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership (NCCL). Atlanta, Georgia, May 26, 2011.

Revisiting the Symbolic Way. NCCL Convention Workshop. Atlanta, Georgia, May 25, 2011.

Casting the Net, National Religious Vocation Conference Convocation. November 6, 2010.

The Gospel in Cyberspace: Evangelization and Catechesis in the Digital Age, Catholic Educators Conference. Archdiocese of Hartford. October 19 -20, 2010.

Fertile Ground: Ministry, Media and the Digital Culture. Diocese of Trenton, New Jersey Diocesan Leadership Conference. October 18-19, 2007.

Adult Faith Formation: Online Experiences. Ohio Catholic Educational Conference. Cincinnati. Ohio, October 11, 2007.

Mindfulness: Asceticism for Religious Community Leadership. Marianist Directors Conference. Bergamo Renewal Center. Dayton, Ohio, October 5, 2007.

Catholic School Leadership: A Theology of the Heart. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Catholic School Principals Conference. Cincinnati, Ohio, September 2007.

Authoring Interpersonal Communication: Grace and Community. Living Water Community. Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies August 11, 2007.

Cultivating a Beatitude School: Mary Queen of Peace Faculty Retreat. University of Dayton, August 6, 2007.

The Impact of Media (Digital) Culture for Evangelization. SPICE Conference. Boston College. June 22, 2007.

Exploring New Leadership Styles for Religious Communities. MHSH Convocation. Baltimore, Maryland, June 12, 2007.

Converging Communications Digital Technologies: Impact on Pastoral Ministry. FABC- BISCOM VI. Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand May 29, 2007.

Distance Learning for Adult Faith Formation. FABC-BISCOM VI. Assumption University,

Bangkok, Thailand. May 30, 2007.

Forming Catechetical Leaders of the Future: Perspectives on UDs FORUM. NCCL Convention. Columbus, Ohio April 24, 2007.

Webinars: Supporting Catholic School Board Formation. NCEA Convention, Baltimore, Maryland. April 12, 2007.

Communications and Religious Imagination. NCEA Convention. April 10, 2007. Baltimore, Md.

The Beatitudes: The Ground for Catholic School Culture and Identity. Mary Queen of Peace School. Dayton, Ohio, March 19, 2007.

Contemplating the Face of Christ. Archdiocese of Port of Spain. Trinidad, West Indies. March 14, 2007.

Proclaiming the Gospel Through the Internet. Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Diocesan Staff In-Service, September 25, 2007 (Video-conference).

Catholic School Leadership: Theology of the Heart. Catholic School Principals Day of Renewal, Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Ohio, September 5, 2007.Creating New Pathways for Lay Ecclesial Communities. Living Water Community Conference. Trinidad, West Indies, March 10, 2007.

Cultivating Fertile Ground for Healthy Workplaces. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati Dayton Region Lay Ecclesial Leaders. November 29, 2006.

NDC: Evangelization Catechumenal Model. Northern Area Catechetical Office, October 5, 2006.

Dialogue: The Ground for Recreating Religious Life. NCNWR National Convention Keynote Address. October 1, 2006.

Here I am! Where are you? Day of Reflection. Archdiocesan Bishops Staff, September 6, 2006.

Listening with the Heart and Mind for Wholeness and Holiness, Sisters of the Precious Blood, March 29, 2006

Development of Christian Media Professionals Without Boundaries to Serve Quality Formation in the World, CREC-AVEX Center, Ecully, France, November 2005.

Collaborative Leadership for Faith Communication, Precious Blood Vocation Formation Center, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, September 13-14, 2005.

Keynote presentation, Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin, Central Education Institute Workshop, September 30, 2005.

Keynote presentation, Miami Valley Catholic School, May 3, 2005.

Highlights of Adult Faith Formation, NCCL Conference, April 11, 2005.

Catechesis: Exploring Communication Options for Faith Formation, NPCD Convention, April 1, 2005.

Catechesis: Exploring Communication Options for Faith Formation, NCEA Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 31, 2005.

Communicating Faith in the Media Culture, Catholic Conference, Spokane, Washington, October 30, 2004.

Nurturing Dialogic Skills for Effective Leadership, Johannes Hofinger Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 9, 2004.

The Role of Media in Ministry, Priests Convocation, San Bernardino, California, October 2, 2003.

The Power and Vision or Leadership in Marianist Schools Today, Marianist /UD Summer MEC Program, August 1, 2003.

Evangelization and the Media, Portland, Oregon, The North American Institute for Catholic Evangelization, Portland, Oregon, July 9, 2003.

Using Film and Electronic Media in the Classroom, University of Dayton, Faculty Exchange Series Seminar, March 27, 2003.

E-Learning for Faith Formation, Sacred Heart University, [location], January 31, 2003.

Navigating Off Campus with E-Learning, The University of Dayton, October 31, 2002.

Technology in Education. Diocese of Buffalo, New York, September 13, 2002.

E-Learning for Effective Adult Faith Formation and Ministry. Archdiocese of Los Angeles, California, August 23, 2002.

Brick by Brick: Building the Kingdom of God (The Communication Challenge). National Catholic Educational Association High School Religious Education Conference. Dayton, Ohio, June 29, 2002.

Dialogue: Exploring New Paradigms for Effective Leadership and Ministry. Diocese of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Continuing Education of Clergy. May 7, 2002.

Exploring Voices of Courage. Council of Catholic Women State of Utah Convention. Salt Lake City, Utah. April 26, 2002.

New Frontiers for Catechesis: Weaving New Forms of Dialogue through Application of Expanding Communication Resources. National Association of Catholic Media Professionals Convention. Jacksonville, Florida. April 12, 2002.Dialogue, Media and Pastoral Leadership: Paving New Pathways. National Organization for the Continuing Education for Roman Catholic Clergy Convention, Orlando, Florida, February 4, 2002.

Enhancing Catholic School Curriculum through the Support of New Communication Technologies/Resources. Diocese of Venice Catholic Teacher & School Administrators Conference. Venice, Florida. January 14, 2002.

Applying The Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation Program for Cathedral Adult Faith Formation and Dialogue for Effective Church Leadership. National Association Cathedral Ministers Conference, Orlando, Florida. January 6, 2002.

Forging New Pathways for Catholic Communications: Introducing SIGNIS. Unda/OCIC World Congress, Rome, Italy. November 20, 2001.

Integrating New Communication Technologies for Pastoral Education and Formation. Federation of Asian Bishops Conference Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand. May 2001.

The Internet for Effective Catechesis and Ministry. Federation for Asian Bishops Conference Symposium. Bangkok, Thailand. May 2001.

The Formation of Priests in Social Communications. BISCOM II Conference. Bangkok, Thailand, May 8 2001.

Defining New Directions for the Internet and Ministry. BISCOM I Conference. Bangkok, Thailand. May 2, 2001.

The Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation. NCEA Convention. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April. 2001.

Jumpstarting Catechesis. NCEA/NPCD Convention. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April 2001.

Inter-Diocesan Collaborative Initiatives for Communication Ministry. Unda USA convention, Orlando, Fl. October 2000.

Faith in the Mediasphere. Archdiocese of Chicago Religious Ed Conference. September 2000. Our Youth and the On-Line World. Archdiocese of Chicago Religious Ed Conference. September 2000.

Introduction to the VLCFF Initiative for Diocesan Staff. Diocese of Greensburg, Pennsylvania. September 2000.

Introduction to the VLCFF Initiative for Diocesan Staff. Diocese of Wheeling, West Virginia, September 2000.

Exploration New Avenues for Adult Faith Formation in the Media Age. University of Manitoba (St. Paul College) Winnipeg, Canada, August. 2000.

Transformation Leadership for Effective Church Ministry. University of Manitoba. (St. Paul College), Winnipeg, Canada, August 2000.

The Virtual Learning Community and Faith Formation. Diocese of Raleigh, North Carolina, July 19, 2000.

Spirituality and Film. New FIRE Conference. Dayton, Ohio, June 23, 2000.

Inculturation & Catechesis: Kaleidoscope Catechesis. On Fertile Ground Symposium. Sponsored by the USCC/Department of Education. Dayton, Ohio May 2000.

The Internet and Religious Faith Formation. Archdiocese of Milan, Italy July 1, 2000. (This was also a live video lecture distributed via Picturetel to Rome, Italy).

The Internet and Distance Adult Religious Education; The Six Principles of the World Christian Association for Communication Panel and Keynote International Panel of Young Christian Communicators. Religious Communication Conference Convention. Chicago, March 2000.

Exploring Communication within the Caribbean Context. Caribbean Communication Association Annual Meeting, Port of Spain Trinidad, West Indies. August 1999.

Human Dignity: Insights for Dead Man Walking. Malaysia Catholic Film Festival of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. September. 1999.

Distance Education for Religious Education. National Catechetical Leaders Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana. April 1999.

Theological Reflections on Communication. New Frontiers & SPICE Conference, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, July 10, 1999.

Educational Technology. Keynote, SPICE Conference, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, July 8, 1999.

Impact of Technology on Culture, Human Development and Catechesis. National Catholic Educational Association, Catholic University of America. Washington DC, June 29, 1999.

Religious Education and the New Mediasphere, Diocese of Rockville Centre, Rockville Centre, New York, April 27, 1999.

Encountering Religion and Faith in the Mediasphere. NCCL 63rd Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, April 21, 1999.

Tactics of Innovation for Distant Education and Religious Education. NCCL 63rd Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, April 21, 1999.

Forging New Frontiers in Religious Education. NCEA Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 9, 1999.

Artisans of Faith in Contemporary Culture. NPCD National Convocation, 96th Annual Convention and Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana. April 8, 1999.

Mapping New Journeys in the Infomedia Culture. NCEA Convention, New Orleans, April 6, 1999.

Continuing the Dialogue., 1999 Religious Education Institute: We Are God's Work of Art, Camden, Jew Jersey, March 27, 1999.

New Frontiers Workshop, Diocese of Harrisburg, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, December 6-8, 1998.

Conversation, Faith & the Media. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Dayton, Ohio, November 8, 1998.

Lecture to the Uffico Naxionale Per Le Comunicazioni Sociali, Conference Espiscaplae Italiana, By videoconference from the University of Dayton, October 29, 1998.

Shifting the Paradigm: Pastoral Communications for Parishes, Schools and Dioceses, Diocese of Lansing Common Conference, Lansing, Michigan, October 15-17, 1998..

Communication, Connection, and Community. Keynote, 23rd Annual Religious Education Congress, September 19, 1998.

Innovation in Catholic Education. Indianapolis, Indiana, September 15, 1998.

Mission vs. Technology, Catholic Education Contribution to the New Media Culture. NCEA Convention, Los Angeles, California, April 16, 1998.

New Frontiers: Kaleidoscope Journeys. NCEA Convention, Los Angeles, California, April 15, 1998.

New Technologies as Gifts for the Ministry of Parish Directors of Religious Education. NPCD National DRE Convocation, Los Angeles, California, April 15, 1998.

Nouvelles Technologies, Nouvelle Evangelisation. CREC AVEX a'l'Universite Catholique de Lyon, France, March 6-8, 1998.

Making a Technology Plan a Reality. Diocese of Savannah Teacher's Conference, Savannah, Georgia, February 14, 1998.

Religious Education and Formation in a High Tech World: Part I and Part II. Joahannes Hofinger Catechetical Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 10, 1998.

Toward a Theology of Communication for Ministry. Norwich Priest's Conference, Norwich, Connecticut, November 30, 1997.

Transformation in the New Era: New Leadership Styles, Holy Ghost Seminary. Hong Kong. November 1997.

Technology in the Classroom of the 21st Century. Jeffersonville, Indiana. October 1997l 1997.

Kaleidoscope Ministry in a New Millennium. Keynote - National Association of Catholic Family Life, Boca Raton, Florida, September 25, 1997.

Student Needs. Keynote Address. Diocese of Orlando Teacher Inservice, Orlando, Florida, September 1997.

Communicating Women Religious in the New Millennium, Keynote Address. The National Communicators Network for Women Religious, Dubuque, Iowa. September 1997.

Cyborg & Christian: Fiction or Reality? Mackey Marianist Lecture. Chaminade University. Honolulu, Hawaii. July 1997.

The Next level: Providing Details for Distance and Out-of Classroom Learning. Ameritech Faculty Development Technology Project. University of Dayton. June 1997.

New Frontiers for Catholic Schools: Highlights on Success Stories. NCEA Convention. Minneapolis, Minnesota. April 1997.

Conversation, Communication and the Arts. Louven University & Sacred Heart University Symposium, Paris, France, January 1997.

Communication Theology. UNDA-USA General Assembly. Chicago, Illinois. November 1996.

New paradigms for Catholic Education. Keynote Address. Diocesan Catholic Education Conference, Ft. Worth, Texas, September 1996.

Catholic Educators: Artisans of the 21st Century. Keynote Address. Diocesan Conference. Diocese of Kalamazoo, Michigan, September 1996.

Communicating Faith in a New Media Culture. Keynote Address. Religious Education Congress, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 1996.

New Trends in Technology and Catholic Education. University of Rochester. Rochester, July 1996.

Transformation of Society: Challenge of the New Media Culture. Keynote Address. NCCE Annual Conference, San Diego, California, June 1996.

Crossing New Frontiers for Catholic Education & Ministry: An International Perspective. Rome, Italy, March 1996.

Connecting Teachers & Administrators to Advance Curriculum and Technology. John Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio, July 1995.

A Perspective on International Religious Communications. Religious Public Relations National Convention, Dayton, Ohio, September 1994.

The Technology Challenge for Catholic Communications. Keynote Address, 1994 Unda-OCIC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, September 1994.

Communicating the Gospel via New Technologies. Archdiocese of Port-of-Spain, Trinidad/Tobago, West Indies. August 1994.

Multi-media Applications for Catholic Education. Regis University, Denver, Colorado, June 1994.

Defining New Paradigms for Academic Initiatives in Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century. The Gregorian and Salesian Universities Symposium, Rome, Italy, March, 1994.

Critical Reflection: Integrating Discussions of Media, Culture and Faith Development in the Catholic School Curriculum. Diocese of Galveston-Houston (Texas) Conference, February 1994.

Human Dignity in a Media Culture. University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, September 1993.

Philosophical Foundation for Integrating Technology with Curriculum. Keynote Address. National Principals Academy Conference, Washington, DC, July 1993.

Theology of Communications. LaFarge Institute Symposium. America Magazine. New York, New York, October 1992.

Excerpts from Publications

Babin, P. and Zukowski, A (2002). The Gospel in Cyberspace: Nurturing Faith in the Internet Age. Chicago: Loyola Press.

The trends indicate momentous changes in the (communication) process that oblige us to radically review the manner in which we understand the traditional Church, in particular the role of the Gospel and where it belongs in this new world.  As we enter the third millennium and its new cultural context, there must be a new evangelization depending in large measure on the choices the Church makes in facing the challenges of contemporary culture. (15)


Zukowski, A. and Plude, F. (2001). Voices of Courage: A Collection of International Stories and Experiences.  Brussels: UNDA.

The women I encounter sense that women have a unique insight and perspective for telling stories associated with womens experiences of the meaning, value and expression of life.  One comprehends from these women that there is more than one way to communicate an experience.  There is more than one way to engage in leadership within the community.  (7)


Zukowski, A. (2012). We Never Did it That Way Before! National Conference for Catechetical Leadership publication-in-process.

The brain constantly reorganizes itself all our youth and adult lives, a phenomenon technically known as neuroplasticity.  Brain plasticity, at a neuronal level, is now clear and incontrovertible.  I cannot stress enough the point that research indicates something fundamental has shifted as young peoples thinking patterns have changed.

Zukowski, A. & Babin, P. (2002). The Gospel in Cyberspace: Nurturing Faith in the Internet Age. Chicago: Loyola Press.

This is perhaps the best introduction to Angela Ann Zukowskis thought at the time of its publication.  A special advantage is that her co-author is the late Pierre Babin, a global innovator in the fields of evangelization, catechesis and media.  Angela Ann taught for a period each year at CREC-AVEX, established as a training center by Babin in France.  An advantage here is that each author writes special sections of the book so the reader hears the individual voices.  An Epilogue provides a dialogue between the two.  Two key essays by Zukowski in this volume are entitled The Place of the Church in the Internet Age and Toward Inculturation in Cyberspace.


Zukowski, A. & Helmuth R. (Eds.) (2007). Communicatio Socialis: Challenge of Theology and Ministry in the Church. Kassel, Germany: Kassel University Press.

This volume, a Festschrift for Franz-Josef Eilers, contains a number of essays by leading specialists, with a focus, especially, on the dialogic aspect of global cultures, church documents, and theological education.  Angela Anns own essay is entitled Shifting Sands: Catechesis, Imagination and the Digital Culture.


Zukowski, A. & Plude, F. (Eds) (2001). Voices of Courage. Brussels: UNDA (International Catholic Association of Radio and Television).

A key feature of the life and work of Angela Ann is her role as a dynamic model of a woman on the international stage.  In this volume she and I collaborate to edit the writings of twenty-five women from around the world who have played key roles as church communicators.  The stories are varied and dramatic. In the books Foreword, Angela Ann speaks of how her extensive travel and professional work brought her in touch with these women and how their lives connect with her own.  She details in the concluding essay her early introduction to the role of media in religion, her invitation to join the University of Dayton, and the development of the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives at that institution.   


Author Information

Frances Plude


Frances Forde Plude, Research Professor at Notre Dame College, Cleveland, OH, completed her doctoral studies in telecommunications and public policy at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  She has also served on the faculty of Emerson College, Syracuse University, and John Carroll University.  She has lectured abroad and is the author of numerous publications.  She was an invited member of the International Study Commission on Media, Religion and Culture and met with scholars around the world to probe innovations in these three areas of study.  She is recognized globally as a pioneer in developing a new field of thought Communication Theology.