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Howard G. Hendricks

By Michael S. Lawson & Carisa Ash


Dallas Theological Seminary Dr. Howard G. Hendricks (19242013) has been teaching and leading in the field of Christian for over fifty years. His work as professor, preacher, platform speaker, and popular author multiplied his influence across the evangelical landscape. Many current evangelical leaders such as Chuck Swindoll, Tony Evans, and Joe Stowell call him "mentor". His healthy marriage and family demonstrate a well balanced and Biblical life style. Dr. Hendricks is a model Christian educator whose words and life complement one another.


Early Life, Education and Family

"For the next hour色 announces the smiling, take-charge professor, I want twenty-five observations from Acts 1:8. Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) alumni and students remember fondly that request from Prof, as they affectionately call the 57, balding teacher of Bible Study Methods. A network stretching around the globe testifies to life-changing results from their time in the classroom of their beloved mentor.

Before his birth on April 5, 1924, his parents separated, so once he arrived, Howard G. Hendricks was placed in the Philadelphia home of his grandparents, Jake and Cora Hendricks. Their loss of a son years earlier had pressured his grandfather into an alcohol problem, but Coras strong reliance on God supplied much-needed love and acceptance for young Hendricks. Validating her nurture was a man from a small church nearby, named Walt, who wanted desperately to reach young boys for Christ.

He (Walt) came down my street one day, said Hendricks, looking for boys for his Sunday school class. Well, anything that had school in it was a bad-news item to me. Then he said, Well, howdya like to play marbles? That was different. This tall drink owater stooped down and whipped me in every game. I lost my marbles early in life, he chuckles. But no matter where Walt was going, Howard Hendricks wanted to go. This man with barely a sixth-grade education loved boys in a way that drew them irresistibly to Jesus Christ. From that class of thirteen boys twelve eventually entered Christian ministry.

Later, a devout scoutmaster and his vigilant pastor urged the adolescent Hendricks to consider vocational Christian ministry. Believing that God had placed a call on his life, he turned down a full scholarship at Northwestern to pursue a medical career to attend Wheaton College. At Wheaton, his classmates Lois and Mary LeBar helped him solidify his decision to explore the field of Christian education. Then department chair, Dr. Rebecca Price, marked him as a future leader in her chosen field. During his college years he also laid the foundation for his own inductive study methods of the Scripture.

Shortly before leaving for Wheaton in 1942, Howie, as he was known, spied a young lady on the platform in a skit at a youth banquet. He found out who she was and the weekend before he was to leave for Wheaton he had himself invited as guest song leader at her local Labor Day retreat. At the campsite only the dining hall had electric lighting, so he planned a moonlight sing at the lake and gently approached her to ask if he might share her flashlight, since he had forgotten his own. He adds, Shes been the light of my life ever since! On their first date she watched him board a train for Wheaton. Immediately, he penned her a six-page letter to fan the flame of their long distance courtship. Five years and the beginning of another degree later Jeanne Wolfe became his wife.

God graced the young Hendricks family with two sons, two daughters, and now, six granddaughters. In 1999 Barb, the oldest, suffered a brain aneurysm and passed away. Bob, Bev and Bill continue to live in the Dallas area. All of them are, or have been, associated with The Hendricks Group, a ministry/business in the field of personal assessment.

As he tells it, Being relatively naive, I enrolled at Dallas Theological Seminary thinking it was Wheatons grad school. In those days it was common for students headed into ministry to graduate from Wheaton and immediately enroll at Dallas. He also remembered that as a boy, the best speakers at his church all came from Dallas. Hendricks completed his Masters Degree in Theology in 1950. After graduation, Howie entered the pastorate at McKinney Memorial Church, a newly formed church in Fort Worth, Texas. During that time Dallas Seminary invited him to teach twice weekly; this experience and the affirmation from his students convinced him that his lifetime calling was in the classroom. In 1951 the homiletics department became the platform on which Hendricks began the now legendary Bible Study Methods course. Over time, the inductive approach not only came to characterize the Bible Exposition department, but also impacted the language departments, as they embraced the method along with the energetic teacher.

He decided to enroll in a Ph.D. program under Paul Veith at Yale, beginning with summer graduate studies at Wheaton. With great reluctance, he resigned from his church and moved his family to the East Coast. Only months later, an urgent call from President John Walvoord informed him of the death of Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, founder and president of the seminary, and the illness of another key professor. The question was posed, could he possibly defer his studies and come back to teach theology and homiletics?

In the providence of God, Hendricks never went to Yale. Instead, the Hendricks family packed up and returned to Dallas, with one provisohe asked to teach at least one course in Christian education. The fall of 1952 marked his first Christian Education course, Christian Education of Youth, with courses following in Christian education of children and the home, elective courses that were quickly filled with students. His first course required a double section, and he saw immediately the need for specialists in the field to enhance the studies. Guest lecturers were brought in, and teaching fellows, such as Roy Zuck and Ed Hayes came aboard. In 1958 the Department of Christian Education began, the first major addition to the seminary curriculum.

The Christian Education departments acceptance rested heavily on the character of Howard Hendricks, gifted and used of God to alter peoples perceptions of the field. As the department grew, Hendricks introduced Dr. Gene Getz and Dr. Kenneth Gangel. Gangel became the chairman and also introduced the Master of Arts in Christian Education degree. Dr. Walvoord championed the development of the Christian Education department and encouraged Hendricks passion to meet the desperate educational needs of local churches.

If I didnt get something, it was because I didnt ask for it, confessed Hendricks, as he expressed his long-standing gratitude to his mentor, Dr. John Walvoord. Other leaders also recognized his unique gifts and sought his skills. Dr. Rebecca Price, (formerly at Wheaton) made a deathbed wish that Hendricks would replace her as senior professor of Christian education at Fuller Seminary. She urged them to pursue him with a full-court press. But to no avail. At a time when DTS had little material incentives to offer its faculty, even the generous offer from Fuller did not dislodge him. His firm conviction that methodology builds on its Biblical and theological framework kept him from accepting the grand offer. His loyalty to DTS and its dispensational foundations anchored his convictions.

Howard Hendricks was the first professor to be granted a sabbatical at the seminary. He spent this time abroad developing his ideas for the department. He was also the first professor to be designated with the title of Distinguished Professor. What human influences boosted him to this level of excellence? He names Dr. Lauren King, English professor at Wheaton, a man eagerly sought by Ivy League schools, who saw his ministry teaching basic English to Wheaton College students. King introduced Hendricks to Mortimer Adlers How to Read a Book, thus greatly enhancing Hendricks reading comprehension, and later his sons; a boy who stumbled because of a teachers lack of teaching know-how. Also, Dr. Merrill Tenney, New Testament scholar, helped shape Hendricks philosophy of teaching and marked his intense discipline in biblical studies.

As semesters unfolded, the Christian Home became Hendricks favorite course. Howard and Jeanne Hendricks would often team-teach. Undoubtedly motivated by the broken home of his own childhood, he realized in the 1960s that few voices in theological education spoke to the family. The course became a classic and many that enrolled would now testify that it not only saved their marriage but also altered the course of their ministry.

An almost prophetic ability to see needs and devise a plan of action characterizes the life and ministry of Howard Hendricks. Envisioning the churchs need for education that is truly Christian, for preachers Bible study that is truly inductive, and for the critical lack of pastoral training in the Christian home has kept him on the cutting edge of theological education as he moved from one decade to the next.

In the late 1980s Dallas Seminary added the Center for Christian Leadership with Howard Hendricks as Chairman, addressing the urgent need for superior torchbearers in Christian organizations. His latest contribution to Christian education came through the Griffith Thomas lectures in the spring of 1999. Through a series of chapel presentations he challenged future leaders to recognize the ingenuity and capabilities of seniors in their congregations as the American population ages.

The influence of Prof continues to make a worldwide impact through former students such as Chuck Swindoll, Joseph Stowell, David Jeremiah, Bruce Wilkinson, and a host of others heading up schools, churches, and para-church ministries on every continent. He is mentor and friend, not only to thousands of alumni, but also to students who find ways to major in Hendricks while they are on campus. He and Jeanne exude a hunger for learning, and together they have pursued courses of study in numerous places. Between them dozens of books and articles have been printed and they both maintain a busy speaking schedules on and off campus.

Outside of the classroom Howard Hendricks is known as a former pastor, Christian Education director, Youth Director, as well as for his eight-year stint as Bible teacher and chaplain of the Dallas Cowboys football team. Numerous major boards of directors, formerly or presently, list his name: Leadership Dynamics, The Navigators, Promise Keepers, Ronald Blue and Company, Multnomah Bible College, and Seminary, SEARCH Ministries, and Walk Thru the Bible Ministries. Some of his many advisory boards include: Family Life Ministries, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, American Tract Society, Sonscape Ministries, Write-Way Ministries (Australia), Art of Family Living, Face the Challenge, Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Living Word Bible Museum, and a host of others. He has received many honors, including an honorary doctorate and Outstanding Alumni of the Year from Wheaton College.

As a consultant and conference speaker he is widely sought after, but Howard Hendricks shuns the pedestal, consistently going back to his Ephesians four philosophy: God gives gifts to men [and women] so that they may use their giftedness to equip the saints for ministry. The adage about teaching a man to fish comes to mind as Hendricks speaks of the importance of everyone being trained and involved in ministry. If people are trained to do the ministry then they will minister for a lifetime. How can the pastor expect people to volunteer to teach Sunday school if he has not equipped them for the task?

Prof willingly shared some of his wisdom for the next generation of Christian educators: stay on course with sound biblical and theological convictions, and then commit to the ministry of multiplication. Finally, educators must be visionaries: it is not too difficult to be relevant if you dont care about being biblical but to be biblical AND relevantthats the goal! God enabled Howard Hendricks to consistently see the needs of the church and provide motivational teaching. Seeking that one thing he must do he has stayed in his role as a professor at one school for fifty-three years (at the time of this article). His foundation on the Word of God and his ever-deepening relationship with Christ steers his ship as he often finds himself steering upstream. In the end, he says, I am not in business to impress people. His delight comes in serving the Savior.

All information was obtained in a series of interviews with Howard Hendricks.

Addendum: Howard G. Hendricks passed away peacefully at his home, on February 20, 2013, at the age of 88.

Contributions to Christian Education

How do you measure the impact of a person on a movement? God entrusts each believer with unique amounts of health, giftedness, experience, and opportunity. Howard G. Hendricks seems to have maximized everything God gave him to shape the field of Christian education. People such as劣oward G. Hendricks多ave had distinguished careers in the field of education but have not written on the philosophy of education. Nevertheless, the influence of these teachers and the hundreds of their graduates in Christian education ministries attests to their superb contribution (Benson, 1984, pp 58).

For example, Howard Hendricks has trained Christian education leaders for many other schools. The following list demonstrates the wide range of schools that have utilized students trained by Hendricks:

  • Warren Benson at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (now deceased)
  • Ron Chadwick at Grand Rapids School of Theology (now retired)
  • Ed Hayes at Denver Theological Seminary (now retired)
  • Grant Howard at Multnomah School of the Bible (now retired)
  • Klaus Issler at Talbot Theological Seminary
  • Michael Lawson at Dallas Theological Seminary
  • Charles Sell at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Hendricks influence ranges well beyond the immediate profession of Christian education. No other educator, they say, has affected the evangelical world like the man whom they reverently call Prof. Take note of some of the prot矇g矇s, and it is easy to see that they could be right.

Theres the Rev. Tony Evans, one of the most prominent black preachers in America; theres Bruce Wilkinson, author of the publishing phenomenon The Prayer of Jabez; theres the Rev. Charles R. Swindoll, one of the most popular evangelical preachers in the world; and the list goes on.

Impact is only as good as it plays out in future generations, says the Rev. David Jeremiah, another prot矇g矇 and another of the evangelical worlds most trusted voices. Prof is like a pebble thrown in a lake the ripples just keep going outward.

Consider that the combined ministries of just eight former students of Hendricks reach close to 30,000 people in the pews every week, their radio programs air in most countries on thousands of radio stations, and their books have reached millions of readers (Debaldo, 2003).

In the classroom, Hendricks stands alone. He is the only professor of Christian education to teach in the field and at the same school for over fifty years. During that time, over seven thousand students went through Dallas Theological Seminary and almost all of them had Dr. Hendricks for at least one course.

Unlike many professors, he not only developed a department in his chosen field of study, he also trained students in a wide range of academic disciplines. At various times over five decades, he has taught theology, pastoral ministry, Bible exposition, and leadership along with Christian education. Very few, if any, have navigated competently through such a wide range of disciplines.

The courses he taught in various departments include:

  • Practical Work 1,2,3,4 (overseeing student involvement in church ministry)
  • Teaching Process (formerly Pedagogy)
  • The Educational Program of the Church
  • The Christian Education of Youth
  • Preliminary Homiletics (became known as Bible Study Methods)
  • Basic Homiletics
  • Third Year Sermon
  • Expository Preaching
  • The Christian Education of Children
  • The Christian Education of Adults
  • History and Philosophy of CE
  • Organization & Administration
  • Counseling
  • The Christian Home
  • Camping (later changed to Christian Camping)
  • Methods of Bible Analysis (later called The Analytic Method of Bible Study)
  • Christian Education Seminar
  • Advanced Bible Study Methods
  • Teaching & Preaching the Bible
  • Ecclesiology & the Educational Program of the Church
  • Principles of Discipleship
  • Christian Education Journalism
  • Creativity in Ministry
  • Creativity
  • Seminar on Youth Problems
  • Family Enrichment
  • Communicating in Contemporary Culture
  • Dynamics of Leadership

Hendricks versatile skills in public communication enabled him to range beyond the classroom into the pulpit and onto the platform. From the 1960s through the 1970s, he spoke at major Christian education and Sunday school conventions. His addresses motivated thousands of church workers, Sunday school teachers, pastors, and church leaders. They heard the Word of the Lord explained and animated in an unforgettable way. His teaching is always fresh, on target, and motivational (Johnson, 1998, pp 60). In the 1980s and 1990s his teaching and writing on the Christian home made him an ideal spokesman for the mens movement known as Promise Keepers.

Early in his teaching career, when many approached the Scriptures from a purely topical perspective, he made inductive Bible study a household word at Dallas Seminary. When many felt theological education belonged exclusively to professors or preaching pastors, he championed Christian education as a discipline worthy of comprehensive study and life long vocation. He developed courses on the Christian home and Christian counseling while others scoffed at their place in theological education. Recently, he has been emphasizing leadership skills as an orientation for pastors, while continuing to serve as a distinguished professor at DTS.

Dr. Hendricks has found his way into every major communication medium. In addition to the previously mentioned teaching and preaching, he has numerous books and articles as well as audio and videotapes. From 1980 to 1983, his radio ministry, The Art of Family Living aired on a number of Christian radio stations. He continues to minister extensively in other countries.

Anyone who gets very close to Dr. Hendricks senses his deep and abiding commitment to the Savior. When he speaks of our Lord, it sounds as though he has spoken to Him recently and more importantly, listened to Him with an eagerness to obey today.

The evidence of his devotion marks his marriage as he nurtures and cherishes his relationship with Jeanne. She bears all the marks of a woman well loved. His children follow the Lord in their lives. The marriage team of Howard and Jeanne developed a rich spiritual environment for their family.

His love for God has a contagious twist in it. He caught the real disease to use his own words. He makes people thirsty for more insight into the Scriptures and intimacy with God. You sense he has acquired both through disciplined but ordinary procedures that any disciple of Jesus might use.

Howard G. Hendricks is not the only mountain peak in the Rockies of Christian education. But everyone would agree that he stands among the few and highest peaks in that range. All who stand in the shadow of that range express deep gratitude for their lasting contribution to the landscape. They call the church to bring everyone to consistently higher ground through a solid biblical church focused theological education.

Future generations of DTS students will not remember Dr. Hendricks as their teacher and mentor. But, the Hendricks Building on the campus of DTS will alert them that someone really important served the seminary. At the time of this writing, the only buildings with a faculty name on them are former presidents of the school (Chafer Chapel, Walvoord Student Center, Campbell Academic Center). In addition, his name will come before them every time the Hendricks Center for Christian Leadership sponsors an event on campus. His ongoing contribution to Christian leadership will continue through his son Bill, who now directs the mission of the Hendricks center.

Within the providence of God, the two departments within DTS founded by Dr. Hendricks (Christian Education Department and Leadership Department) have now been combined into the Educational Ministries and Leadership Department. Several masters degrees and a doctoral degree are now associated with that department. Everyone associated with the Educational Ministries and Leadership Department along with the Hendricks Center for Christian Leadership acknowledges Dr. Hendricks profound contribution.

Works Cited

  • Benson, W. (1984). Evangelical philosophies of religious education. In M. Taylor (Ed.), Changing patterns of religious education. Nashville: Abingdon Press.
  • Johnson, M. (1999). Color outside the lines: A revolutionary approach to creative leadership [Review of the book Color outside the lines: A revolutionary approach to creative leadership]. Preaching, 14 (6), 60.
  • Delbado, B. (2003, January 25). Seminary professors words shaping major evangelists. The Dallas Morning News.



  • Hendricks, H. (1998). Color outside the lines: A revolutionary approach to creative leadership. Nashville: Word Publishers.
  • Hendricks, H. (1997). A life of integrity: Outstanding leaders raise the standard for todays Christian men. Sisters, OR: Multnomah Books.
  • Hendricks, H., & Phillips, B. (Eds.). (1997). Values, virtues. Sisters, OR: Multnomah Books.
  • Hendricks, H. (1995). Standing together: Impacting your generation. Gesham, OR: Vision House.
  • Hendricks, H., & Hendricks, W. (1995). As iron sharpens iron. Chicago: Moody Press.
  • Hendricks, H., & Hendricks, W. (1991). Living by the book. Chicago: Moody Press.
  • Hestenes, R., Hendricks, H., & Palmer, E. (1991). Mastering teaching. Portland, OR: Multnomah Press.
  • Hendricks, H., Hendricks, J., & Neff, L. (Eds.). (1988). Husbands & wives. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
  • Hendricks, H., & Gangel, K. (Eds.). (1988). The Christian educators handbook on teaching. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
  • Hendricks, H. (1987). Teaching to change lives. Sisters, OR: Multnomah Press.
  • Hendricks, H. (1983). Taking a stand: What God can do through ordinary you! Portland, OR: Multnomah Press.
  • Hendricks, H. & Hendricks, J. (1981). Footprints: Walking through the passages of life. Portland, OR: Multnomah Press.
  • Douglass, S. & Cook, B. & Hendricks, H. (1981). The Ministry of Management (3rd ed.). San Bernadino, CA: Campus Crusade for Christ International.
  • Hendricks, H. (1973a). Families go better with love. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
  • Hendricks, H. (1973b). Heaven help the home. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
  • Baldwin, S., & Bagley, K. (1973). Leader's guide for heaven help the home. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
  • Hendricks, H. (1972). Say it with love. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
  • Hendricks, H., & Douglass, D. (1972). Say it with love: Leader's guide. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
  • Hendricks, H. (1972). Elijah: Confrontation, conflict, and crisis. Chicago: Moody Press.
  • Hendricks, H. (1950). The theology of James. Thesis (ThM): Dallas Theological Seminary.


  • Hendricks, H. (2000). Me, myself and my tomorrows. Bibliotheca Sacra, 157 (627), 259-270.
  • Hendricks, H. (2000). Reaping the rewards of senior ministry. Bibliotheca Sacra, 157 (628), 387-396.
  • Hendricks, H. (2000). Rethinking retirement: [pt 2 of 4, On the edge of eternityA conversation about aging; W.H. Griffith Lectures, Dallas Theological Seminary], Bibliotheca Sacra, 157 (626), 131-140.
  • Hendricks, H. (2000). The other side of the mountain [pt. 1 of 4, On the edge of eternityA conversation about aging; W.H. Griffith Lectures, Dallas Theological Seminary], Bibliotheca Sacra, 157 (625), 3-14.
  • Hendricks, H. (1986). Lord change my childs father. Fundamentalist Journal, 5 (2), 51-52.
  • Hendricks, H. (1985). A shirt for Timmy: Teaching children to pray. Fundamentalist Journal, 4 (11), 53-54.
  • Hendricks, H. (1984). The art of family living. Fundamentalist Journal, 3 (9), 39-41.
  • Hendricks, H. (1971). Preparing young people for Christian marriage. Bibliotheca Sacra, 128, 245-262.
  • Hendricks, H. (1969). Leading a church school. [Review of the book Leading a church school]. Christianity Today, 13, 31-32.


  • Hendricks, H., Pearch, J., & Hendricks, W. (1995). Living by the Book. Dallas, TX: Dallas Seminary Video Ministry.
  • Hendricks, H. (1994a). Discipline of ministry in prayer. Portland, OR: Multnomah Bible College.
  • Hendricks, H. (1994b). Discipline of ministry thinking. Portland, OR: Multnomah Bible College.
  • Hendricks, H. (1994c). Discipline of ministry in time. Portland, OR: Multnomah Bible College.
  • Hendricks, H., Borden, P., & Dethmer, J. (1991). Beyond the bottom line: Matthew 5:13-16. Carol, IL: Christianity Today and Leadership.
  • Hendricks, H. (1990). Living by the book. Dallas, TX: Video Ministries.
  • Holmes, F., & Hendricks, H. (1988). The 7 laws of the teacher. Atlanta, GA: Walk Thru the Bible Ministries, Inc.
  • Hendricks, H., & Smith, F. (1987). In search of the excellent leader. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1987a). Leading the way. Atlanta, GA: Leadership Dynamics International.
  • Hendricks, H. (1987b). Teammates. Atlanta, GA: Leadership Dynamics International.
  • Hendricks, H. (1986a). Communicating with your kids. Whittier, CA: Moody Institute of Science: Moody Video.
  • Hendricks, H. (1986b). Help! Our family is unraveling. Whittier, CA: Moody Institute of Science.
  • Hendricks, H., Combs, C., & Cook, B. (1985). Christian education growth and dynamics. San Bernardino, CA: Christian Resource Center.
  • Hendricks, H. (1985). Making an impact: Holy living in a hostile world. Dallas, TX: Dallas Seminary Video Ministry.
  • Hendricks, H. (1985-1980?). The need and motivation for disciplemaking. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
  • Hendricks, H. (1984). The Monday morning mission. Wichita, KS: Harvest Communications.
  • Hendricks, H. (1983). Lifestyle evangelism and follow-up in the church. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
  • Hendricks, H., & Swindoll, C. (1981). Survival for the pastor. Portland, OR: Multnomah Press.
  • Hendricks, H. (1980). Leadership effectiveness series. Atlanta, GA: Leadership Dynamics.
  • Hendricks, H. (1977). Bible study basics. Positive Concepts Inc.: MC Productions, Released by Gospel Films.
  • Hendricks, H. (1976). What you need to know about premarital counseling. Waco, TX: Creative Resources.
  • Hendricks, H. (1975). Communication: Key to your marriage. Saluda, NC: Family Life Publications.


  • Hendricks, H. (2000). The mistakes peter made. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1999). On the edge of eternity: A conversation about aging. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H., & London, H., Jr. (1997). The ministry of presence: Exploring challenges beyond pulpit.. Colorado Springs, CO: Focus on the Family.
  • Lawrence, B., & Hendricks, H. (1996). Life lessons learned by shooting an elephant. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1993). Living above the poverty line. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1991). The economics of Christian service: Wages and competition. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1990). The ultimate curriculum for developing your Christian life. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1989a). Accountability: Impact by being authentic. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1989b). Communication or chaos? Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1989c). Creativity: Impact by being original. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1989d). Integrity: Impact by being different. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1989e). Mandate for mentoring. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1988a). A life of holiness. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1988b). The causes of stress. Dallas: Dallas Theological Seminary; Center for Christian Leadership.
  • Hendricks, H. (1988c). Leadership through discipleship. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1987a). The anatomy of a mentor. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1987b). The measure of a mentor portrait of a protege;. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1987c). The power of prayer. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H., & Buford, B. (1986). A study of biblical role models. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1984). Improving your preaching. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H., & Hendricks, J. (1983). Basic tools helping in marriage. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1981). The fruit of faith. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Walvoord, J., & Hendricks, H. (1980). Foundations for the future. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1979). Design for discipleship.
  • Hendricks, H. (1978a). Abraham: An unbelievable believer. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1978b). The anatomy of biblical friendship. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1977). Don't grow old, grow up.
  • Hendricks, H. (1976a). An anatomy ministry. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1976b). Clarifying values clarification.
  • Hendricks, H. (1976c). Creative parenthood.
  • Hendricks, H. (1976d). Discipline. Santa Ana, CA: Vision House Publishers, Inc.
  • Hendricks, H. (1976e). Family fun and games.
  • Hendricks, H. (1976f). The home. Santa Ana, CA: Vision House Publishers, Inc.
  • Hendricks, H. (1976g). Rearing children. Santa Ana, CA: Vision House Publishers, Inc.
  • Hendricks, H. (1976h). Rearing a marriage partner. Santa Ana, CA: Vision House Publishers, Inc.
  • Hendricks, H., & Anderson, J. (1976). Do it yourself pick pocketing: Family finances. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H., & Hendricks, J. (1976). Heaven to home hotline.
  • Hendricks, H., & Hendricks, J. (1976). Making the crooked straight: Family discipline.
  • Hendricks, H., Hendricks, J., & Hendricks, B. (1976). Neonatal nuggets: Infants before and after birth.
  • Hendricks, H. (1975a). How to study the Bible. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1975b). Prayer. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1974). The Christian home.
  • Buzzell, S., Krug, M., & Hendricks, H. (1974). How to develop a discipleship program with couples.
  • Hendricks, H. (1973a). Christian marriage.
  • Hendricks, H. (1973b). Decoding distress signals.
  • Hendricks, H. (1973c). For better, not for worse.
  • Hendricks, H. (1973d). Foundations of a Christian marriage.
  • Hendricks, H. (1973e). Mary the magnificent. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
  • Hendricks, H. (1973f). Role and responsibility of the wife. Costa Mesa, CA: One Way Library.
  • Hendricks, H., Kraft, F., & Kraft, V. (1973). God's help wanted column.
  • Hendricks, H. (1972a). Communicating our convictions.
  • Hendricks, H. (1972b). Is the Christian home safe for occupancy?
  • Slocum, S. & Hendricks, H. (1972). Managing your money matters.
  • Hendricks, H. (197?). Child discipline in the home. San Diego, CA: Family Life Seminars.
  • Hendricks, H. (197?). Christian education is home made. San Diego, CA: Family Life Seminar.
  • Hendricks, H. (197?). The minister as motivator. San Diego, CA: Family Life Seminars.
  • Hendricks, H. (19??). Role & responsibility of the husband. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.

Reviews of Books by Howard G. Hendricks

  • Johnson, M. (1999). Color outside the lines: A revolutionary approach to creative leadership [Review of the book Color outside the lines: A revolutionary approach to creative leadership]. Preaching, 14 (6), 60.
  • Benson, W. (1998). Color outside the lines: A revolutionary approach to creative leadership [Review of the book Color outside the lines: A revolutionary approach to creative leadership]. Christian Education Journal, 2 (2), 136.
  • Bailey, M. (1995). Living by the book [Review of the book Living by the book]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 152, 97-98.
  • Burns, J. (1990). Teaching to change lives [Review of the book Teaching to change lives]. Criswell Theological Review, 5 (1), 155-6.
  • Gangel, K. (1988). Teaching to change lives [Review of the book Teaching to change lives]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 145 (578), 237.
  • Weeden, L. (1988). Teaching to change lives [Review of the book Teaching to change lives]. Leadership, 9 (1), 78-9.

Excerpts from Publications

Hendricks, H. (1987). Teaching to change lives. Sisters, OR: Multnomah Press.

Christian education today is entirely too passive. And thats incongruous, because Christianity is the most revolutionary force on the planet. It changes people. (p. 53) Im convinced that everyoneno exceptioncan be motivated to learn. But not at the same time地nd not by the same person地nd not in the same way. The timing is crucial. Teaching is the assembling of a time bomb in a classroom, marked for explosion at a later date and in a different location. Thats why you need to walk by faith to be a good teacher, and you need a lot of patience. (p. 103)

Hendricks, H. (1991). Living by the book. Chicago: Moody Press.

The greatest tragedy among Christians today is that too many of us are under the Word of God, but not in it for ourselves. (p. 9) The genius of the Word of God is that it has staying power; it can stand up to repeated exposure. In fact, thats why it is unlike any other book. You may be an expert in a given field. If you read a book in that field two or three times youve got it. You can put it on the shelf and move on to something else. But thats never true of the Bible. Read it over and over again, and youll see things that youve never seen before. (p. 81) I think the great need among Gods people today is to get into Scripture for themselves. And because they are not doing so, they are losing the fizz in their spiritual life. They are flat and lukewarm. Nothing is more repulsive. People are weary of words, but they are starving for authenticity. (p. 340)

Hendricks, H. (1998). Color outside the lines: A revolutionary approach to creative leadership. Nashville: Word Publishers.

You may retire from a career; indeed, you may have no other option. But you never retire from the service of the King. So what are you doing today to accomplish His purposes? (p. 16) Creativity is the generation of unique, innovative thoughts, actions, and feelings with appropriate implementation for the benefit of others. It often means little more than the ability of perceiving in an unhabitual way. It is a function of knowledge, imagination and evaluation. (p. 23) Creative people are lifelong learners. Our task is to motivate that process. (p. 75) People are able to relate what they already know and what they observe through their senses to find relevancy where they did not see it before. When Jesus taught, He used each of the five senses, and everything around Him, as learning channels. The world was His classroom. He took advantage of every situation and all of peoples faculties. (p. 127) After almost fifty years of graduate teaching I have discovered that one of my primary tasks is to convince students that I believe in themeven when others do not. In fact, they dont even believe in themselves. Never forget: The act of teaching is the act of awakening the natural curiosity and abilities of young, plastic minds. (p. 169) The non-conformist who simply wishes to show he is different and the counter-conformist who opposes what others doright or wrongare like three-dollar bills to our savvy society, which, though it is lost, hungers for authenticity. A willingness to be genuine is the top root from which true creativity sprouts. (p. 222)

Hendricks, H. (1973). Heaven help the home. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

There is no second force in the life of a child compared with the impact of his home. The compelling crisis today is the training and equipping of parents to do the job. (p. 22) What do you as an individual, as a couple, want for your child? Heres a principle: you can achieve only that for which you aim. If you aim as nothing you will hit it every time. You must have the target clearly in focus. Many people have a very fuzzy idea of what they want to inculcate. (p. 51) Inculcating Christian standards is like building a fire in the rain. It requires willful determination, against all odds, to do what seems impossible. It calls for expertiseKnow-how which understands the nature of the child and the nature of a hostile world. It demands a stubborn perseverance to keep fanning the flickering flame, to keep protecting the hot coals. A warm young life, glowing for Christ, is the most needed commodity in the damp, depressing chill of the marketplace today. (p. 63)

Hendricks, H. (1972). Say it with love. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

Perhaps you find yourself talking more these days and enjoying it less. If so, you may be on the verge of the greatest breakthrough in your Christian life and ministry. Nothing is as easy as talking; nothing is as difficult as communicating. Those to whom you and I effectively communicate are changed; they are never quite the same again. I believe communication is one of the most delicate and critical tasks ever to confront the human mindespecially communicating in the spiritual realm. Here the results affect not only time but eternity. (p. 24)The man or woman who stops learning today stops communicating tomorrow. (p. 26) I have found that the closer I get to an individual, the more influence I have on his life. I talk to many students; unfortunately, I teach very few. Those I teach, I change, and that requires personal involvement. (p. 58)


Teaching: Hendricks, H. (1987). Teaching to change lives. Sisters, OR: Multnomah Press.

The result of numerous years of both formal and informal teaching; this highly practical volume provides an explanation of seven laws that will improve ones teaching. Each law comes with both an explanation and illustrations. Written for anyone who engages in the teaching process the book reads quickly and easily. Yet, the reader must not be fooled by its size and readability, each chapter comes packed with depth of thought and insight that calls one back time and again to drink afresh from the well.

Bible Study: Hendricks, H. (1991). Living by the book. Chicago: Moody Press.

Based upon Hendricks famed Bible Study Methods course this book serves as a guide to studying the Bible inductively. For anyone who desires to study the Word of God the book provides the basic principles complete with explanations, anecdotes, and assignments.

Creativity: Hendricks, H. (1998). Color outside the lines: A revolutionary approach to creative leadership. Nashville: Word Publishers.

Put your thinking cap on and be prepared to stretch your creative side! The reader leaves the book both encouraged and exhorted. Not only can I be creative匈 must be creative! Hendricks offers suggestions, provides resources, gives assignments, and provides rationale and encouragement throughout the pages of this book. Designed for anyone who seeks to overcome boredom and embrace their creative side, it offers suggestions and help with getting those creative juices flowing.

Christian Home: Hendricks, H. (1973). Heaven help the home. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

Like a walk through the woods with ones dad as he shares his wisdom. Hendricks, the father of four and a grandfather of six, speaks from experience. He offers his expertise and leaves the reader to mine the depths of the implications of each insight. Each chapter includes anecdotes, Scriptural exhortations and proven methods for raising your kids in a Christian home. Required reading for those beginning their journey, those simply thinking about the possibility of a family and anyone overwhelmed and lost as they try to create a distinctly Christian home.

Evangelism: Hendricks, H. (1972). Say it with love. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

Nicely divided into two sections; the book addresses the issue of how to effectively communicate the Gospel message and how to live out the Gospel message. In typical Hendricks fashion he intertwines anecdote with message. He leaves the reader with the conviction that she must not only share the Gospel but also live it out in love.

Author Information

Michael S. Lawson

Michael S. Lawson (Ph.D., Oklahoma University) currently serves as Chairman and Senior Professor of Christian Education at Dallas Theological Seminary. He has known Kenneth Gangel for 19 years. Kenn recruited Michael and served as his department chair in the Christian Education department. When Kenn became Dallas Theological Seminaries Academic Dean, Michael served as chairman of the Christian Education Department. Carisa A. Ash (Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary), is currently a Ph.D. student at Dallas Theological Seminary.

Carisa Ash

No information available.