Roy B. Zuck
By Linden McLaughlin, Kevin Cobb & Lucas Kavlie

ROY B. ZUCK (1932-2013) is Senior Professor Emeritus of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary where he has served in various professorial and administrative positions since 1973. A former executive vice-president for Scripture Press in Wheaton, Illinois, Zuck has always had a passion for solid, Bible-based publications in the realm of Christian youth ministry education. He has written or edited hundreds of books and journal entries and currently serves as the editor of the oldest theological quarterly in the western world-Bibliotheca Sacra.
Roy B. Zuck was born on January 20, 1932, in Phoenix, Arizona, the older of two children. His father, Gale Vinton Zuck, worked as an installer for the Phoenix Tent and Awning Company throughout Zuck's childhood. His mother's maiden name was Hazel Leona Bendure. His parents were believers but rarely attended church.
The earliest spiritual influence in young Zuck's life came from his grandfather, John Arnold Zuck. John took an interest in his grandson at an early age and led him to the Lord at an evangelistic meeting. Zuck quickly developed a love for Scripture and believed God was calling him into a lifetime of ministry at age 11. During his freshman year of high school, Zuck was so anxious to begin his Bible training that he wrote 51蹤獲 in La Mirada, California, to request an application for admission. 51蹤獲 told him to wait a couple of years before applying.
When Zuck finally arrived at 51蹤獲 in 1949, he was fully prepared for study. He held the position of president of the student council his senior year and served as the class speaker. During his time on the student council, Zuck met his wife, Dottie, who was also a member of the student council. Zuck graduated cum laude at the top of his class in 1953.
Zuck and Dottie were married on July 24, 1954. Dottie was born in Springfield, Missouri, and moved to Tucson, Arizona, when she was 12. The Zucks have a son and a daughter. Barb is the oldest child and lives in Louisiana with her husband and three children. Their son, Ken, lives in Texas with his wife and three children.
Immediately after receiving his B.A. from 51蹤獲, Zuck moved to Dallas, Texas, to attend Dallas Theological Seminary. He completed his Th.M. in 1957, majoring in Old Testament, and wrote his thesis on the imprecatory Psalms. Zuck stayed at Dallas Seminary to fulfill his doctoral work. During his two years of doctoral residency, Zuck assisted Professor Howard Hendricks as a teaching fellow. He wanted to do something that combined theology and Christian education for his Th.D., so he wrote his dissertation entitled The Place of the Holy Spirit in Teaching (1961) which was published by Scripture Press in 1963. This book has been revised and published several times over the years and is presently in print under the title Spirit Filled Teaching . Since receiving his Th.D., Zuck has pursued graduate studies at Northern Illinois University (1973) and North Texas State University (1977).
Zuck left Dallas for Chicago in 1959 where he spent 14 years working for a publishing house. He believed that spending a few years in the publishing business would provide good preparation for his future career in Christian education. Scripture Press, based in Wheaton, Illinois, hired Zuck to head up the Youth Programs editorial department, which he led for six years. He also served as executive vice president of Scripture Press ministries from 1965-73. His experience at Scripture Press laid a foundation that promoted Christian education and placed it at the forefront of Zuck's thinking.
In 1973, Zuck was beckoned back to Dallas. After 14 years of editing, Zuck was eager to reenter the academic world as a teacher or administrator at a Christian institution. He was close to accepting a teaching job at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago when John Walvoord, the President of Dallas Theological Seminary, called and convinced Zuck that God wanted him in Dallas. Zuck started his teaching career with Dallas Seminary as assistant academic dean and associate professor of Bible exposition. After serving four years as assistant academic dean, he was given the position of associate academic dean. In 1985 Donald Campbell became president of Dallas Theological Seminary, making Zuck the academic dean. Roy Zuck served as academic dean until 1992 when he was made department chairman and senior professor of Bible exposition. He remained in this position until his retirement from Dallas Seminary in 1996.
Six months after moving to Dallas in 1973, the Zuck family experienced a traumatic and character-building time of uncertainty. While visiting Wheaton, Zuck's 17-year-old daughter Barb was seriously injured in a car accident. The book " Barb, Please Wake Up!": How God Helped a Couple through Their Daughter's Long Recovery from a Nearly Fatal Auto Accident (1976) is Zuck's description of the year-and-a-half ordeal. Zuck candidly explains the shock and anxiety that gripped his family. Throughout the experience, Zuck and his family grew closer to each other as well as to God. Upon the recovery of his daughter, he had a stronger reliance upon God. This book exposes the tender heart of Zuck, which is full of gratitude and compassion.
Contributions to Christian Education
Zuck's philosophy of Christian education was shaped by a variety of sources. The aforementioned influence of his grandfather may have been the strongest, because it was his grandfather who led Zuck to Christ and got him started down the road of ministry. At 51蹤獲, J. Vernon McGee's sense of humor and ability to make the Bible come alive nurtured Zuck's insatiable appetite for the Word of God. A major reason that Zuck chose Dallas Seminary for his graduate education is because he knew that McGee spoke at the school every year as a Bible conference speaker. While Zuck was attending Dallas Seminary, Howard G. Hendricks sparked his interest in Christian education. Hendricks, who founded the Christian education department at Dallas Theological Seminary, asked Zuck to be his first teaching fellow. The duties of this position included teaching, clerical work, and general assistance. Hendricks first introduced Zuck to Scripture Press. Two books that provided an initial understanding of Christian education for Zuck were Lois Lebar's classic Education That is Christian (1958) and Teaching for Results by Findley B. Edge (1956).
Zuck defines his philosophy of Christian education as "the process of organizing and teaching God's truth in such a way that is communicated clearly, creatively, and with relevance so that people apply it to life." Zuck's greatest joy in Christian education is seeing God's Word change lives. He also enjoys watching young people give their lives to Christ and serve Him.
Evangelical Christian education recognizes the Word of God as the sole source of authority. Zuck firmly believes that future educators need to beware of passing trends. It is important to keep an eternal perspective and realize that strategy and technique are weak compared to clear biblical training. Therefore, Christian educators should commit themselves to being faithful to God's Word. The teacher's main responsibility is to ground each student in God's Word. A biblically modeled institute of Christian education will always be committed to the local church. The primacy of Scripture is an unmistakable staple in Zuck's ministry.
Throughout his ministry, the spiritual state of the teacher has continued to be a major concern for Zuck. Teachers are ineffective if they do not have a personal relationship with Christ and are not walking in daily fellowship with Christ. They are in no position to lead others. The factors that make Christian education distinct are "the centrality of God's written revelation, the necessity of regeneration and the ministry of the Holy Spirit." Zuck has no concept of Christian education that does not focus on the spiritual welfare of the teacher.
Classroom teaching was Zuck's forte. Through the use of creative teaching techniques, Zuck successfully got students involved in the learning process. His knack for getting students involved was most aptly demonstrated in his famed application assignments. In these written tasks, students were required to write four paragraphs describing what they would do as a result of what they learned. The student was not permitted to begin sentences with phrases such as "Christians should." The assignment had to start with "I will." Zuck intentionally designed his courses so that he could model numerous teaching methods and styles. Students often tell Zuck that his classes taught them as much about how to teach as they did the subject being taught. Hendricks described Zuck as the pacesetter on the Dallas Seminary campus.
Zuck set the standard for class notes handed out by professors. Before Zuck, the duplication department on campus typically copied five to ten pages of notes for most professors. In contrast, Zuck required one or two inches of notes. This explosion of notes led the duplication department to place a ceiling on the number of notes allowed by each professor. Detailed notes are now standard for most classes on campus. Zuck was also one of the first professors on the Dallas Seminary campus to develop fully the effectiveness of audiovisual media and the overhead projector. Zuck used the overhead projector to appeal to the visual learners of his classes.
From the time Zuck gave his life to Christ in Phoenix, God has used him to reach thousands with the clear teachings of the Word of God. Zuck's mentor, colleague, and friend, Howard G. Hendricks, has described Zuck as a brilliant student with an incredible ability for detail. Faithfulness and dependability have marked Zuck's character. His discipline, organizational skills, and ability to set clear-cut goals are the essential ingredients that have allowed him to produce an incredible amount of high quality literature. The uncompromising prominence Zuck assigns to Scripture and his undying devotion to Christ, combined with all of the above-mentioned attributes, made Zuck the Christian educator.
Roy Zuck's career has been widely recognized. He was listed in Outstanding Young Men in America (1965), National Register of Prominent Americans (1987), Who's Who in Texas Today (1987), Who's Who in American Education (1991-92), Who's Who in the South and Southwest (1992), National Directory of Distinguished Leadership (1994), and Who's Who Among American Teachers (2000). In 1970, Zuck was named the Alumnus of the Year at 51蹤獲. He has also been a member of the Board of Directors of TEAM, The Evangelical Alliance Mission (1968-95, 1996-99).
The speaking ministry of Roy Zuck has impacted crowds, congregations, and audiences all over the world. Zuck has spoken at more than a dozen schools overseas. His ministry has taken him to 43 countries. He has spoken at many churches, conferences, and chapel services. Zuck has always been a student favorite in Chafer Chapel, the campus chapel at Dallas Theological Seminary.
Throughout Zuck's career a large amount of time and effort has been devoted to writing. Zuck's achievements with a pen may stand as his greatest lasting legacy. Zuck has an extraordinarily large body of work on both the authoring and editing side of writing. When Zuck was a young teen, he observed a pastor in his neighborhood who regularly handed out a two-sided paper written on biblical topics. The impact of the printed page intrigued Zuck. Through the medium of print, the teachings of God could be permanently captured and distributed to large groups of people. This was the spark that ignited Zuck's significant writing ministry.
In terms of authorship, Zuck has been prolific. He has edited, co-edited, or written over 70 books. Zuck has personally authored 17 books. Zuck loves the challenge of editing, but he especially enjoys the control and freedom that come with authorship. Zuck's most popular book is the two-volume Bible Knowledge Commentary (Walvoord & Zuck, 1983, 1985). This commentary addresses every verse in Scripture. Zuck and Walvoord co-edited this project over a period of five years. Zuck had the major responsibility of refining the work of 32 writers. The set has sold nearly half a million copies and has been translated into 10 languages. Zuck has also written a number of popular Christian education books, including Teaching as Jesus Taught (1995), Teaching as Paul Taught (1998), and Spirit-Filled Teaching (1998).
The writing ministry of Dr. Zuck extends far beyond books. In addition to his experience with books, Zuck has contributed equally in the realm of journal articles. He has written over a hundred articles for more than a dozen periodicals. He has edited for Bibliotheca Sacra, the theological journal of Dallas Theological Seminary, since 1974. Zuck began his career with Bibliotheca Sacra as associate editor, a position that he held until 1985 when he was made managing editor, and he has been the editor from 1986 to the present. Zuck has recently written several tracts for the American Tract society.
The life, ministry, and influence of Roy Zuck are closely connected with his love for God. Zuck has worked tirelessly to afford his students the opportunity to clearly receive the Word of God in a way that can be practically applied to life. He has assisted thousands of students in drawing closer to God. Through Zuck's students, his pure Biblical teachings will be passed on to another generation. His writing ministry will serve students for decades and beyond.
Addendum: Roy B. Zuck passed away on the evening of Saturday, March 16, 2013. Dr. Zuck's life and service to Dallas Theological Seminary were marked by an unquenchable thirst for God's Word and a passion for helping others know Christ better through the scriptures.
Works Cited
- Unless otherwise cited, all information in this article is from an interview with Dr. Roy B. Zuck on October 23, 2002 in Dr. Lin McLaughlin's office on the campus of Dallas Theological Seminary and/or from an e-mail received from Roy B. Zuck on November 30, 2002 and/or an interview with Howard G. Hendricks in his office on the campus of Dallas Theological Seminary on November 26, 2002.
- Edge, F. (1956). Teaching for results. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press.
- LeBar, L. (1958). Education that is Christian. Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell.
- Walvoord, J. F. & Zuck, R. B. (Eds.). (1983, 1985). The Bible knowledge commentary: An exposition of the Scriptures (Vols. I & II). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
- Zuck, R. B. (1961). The place of the Holy Spirit in Christian education (Doctoral dissertation, Dallas Theological Seminary, 1961). Dissertation Abstracts International, ADD, X1961, 0175.
- Zuck, R. B. (1962). The problem of authority in Christian education. Bibliotheca Sacra, 119 (473), 54-63.
- Zuck, R. B. (1964). "Do You Lack Power in Your Teaching?" United Evangelical Action [incomplete reference].
- Zuck, R. B. (1970). "The Art of Lesson Preparation." Scripture Press [incomplete reference].
- Zuck, R. B. (1976). "Barb, please wake up!" How God helped a couple through their daughter's accident and long recovery from a nearly fatal auto accident. Dallas: Zuck B. Zuck
- Zuck, R. B. (1995). Teaching as Jesus taught. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.
- Zuck, R. B. (1998). Teaching as Paul taught. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.
- Zuck, R. B. (1998). Spirit-filled teaching: The power of the Holy Spirit in your ministry. Nashville: Word Publishing.
Books and Monographs
- Swindoll, C. R. & Zuck, R. B. (Eds.). (2003). Understanding Christian theology. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
- (managing ed.). Saucy, R. L. (2001). Scripture: Its power, authority, and relevance. Nashville: Word Publishing.
- (managing ed.). Dyer, C. H. & Merrill, E. H., (2001). The Old Testament explorer: Discovering the essence, background, and meaning of every book in the Old Testament. Bedford, TX: Word Publishing.
- (managing ed.). Blue, R. (2001). Evangelism and missions: Strategies for outreach in the 21st century. Nashville: Word Publishing.
- (managing ed.). Campbell, D. et. al. (2000). The theological wordbook: The 200 most important theological terms and their relevance for today. Nashville: Word Publishing [Published in association with Dallas Theological Seminary.].
- (managing ed.). Radmacher, E. D. (2000). Salvation. Nashville: Word Publishing.
- Zuck, R. B. (2000). An open letter to a Jehovah's Witness. Chicago: Moody Publishers.
- (managing ed.). Getz, G. A. & Wall, J. L. (2000). Effective church growth strategies. Nashville: Word Publishing.
- (managing ed.). Gangel, K. O. (2000). Coaching ministry teams: Leadership and management in Christian organizations. Nashville: Word Publishing.
- (managing ed.). Watson, J. A. (2000). Biblical counseling for today: A handbook for those who counsel from scripture. Nashville: Word Publishing.
- (managing ed.). Bailey, M. & Constable, T. L. (1999). The New Testament explorer: Discovering the essence, background, and meaning of every book in the New Testament. Nashville: Word Publishing.
- (managing ed.). Gangel, K. O. (1999). Ministering to today's adults. Nashville: Word Publishing.
- (managing ed.). Laney, J. C. (1999). God: Who He is, what He does, how to know Him better. Nashville: Word Publishing.
- (managing ed.). Hollowman, H. (1999). The forgotten blessing: Rediscovering the doctrine of sanctification. Nashville: Word Publishing.
- (managing ed.). Lawrence, W. (1999). Effective pastoring: Giving vision, direction, and care to your church. Nashville: Word Publishing.
- (managing ed.). Hayes, E. L. (1999). The church: The body of Christ in the world of today. Nashville: Word Publishing.
- Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1998). Vital missions issues: Examining challenges and changes in world evangelism. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications.
- Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1998). Vital church issues: Examining principles and practices in church leadership. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications. [Has been translated into Korean.].
- Zuck, R. B. (1998). Teaching as Paul taught. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. [Has been translated into Korean.].
- Zuck, R. B. (1998). Spirit-filled teaching: The power of the Holy Spirit in your ministry. Nashville: Word Publishing.
- Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1997). Vital Christology issues: Examining contemporary and classic concerns. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications.
- Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1997). Vital Christian living issues: Examining crucial concerns in the spiritual life. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications.
- Zuck, R. B. (1997). The speaker's quote book: Over 4,500 illustrations and quotations for all occasions. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications.
- Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1996). Vital Old Testament issues: Examining textual and topical questions. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications.
- Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1996). Vital New Testament issues: Examining New Testament passages and problems. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications.
- Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1996). Rightly divided: Readings in biblical hermeneutics. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications.
- Zuck, R. B. (1996). Precious in his sight: Childhood and children in the Bible. Grand Rapids: Baker Books.
- Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1995). Vital prophetic issues: Examining promises and problems in eschatology. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications.
- Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1995). Vital apologetic issues: Examining reason and revelation in biblical perspective. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications.
- Zuck, R. B. (1995). Teaching as Jesus taught. Grand Rapids: Baker Books.
- Zuck, R. B. (1995). Learning from the sages: Selected studies on the book of Proverbs. Grand Rapids: Baker Books.
- Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1994). Vital theological issues: Examining enduring issues of theology. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications.
- Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1994). Vital ministry issues: Examining concerns and conflicts in ministry. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications.
- Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1994). Vital contemporary issues: Examining current questions and controversies. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications.
- Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1994). Vital biblical issues: Examining problem passages of the Bible. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications.
- Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1994). Reflecting with Solomon: Selected studies on the book of Ecclesiastes. Grand Rapids: Baker Books.
- Dyer, C. H. & Zuck, R. B. (Eds.). (1994). Integrity of heart and skillfulness of hands: Biblical and leadership studies in honor of Donald K. Campbell. Grand Rapids: Baker Books.
- Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1994). A biblical theology of the New Testament. Chicago: Moody Press.
- Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1992). Sitting with Job: Selected studies on the book of Job. Grand Rapids: Baker Books.
- Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1991). A biblical theology of the Old Testament. Chicago: Moody Press.
- Zuck, R. B. (1991). Basic Bible interpretation. Wheaton: Victor Books.
- Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1990). Devotions for kindred spirits. Dallas: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- (consulting ed.) Chafer, L. S. (1988). Systematic theology (Abridged ed.). Wheaton: Victor Books.
- Clark, R. E., Brubaker, J., & Zuck, R. B. (Eds.). (1986). Childhood education in the church. Chicago: Moody Press.
- Walvoord, J. F. & Zuck, R. B. (Eds.). (1985). The Bible knowledge commentary: An exposition of the scriptures (Old Testament ed.). Wheaton: Victor Books. [Has been translated into Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and German.].
- Zuck, R. B. (1984). The Holy Spirit in your teaching: The relationship that makes all the difference (Revised and expanded ed.). Wheaton: Victor Books.
- Walvoord, J. F. & Zuck, R. B. (Eds.). (1983). The Bible knowledge commentary: An exposition of the scriptures (New Testament ed.). Wheaton: Victor Books. [Has been translated into Spanish, German, Russian, and French.].
- Walvoord, J. F. & Zuck, R. B. (Eds.). (1983). The Bib Sac reader: Commemorating fifty years of publication by Dallas Theological Seminary, 1934-1983. Chicago: Moody Press.
- Barker, K. L., Waltke, B. K., & Zuck, R. B. (1979). Bibliography for Old Testament exegesis and exposition (4th ed.). Dallas: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- (co-ed.). Benson, W. S. (1978). Youth education in the church. Chicago: Moody Press.
- Zuck, R. B. (1978). Job. Chicago: Moody Press.
- Zuck, R. B. (1976). "Barb, please wake up!": How God helped a couple through their daughter's accident and long recovery from a nearly fatal auto accident. Wheaton: Victor Books.
- Zuck, R. B. & Clark, R. E. (Eds.). (1975). Childhood education in the church. Chicago: Moody Press.
- (ed.) Barker, K. L. & Waltke, B. K. (1975). Bibliography for Old Testament exegesis and exposition (3d ed.). Dallas: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1972). Spiritual power in your teaching (Rev. ed.). Chicago: Moody Press.
- Zuck, R. B. & Getz, G. A. (Eds.). (1971). Ventures in family living. Chicago: Moody Press.
- Zuck, R. B. & Getz, G. A. (Eds.). (1970). Adult education in the church. Chicago: Moody Press.
- Irving, R. G., & Zuck, R. B. (Eds.). (1968). Youth and the church: A survey of the church's ministry to youth. Chicago: Moody Press.
- Zuck, R. B. & Getz, G. A. (1968). Christian youth, an in-depth study: Profiles of 3,000 teenagers and their morals, values, doubts, religious practices, social characteristics, evaluations of themselves, their families, their churches. Chicago: Moody Press.
- Zuck, R. B. (1963). The Holy Spirit in your teaching. Wheaton: Scripture Press Publications.
- Zuck, R. B. (1961). The place of the Holy Spirit in Christian education. Unpublished Th.D. thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, TX.
- Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1960). How to be a youth sponsor: For a successful training hour. Wheaton: Scripture Press Publications.
- Zuck, R. B. (1957). The problem of the imprecatory Psalms. Unpublished Th.M. thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, TX.
Chapters in Books
- Zuck, R. B. (1994). How Jesus responded to questions. In C. H. Dyer & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), Integrity of heart, skillfulness of hands: Biblical and leadership studies in honor of Donald K. Campbell. (pp. 108-133). Grand Rapids: Baker Books.
- Zuck, R. B. (1988). Balancing the academic and the spiritual in seminary. In S. D. Toussaint & C. H. Dyer (Eds.), Essays in honor of J. Dwight Pentecost. (pp. 91-98). Chicago: Moody Press.
- Zuck, R. B. (1988). The role of the Holy Spirit in Christian teaching. In K. O. Gangel and H. Hendricks (Eds.), The Christian educator's handbook on teaching. (pp. 32-44). Grand Rapids: Baker Books.
- Zuck, R. B. (1988). The teacher as Bible student. In K. O. Gangel and H. Hendricks (Eds.), The Christian educator's handbook on teaching. (pp. 32-44). Grand Rapids: Baker Books.
- Zuck, R. B. (1982). Application in biblical hermeneutics and exposition. In D. K. Campbell (Ed.), Walvoord: A tribute. (pp. 15-38). Chicago: Moody Press.
- Zuck, R. B. (1986). What prayer will and will not change. In S. D. Toussaint & C. H. Dyer (Eds.), Essays in honor of J. Dwight Pentecost. (pp. not currently available). Chicago: Moody Press.
Audio Cassettes
- Zuck, R. B. (2002). The rapture is next. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1996). The rapture is next!. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1993). Relating the word with compassion, commitment, and conviction. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1993). Hanging tough in tough times. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1992). The important work of the Holy Spirit. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1992). Commitment to the word, the message, and the ministry. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1991). What leads us to success in ministry. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1988). Power of negative thinking. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1988). Criticism, avoid it like the plague. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1987). True to God. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1985). Talk: Cheap but costly. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1984). How to write right. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1978). Talk: Cheap but costly. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Geiger, D. M. & Zuck, R. B. (1981). A plea for excellence. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1980). Ravens at the ravine. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1979). Strength for the weary. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1977). The purpose of trials. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1977). The power of negative thinking. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1977). Christ the preeminent one. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1976). Does man serve God for nothing?. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1975). Will God let you down?. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (1975). Twisted priorities. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B., Campbell, D. K., & Constable, T. L. (unknown date). New curriculum and field education at Dallas Theological Seminary. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Zuck, R. B. (2000). We believe in dispensationalism. Dallas, TX: Dallas Theological Seminary.
Articles and Book Reviews
- Zuck, R. B. (2005a). [Review of the book The popular encyclopedia of Bible prophecy]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 162 (646), 237.
- Zuck, R. B. (2005b). [Review of the book From Patmos to paradise: A commentary on Revelation]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 162 (646), 249.
- Zuck, R. B. (2004a). Is Solomon telling us to "live it up?": Ecclesiastes 8:15 in context. Kindred Spirit, 28 (3), pages not currently available.
- Zuck, R. B. (2004b). Restoration hardware: Seven tools for interpersonal reconciliation. Kindred Spirit, 28 (4), pages not currently available.
- Zuck, R. B. (2004c). The DNA of a disciple. Kindred Spirit, 28 (2), pages not currently available.
- Zuck, R. B. (2004d). [Review of the book The end times controversy]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 161 (641), 114-115.
- Zuck, R. B. (2004e). [Review of the book Why I left the contemporary Christian music movement]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 161 (641), 126-127.
- Zuck, R. B. (2004f). [Review of the book Unveiling Islam]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 161 (642), 242.
- Zuck, R. B. (2004g). [Review of the book Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 161 (642), 246.
- Zuck, R. B. (2004h). [Review of the book Genesis]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 161 (642), 246.
- Zuck, R. B. (2004i). [Review of the book I & II Kings]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 161 (642), 246.
- Zuck, R. B. (2004j). [Review of the book Commentary and reference survey]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 161 (643), 371.
- Zuck, R. B. (2004k). [Review of the book The epistles of John and Jude]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 161 (643), 376-377.
- Zuck, R. B. (2004l). [Review of the book Arabs in the shadow of Israel]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 161 (643), 384.
- Zuck, R. B. (2004m). [Review of the book The possibility of salvation among the unevangelized: An analysis of inclusivism in recent evangelical theology]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 161 (644), 497-498.
- Zuck, R. B. (2004n). [Review of the book More than a prophet: An insider's response to Muslim beliefs about Jesus and Christianity]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 161 (644), 508.
- Zuck, R. B. (2003a). [Review of the book The case for faith: A journalist investigates the toughest objections to Christianity]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 160 (637), 111-112.
- Zuck, R. B. (2003b). [Review of the book The pre-wrath rapture view: An explanation and critique]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 160 (637), 112-113.
- Zuck, R. B. (2003c). [Review of the book The sermon on the mount: The message of the kingdom]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 160 (637), 123-124.
- Zuck, R. B. (2003d). [Review of the book The race set before us: A biblical theology of perseverance and assurance]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 160 (638), 241-243.
- Zuck, R. B. (2003e). [Review of the book Grasping God's word]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 160 (638), 249.
- Zuck, R. B. (2003f). [Review of the book A matter of basic principles: Bill Gothard and the Christian life]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 160 (639), 372-373.
- Zuck, R. B. (2003g). [Review of the book Parables in the eye of the storm]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 160 (639), 378.
- Zuck, R. B. (2003h). [Review of the book 1, 2, 3 John: An exegetical and theological exposition of Holy Scripture]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 160 (639), 379.
- Zuck, R. B. (2003i). [Review of the book The new Mormon challenge]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 160 (640), 486-487.
- Zuck, R. B. (2003j). [Review of the book Prophecy in light of today]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 160 (640), 487.
- Zuck, R. B. (2003k). [Review of the book The flow of the New Testament]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 160 (640), 499-500.
- Zuck, R. B. (2003l). [Review of the book The Bible knowledge key word study: The gospels]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 160 (640), 500-501.
- Zuck, R. B. (2002a). [Review of the book The prayer of Jabez: Breaking through to the blessed life]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 159 (633), 112-117.
- Zuck, R. B. (2002b). [Review of the book A Bible handbook to Revelation]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 159 (633), 127-128.
- Zuck, R. B. (2002c). [Review of the book The wedge of truth: Splitting the foundations of naturalism]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 159 (634), 239.
- Zuck, R. B. (2002d). [Review of the book An introduction to classical evangelical hermeneutics: A guide to the history and practice of biblical interpretation]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 159 (634), 240-241.
- Zuck, R. B. (2002e). [Review of the book Ecclesiastes]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 159 (634), 247.
- Zuck, R. B. (2002f). [Review of the book Seeking God: The pathway of true spirituality]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 159 (635), 382-383.
- Zuck, R. B. (2002g). [Review of the book Ten lies about God: And how you might already be deceived]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 159 (636), 480-481.
- Zuck, R. B. (2002h). [Review of the book Not by bread alone: An outlined guide to biblical doctrine]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 159 (636), 481.
- Zuck, R. B. (2002i). [Review of the book Whatever happened to the gospel of grace]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 159 (636), 483-484.
- Zuck, R. B. (2002j). [Review of the book A Bible handbook to the Acts of the Apostles]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 159 (636), 500.
- Zuck, R. B. (2002k). [Review of the book Hope of Christ's return: Premillennial commentary on 1 and 2 Thessalonians]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 159 (636), 500.
- Zuck, R. B. (2001a). Can anything good come from suffering?. Kindred Spirit, 25 (4), pages not currently available.
- Zuck, R. B. (2001b). Hurry up and璽玲安ait. Kindred Spirit, 25 (2), pages not currently available.
- Zuck, R. B. (2001c). [Review of the book Revelation]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 158 (630), 247.
- Zuck, R. B. (2001d). [Review of the book A biblical theology of the church]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 158 (631), 375-376.
- Zuck, R. B. (2001e). [Review of the book The face that demonstrates the farce of evolution]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 158 (631), 377.
- Zuck, R. B. (2001f). [Review of the book Christ and community: A socio-historical study of the Christology of Revelation]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 158 (631), 381-382.
- Zuck, R. B. (2001g). [Review of the book Changed into His image: God's plan for transforming your life]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 158 (632), 486-487.
- Zuck, R. B. (2001h). [Review of the book The MacArthur topical Bible]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 158 (632), 490-491.
- Zuck, R. B. (2001i). [Review of the book Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 158 (632), 497.
- Zuck, R. B. (2001j). [Review of the book The epistles of John: Walking in the light of God's love]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 158 (632), 501-503.
- Zuck, R. B. (2001k). [Review of the book The earthly reign of our Lord with His people]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 158 (632), 503-504.
- Zuck, R. B. (2000a). [Review of the book Rhetoric and Galatians: Assessing an approach to Paul's epistle]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 157 (625), 114-115.
- Zuck, R. B. (2000b). [Review of the book The new evidence that demands a verdict]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 157 (626), 242.
- Zuck, R. B. (2000c). [Review of the book Proverbs]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 157 (626), 244.
- Zuck, R. B. (2000d). [Review of the book Revelation 17-22]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 157 (626), 249-250.
- Zuck, R. B. (2000e). [Review of the book Bible interpreters of the 20th century: A selection of evangelical voices]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 157 (627), 379-380.
- Zuck, R. B. (1999a). [Review of the book Mormonism unmasked]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 156, 104-105.
- Zuck, R. B. (1999b). [Review of the book When cultists ask: A popular handbook on cultic misinterpretations]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 156, 104.
- Zuck, R. B. (1999c). [Review of the book The epistle to the Hebrews]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 156, 115-116.
- Zuck, R. B. (1999d). [Review of the book Romans]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 156, 245.
- Zuck, R. B. (1999e). [Review of the book Baker encyclopedia of Christian apologetics]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 156, 370-371.
- Zuck, R. B. (1999f). [Review of the book The Master's perspective on contemporary issues]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 156, 371-372.
- Zuck, R. B. (1999g). [Review of the book The Master's perspective on difficult passages]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 156, 371-372.
- Zuck, R. B. (1999h). [Review of the book James (by MacArthur, J. J.)]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 156, 498-500.
- Zuck, R. B. (1999i). [Review of the book James (by James, K.)]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 156, 500-501.
- Zuck, R. B. (1998a). [Review of the book Biblical hermeneutics: A comprehensive introduction to interpreting scripture]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 155, 110.
- Zuck, R. B. (1998b). [Review of the book Free and clear: Understanding and communicating God's offer of eternal life]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 155, 112-113.
- Zuck, R. B. (1998c). [Review of the book The death of truth]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 155, 115-116.
- Zuck, R. B. (1998d). [Review of the book Qoheleth and its pessimistic theology: Hermeneutical struggles in wisdom literature]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 155, 119-120.
- Zuck, R. B. (1998e). [Review of the book Answers to tough questions from every book of the Bible]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 155, 238.
- Zuck, R. B. (1998f). [Review of the book Profiles of Anabaptist women: 16th-century reforming pioneers]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 155, 239-240.
- Zuck, R. B. (1998g). [Review of the book The book of Ecclesiastes]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 155, 242-243.
- Zuck, R. B. (1998h). [Review of the book Prophecy watch]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 155, 487-488.
- Zuck, R. B. (1998i). [Review of the book The evangelical left: Encountering postconservative evangelical theology]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 155, 487.
- Zuck, R. B. (1998j). [Review of the book Is the Mormon my brother]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 155, 488-489.
- Zuck, R. B. (1997a). [Review of the book God behind the seen: Expositions of the books of Ruth and Esther]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 154, 117.
- Zuck, R. B. (1997b). [Review of the book The message of the Song of Songs: The lyrics of love]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 154, 117-118.
- Zuck, R. B. (1997c). [Review of the book Raising kids God's way: A biblical guide for Christian parents]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 154, 128.
- Zuck, R. B. (1997d). [Review of the book Getting the message: A plan for interpreting and applying the Bible]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 154, 228.
- Zuck, R. B. (1997e). [Review of the book Speech and response: A rhetorical analysis of the introductions to the speeches of the book of Job (chapters 4-24)]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 154, 238-239.
- Zuck, R. B. (1997f). [Review of the book The Anabaptist story: An introduction to 16th-century Anabaptism]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 154, 249.
- Zuck, R. B. (1997g). [Review of the book A passion for learning: The history of Christian thought on education]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 154, 253.
- Zuck, R. B. (1997h). [Review of the book Talking to God: What the Bible teaches 51蹤獲 prayer]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 154, 380.
- Zuck, R. B. (1997i). [Review of the book Patterns of discipleship in the New Testament]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 154, 502.
- Zuck, R. B. (1996a). [Review of the book Roots of wisdom: The oldest Proverbs of Israel and other peoples]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 153, 122.
- Zuck, R. B. (1996b). [Review of the book Reasoning from the scriptures with Mormons]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 153, 242-243.
- Zuck, R. B. (1996c). [Review of the book Proverbs]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 153, 247.
- Zuck, R. B. (1996d). [Review of the book An introduction to the wisdom poetry of the Old Testament]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 153, 498.
- Zuck, R. B. (1996e). [Review of the book Character in crisis: A fresh approach to the wisdom literature of the Old Testament]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 153, 498-499.
- Zuck, R. B. (1996f). [Review of the book Power through weakness: Paul's understanding of the Christian ministry in 2 Corinthians]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 153, 501.
- Zuck, R. B. (1995a). [Review of the book The voice from the whirlwind: Interpreting the book of Job]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 152, 114-115.
- Zuck, R. B. (1995b). [Review of the book The hermeneutical spiral: A comprehensive introduction to biblical interpretation]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 152, 236-237.
- Zuck, R. B. (1995c). [Review of the book An introduction to biblical hermeneutics: The search for meaning]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 152, 367-369.
- Zuck, R. B. (1995d). [Review of the book Let the reader understand: A guide to interpreting and applying the Bible]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 152, 369-370.
- Zuck, R. B. (1995e). [Review of the book The gospel according to Job]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 152, 374.
- Zuck, R. B. (1995f). [Review of the book Dispensationalism]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 152, 481-482.
- Zuck, R. B. (1995g). [Review of the book Playing by the rules: A basic guide to interpreting the Bible]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 152, 493-494.
- Zuck, R. B. (1995h). [Review of the book Exploring Proverbs, V 1: Proverbs 1:1-19:5]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 152, 497-498.
- Zuck, R. B. (1994a). [Review of the book Ecclesiastes]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 151, 240-241.
- Zuck, R. B. (1994b). [Review of the book The burden of God]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 151, 241.
- Zuck, R. B. (1994c). [Review of the book A faith that endures: The book of Hebrews applied to the real issues of life]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 151, 243-244.
- Zuck, R. B. (1994d). [Review of the book Holman book of biblical charts, maps, and reconstructions]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 151, 362-363.
- Zuck, R. B. (1994e). [Review of the book A complete literary guide to the Bible]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 151, 494-495.
- Zuck, R. B. (1994f). [Review of the book Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 151, 496-497.
- Zuck, R. B. (1994g). What about those who haven't heard?" Kindred Spirit, 18 (4), pages currently not known.
- Zuck, R. B. (1993a). Bibliotheca Sacra's sesquicentennial anniversary: 1843-1993. Bibliotheca Sacra, 150, 3-8.
- Zuck, R. B. (1993b). [Review of the book Job the silent: A study in historical counterpoint]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 150, 118-119.
- Zuck, R. B. (1993c). [Review of the book Biblical interpretation then and now: Contemporary hermeneutics in the light of the early church]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 150, 365-367.
- Zuck, R. B. (1992a). [Review of the book In turns of tempest: A reading of Job, with a translation]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 149, 117-118.
- Zuck, R. B. (1992b). [Review of the book The tree of life: An exploration of biblical wisdom literature]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 149, 118-119.
- Zuck, R. B. (1992c). [Review of the book Who knows what is good: A commentary on the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 149, 119-120.
- Zuck, R. B. (1992d). [Review of the book The sage in Israel and the ancient near east]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 149, 120.
- Zuck, R. B. (1992e). [Review of the book Proverbs]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 149, 248-249.
- Zuck, R. B. (1992f). [Review of the book I'll see you again]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 149, 252-253.
- Zuck, R. B. (1992g). [Review of the book Christian education: foundations for the future]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 149, 255-256.
- Zuck, R. B. (1992h). [Review of the book Savoring the wisdom of Proverbs]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 149, 377-378.
- Zuck, R. B. (1992i). [Review of the book Literary forms in the New Testament: A handbook]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 149, 493-494.
- Zuck, R. B. (1992j). [Review of the book There really is a difference: A comparison of covenant and dispensational theology]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 149, 498-499.
- Zuck, R. B. (1991a). God and man in Ecclesiastes. Bibliotheca Sacra, 148, 46-56.
- Zuck, R. B. (1991b). [Review of the book What they believe]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 148, 242-245.
- Zuck, R. B. (1991c). [Review of the book Taking the guesswork out of applying the Bible]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 148, 245.
- Zuck, R. B. (1991d). [Review of the book Disappointment with God: three questions no one asks aloud]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 148, 246-247.
- Zuck, R. B. (1991e). [Review of the book Job 1-20]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 148, 370.
- Zuck, R. B. (1991f). [Review of the book The book of Job]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 148, 370-371.
- Zuck, R. B. (1991g). [Review of the book Wonders and the word]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 148, 499-500.
- Zuck, R. B. (1991h). [Review of the book The betrayal of god: ideological conflict in Job]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 148, 501.
- Zuck, R. B. (1990a). [Review of the book Ecclesiastes]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 147, 119-120.
- Zuck, R. B. (1990b). [Review of the book Expository hermeneutics: An introduction]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 147, 234-235.
- Zuck, R. B. (1990c). [Review of the book Another gospel: Alternative religions and the new age movement]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 147, 245-246.
- Zuck, R. B. (1990d). [Review of the book America: The sorcerer's new apprentice]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 147, 246-247.
- Zuck, R. B. (1990e). [Review of the book Qohelet and his contradictions]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 147, 377-378.
- Zuck, R. B. (1989a). Cheap grace? Kindred Spirit, 13 (2), 6-7.
- Zuck, R. B. (1989b). [Review of the book Job]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 146, 109-110.
- Zuck, R. B. (1989c). [Review of the book Ecclesiastes: The mid-life crisis]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 146, 110-111.
- Zuck, R. B. (1989d). [Review of the book Ecclesiastes: A commentary]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 146, 232-233.
- Zuck, R. B. (1989e). [Review of the book Proverbs]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 146, 352-353.
- Zuck, R. B. (1989f). [Review of the book Help: I'm a baby boomer]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 146, 358-359.
- Zuck, R. B. (1989g). When must the Savior also be Lord?" Moody Monthly, November, 46-49.
- Zuck, R. B. (1988a). [Review of the book Power healing]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 145, 102-104.
- Zuck, R. B. (1988b). [Review of the book The book of Job: A commentary]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 145, 113-114.
- Zuck, R. B. (1988c). [Review of the book Job: A practical commentary]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 145, 114.
- Zuck, R. B. (1988d). [Review of the book How to interpret the Bible for yourself]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 145, 224-225.
- Zuck, R. B. (1988e). [Review of the book Job]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 145, 228-229.
- Zuck, R. B. (1988f). [Review of the book Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 145, 230-231.
- Zuck, R. B. (1988g). [Review of the book Proverbs]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 145, 230.
- Zuck, R. B. (1988h). [Review of the book Ecclesiastes]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 145, 231-232.
- Zuck, R. B. (1988i). [Review of the book The message of Job: A theological commentary]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 145, 357-358.
- Zuck, R. B. (1988j). [Review of the book Indian origins and the book of Mormon]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 145, 461-462.
- Zuck, R. B. (1988k). [Review of the book When God seems far away]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 145, 464-465.
- Zuck, R. B. (1988l). [Review of the book The house on the rock: Wisdom from Proverbs for today's families]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 145, 466.
- Zuck, R. B. (1987a). [Review of the book A layman's guide to applying the Bible]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 144, 111-112.
- Zuck, R. B. (1987b). [Review of the book A layman's guide to interpreting the Bible]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 144, 111-112.
- Zuck, R. B. (1987c). [Review of the book A layman's guide to studying the Bible]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 144, 111-112.
- Zuck, R. B. (1987d). [Review of the book Soul search: A Bible commentary for laymen]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 144, 115.
- Zuck, R. B. (1987e). [Review of the book Understanding the Bible: A reader's guide and reference]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 144, 230.
- Zuck, R. B. (1987f). [Review of the book Wisdom to live by: An introduction to the Old Testament's wisdom books of Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 144, 233.
- Zuck, R. B. (1987g). [Review of the book Studies in the book of Job]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 144, 353.
- Zuck, R. B. (1987h). [Review of the book Job]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 144, 354.
- Zuck, R. B. (1987i). [Review of the book Difficult sayings in the gospels]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 144, 355.
- Zuck, R. B. (1987j). [Review of the book The trinity in the gospel of John: A thematic commentary on the fourth gospel]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 144, 474-475.
- Zuck, R. B. (1986a). [Review of the book How to read the Bible as literature]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 143, 177-178.
- Zuck, R. B. (1986b). [Review of the book The interpretation of Holy Scripture: An introduction to hermeneutics]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 143, 177.
- Zuck, R. B. (1986c). [Review of the book Hermeneutics, inerrancy, and the Bible: Papers from international council on biblical inerrancy summit II]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 143, 272-274.
- Zuck, R. B. (1986d). [Review of the book The NIV study Bible]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 143, 372-373.
- Zuck, R. B. (1985a). [Review of the book The visualized Bible]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 142, 83-84.
- Zuck, R. B. (1985b). [Review of the book Wisdom for living]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 142, 85.
- Zuck, R. B. (1985c). [Review of the book The psychology of biblical interpretation]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 142, 184-185.
- Zuck, R. B. (1985d). [Review of the book Today's sects]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 142, 372.
- Zuck, R. B. (1984a). [Review of the book Understanding and applying the Bible: An introduction to hermeneutics]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 141, 86-87.
- Zuck, R. B. (1984b). The role of the Holy Spirit in hermeneutics. Bibliotheca Sacra, 141, 120-130.
- Zuck, R. B. (1983). [Review of the book The book of Job]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 140, 278-279.
- Zuck, R. B. (1982a). [Review of the book Hermeneutics: Principles and processes of biblical interpretation]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 139, 79-80.
- Zuck, R. B. (1982b). [Review of the book The structure of the book of Job: A form-critical analysis]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 139, 81-82.
- Zuck, R. B. (1980). [Review of the book From Babylon to Bethlehem]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 137, 183-184.
- Zuck, R. B. (1979). [Review of the book Daniel: An introduction and commentary]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 136, 366.
- Zuck, R. B. (1976). [Review of the book Jeremiah: Spokesman out of time]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 133, 263-264.
- Zuck, R. B. (1971). Practice of witchcraft in the scriptures. Bibliotheca Sacra, 128, 352-360.
- Getz, G. A. & Zuck, R. B. (1970). Profiles of evangelical youth. Bibliotheca Sacra, 127, 38-43.
- Zuck, R. B. (1969). Doctrine of the conscience. Bibliotheca Sacra, 126, 329-340.
- Zuck, R. B. (1966). Preventing spiritual dropouts. Christianity Today, 10 (18), 14-17.
- Zuck, R. B. (1965). Greek words for "teach." Bibliotheca Sacra, 122, 158-168.
- Zuck, R. B. (1964). Hebrew words for "teach." Bibliotheca Sacra, 121, 228-235.
- Zuck, R. B. (1962a). Neo-orthodoxy and Christian education [Part 1]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 119, 54-63.
- Zuck, R. B. (1962b). Neo-orthodoxy and Christian education [Part 2]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 119, 161-169.
- Zuck, R. B. (1962c). Neo-orthodoxy and Christian education [Part 3]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 119, 342-351.
Reviews of Books by Roy B. Zuck
- Zarling, M. (2000). Spirit-filled teaching: The power of the Holy Spirit in your ministry. [Review of the book Spirit-filled teaching: The power of the Holy Spirit in your ministry]. Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly, 97 (3), 226-229.
- Proctor, J. (1999). Teaching as Paul taught. [Review of the book Teaching as Paul taught]. Anvil, 16 (2), 136-137.
- McLaughlin, L. D. (1999). Teaching as Paul taught. [Review of the book Teaching as Paul taught]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 156, 251-252.
- Kuske, D. P. (1999). Rightly divided: readings in biblical hermeneutics. [Review of the book Rightly divided: Readings in biblical hermeneutics]. Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly, 96 (2), 155.
- Witmer, John A. (1997). Rightly divided: Readings in biblical hermeneutics. [Review of the book Rightly divided: Readings in biblical hermeneutics]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 154, 375-376.
- McLaughlin, L. D. (1997). Precious in His sight: Childhood and children in the Bible. [Review of the book Precious in His sight: Childhood and children in the Bible]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 154, 485-486.
- Lawson, M. S. (1996). Teaching as Jesus taught. [Review of the book Teaching as Jesus taught]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 153, 232-233.
- Merkh, D. J. (1995). A interpretacao B穩blica: Meio de descobrir a verdade da B穩blia. [Review of the Portuguese translation of the book Basic Bible interpretation]. Vox Scripturae, 5, 102-103.
- Bailey, M. L. (1992). Basic Bible interpretation. [Review of the book Basic Bible interpretation]. Bibliotheca Sacra, 149, 101-102.
- Gaus, J. E. (1971). Christian youth: An in-depth study. [Review of the book Christian youth: An in-depth study]. Review of Religious Research, 12, 125-126.
Excerpts from Publications
Zuck, R. B. (1982). Zuck, R. B. (1982). Application in biblical hermeneutics and exposition. In D. K. Campbell (Ed.), Walvoord: A tribute. (pp. 15-38). Chicago: Moody Press.
Principles, often stated in single sentences, serve as bridges between interpretation and application. Latent in the text, they summarize the essence of a Bible passage in terms that are applicable to a broad spectrum of readers and situations. (pg. 26)
Zuck, R. B. (1991). Basic Bible interpretation. Wheaton: Victor Books.
Neglecting to apply the Scriptures reduces Bible study to an academic exercise in which we are concerned only for interpretation with little or no regard for its relevance for and impact on our lives. It is wrong to think of the Scriptures as only a sourcebook for information, as a book to be examined merely for the knowledge we can gain from it. Of course knowledge of the contents of the Bible and correct interpretation of it are essential. But more is needed. We must have a responsive heart, a willingness to appropriate the truths of the Scriptures into our own experience. (pg. 279)
Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1994). Vital theological issues: Examining enduring issues of theology. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications.
Inerrancy and hence infallibility are characteristics of the Bible's original manuscripts, but not of the Bible interpreters. The manuscripts were inerrant because of the Holy Spirit's guarding and guiding the writers record what He wanted recorded, word for word. (pg. 44)
Zuck, R. B. (1995). Teaching as Jesus taught. Grand Rapids: Baker Books.
Jesus was extensively involved in teaching. He was widely known as a teacher, and much of what he did was to teach. A number of verses, however, point to his involvement in preaching. Are we wrong then in presenting him as a Teacher? Is there a difference between preaching and teaching, or are these referring to the same activities? (pg. 92)
Zuck, R. B. (Ed.). (1996). Rightly divided: Readings in biblical hermeneutics. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications.
Theoretical knowledge of the content of the Bible, while absolutely indispensable, does not in itself automatically guarantee spiritual development. More is needed璽砂a responsive heart with a willingness to appropriate the truths of the Scriptures into one's own experience. (pg. 278)
Zuck, R. B. (1997). The speaker's quote book: Over 4,500 illustrations and quotations for all occasions. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications.
A pat on the back develops character, if administered young enough, often enough, and low enough. (pg. 49)
Zuck, R. B. (1998). Teaching as Paul taught. Grand Rapids: Baker Books.
Can spiritual maturity be measured? How do we know if our students are maturing in Christ? Paul's writings include sixty-four references to numerous traits of spiritual quality璽砂attributes that should characterize a growing Christian. They may be grouped according to their relationship to God, to others, and to circumstances璽玲刎or a helpful devotional study, look up these verses, perhaps taking a few each day, and ask the Lord to help you increase in each of these areas and to help your students do the same. (pg. 117)
Zuck, R. B. (1998). Spirit-filled teaching: The power of the Holy Spirit in your ministry. Nashville: Word Publishing.
In teaching, the Holy Spirit operates on (or activates) both the written Word and students: one He animates and the other He illuminates. Teaching, then, is the broader term and includes the revealing and animating of the Word, along with the illuminating of the hearts and minds of believers. (pg. 46)
Recommended Readings
Bible Study: Zuck, R. B. (1991). Basic Bible interpretation. . Wheaton: Victor Books.
In Basic Bible Interpretation, Roy Zuck presents an understandable guide to Biblical hermeneutics. Drawing on his classroom teaching experiences, Zuck makes the complex and confusing process of Biblical interpretation an easily comprehensible process. This book is definitely an asset to anyone who wants to know more about the process of studying the Bible.
Child Rearing: Zuck, R. B. (1996). Precious in his sight: Childhood and children in the Bible. . Grand Rapids: Baker Books.
Precious in His Sight is an intriguing look at all of the children in the Bible, including insights from ancient historical works of youth upbringing. Zuck also ties the Biblical models of child rearing (especially from the Proverbs) to today's forms of childhood development. This book will be an asset to anyone involved in Christian education for children.
Teaching: Zuck, R. B. (1995). Teaching as Jesus taught. . Grand Rapids: Baker Books.
As any Christian educator would say, Jesus is the best role model for any current or aspiring teacher throughout all of history. In this book, Roy Zuck dissects Christ's teaching styles and methods to figure out what made Him so dynamic. This book is an excellent pedagogical how-to manual, but it is also a fascinatingly different way of looking at Jesus Christ's life and earthly ministry.
Teaching: Zuck, R. B. (1998). Teaching as Paul taught. .Grand Rapids: Baker Books.
A companion to Zuck's Teaching as Jesus Taught, this book examines Paul's pedagogical techniques as they are presented both in biblical and extra-biblical sources. The book is well organized and well written, and it would greatly enhance the library of anyone involved in either Christian education or any other teaching ministry.
Teaching: Zuck, R. B. (1998). Spirit-filled teaching: The power of the Holy Spirit in your ministry. .Nashville: Word Publishing.
As any teaching individual can attest, teaching is an exhausting profession. In Spirit-filled Teaching, Roy Zuck explains to readers how to use the power of the Holy Spirit both in teaching and in living. By using this book, teachers will learn how to better connect with both their students and their Lord
Author Information
Linden McLaughlin
Linden McLaughlin (Ph.D., University of North Texas) serves as Associate Professor and Assistant Chair of Christian Education at Dallas Theological Seminary.
Kevin Cobb
Kevin Cobb graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with an MA in Christian Education in 2003.
Lucas Kavlie
Lucas B. Kavlie earned his MA in Christian Education at Dallas Theological Seminary in 2006 and is a doctoral student (Ed. D.) at North Texas University studying Christian Higher Education