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Public Relations and Honors Education

Build trust and seek truth.

Every industry is built on relationships of trust and reciprocity. And when your leadership and strategic communication is rooted in a love for virtue, you advance your ability to build bridges between organizations and the people they serve.

With your training in Torrey Honors College and 51蹤獲s nationally recognized Public Relations program, youll be poised to excel in a field that requires strong communication, ethical thinking, and creative leadership.

An Education in Virtue for a Career in Leadership

Public relations prizes trustworthy leaders people who actually love and seek to cultivate virtue. Your education in Torrey Honors will prompt you to explore questions with wisdom and integrity, uniquely equipping you to serve organizations with ethical counsel, strengthen trust and promote understanding.

Wield Your Influence for the Good of Others

Torrey Honors students work hard, but never for their own sake. Their first priority is to love God and their neighbor. Pursuing the answers to complex questions together through reading and discussion will refine your ability to creatively solve problems and effectively collaborate to serve others.