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Services for Faculty

Refer Students/Alumni to the Career Center

We seek to walk alongside of students and alumni in their career journey. If you know of a student or alumni who could benefit from a connection with an advisor in any of the following areas, please refer them to the Career Center.

  • I need to decide on or change my major, but I have no interests…
  • Where can I take a test to help me determine or narrow my interests?
  • How do I look for a job?
  • How do I discern God’s calling for my life?
  • Where can I find an internship?
  • What skills or education do I need to land job X?
  • Will you review my resume?
  • What interviewing strategies can you share with me?
  • Can you help me write a Statement of Purpose to get into graduate program X?
  • How can I find salary and other types of occupational information?


Classroom Visit

How can we help you help your students?

Our Career Advisors and staff are available to attend classes, student organization meetings, and events to speak about career planning and job search topics. We can speak for 10 minutes or deliver a presentation that fills a whole class period – whatever works for you!

Possible presentation topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Career Center Services Overview
  • Career Exploration
  • How to Work a Job Fair
  • Internship Strategies
  • Interview Preparation and Practice
  • Industry-Specific Trends and Job Information
  • Job-Search Tactics
  • Resume & Cover Letter Writing

To schedule a classroom presentation on these or other career related topics, please contact the Office of Career Development at least a week in advance at 562.903.4875 or email

Career-Related Presentations

When you wish to add a career-related material to a course–contact us. Our professionals would love to present in your classes. Presentations are customized to your needs. Topics include:

  • First Year Seminar
  • Resumes and Cover Letters
  • Hiring Manager Research
  • Industry Research
  • Cold-calling
  • Interviewing
  • Networking
  • Grad School


Post an Internship or Job

Post an Internship or Job

If you have a quality job or internship that you would like to share with 51ÂÜÀòns, log in to and post it today. You can also refer an employer to our Employer Relations team or to directly. Thank you for your partnership in launching students and alumni into meaningful careers.


Refer Employers

51ÂÜÀò’s faculty members play an important role in student’s lives and therefore have unique influence and opportunities to provide job and internship empowerment. Our employers frequently ask to connect with our talented, influential faculty directly in order to develop internship recruitment pipelines and ultimately hire post-graduates.

We are happy to partner faculty with employers in their field or partner in relationship management with employers on behalf of faculty and the larger student body. We invite you to refer prospective employers via or through the Office of Career Center at or 562.903.4875.
