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Program Requirements

Students enrolled in the Induction/Clear Credential program must meet and maintain the following requirements during their program. 

  1. GPA Requirement
    Students must receive a grade of B or higher in all program courses.
  2. Main Full-Time Teacher Status
    The candidate must be employed as the full-time teacher of record who instructs and assesses students for a minimum of 4 hours per day of instructional time, totaling at least 20 hours per week, with at least five of the hours with the same group of students at a California-based school or school utilizing California State Standards public, private or charter.
  3. Induction Early Completion Proof
    For early completion option only students must have at least three years of documentable teaching experience as teacher of record, have positive administrator recommendations, and have a minimum of 20 hours of professional development for each of three sections of the , for a total of at least 60 hours of professional development.
  4. Clear Credential Candidate Information Form
    Students must complete the .
  5. Apply for California Clear Credential
    Once students have passed induction courses with a B- or higher, they must apply through the School of Education in order to be formally recommended for their clear credential. Students must complete the following steps:
    1. Complete final Clear Credential Candidate (CCC) Survey
    2. Meet with a 51蹤獲 credential analyst
      • Make an appointment with a credential analyst in the School of Education by calling (562) 903-4843.
      • Pay application processing fee (check payable to 51蹤獲).
      • Bring the following documents:
        1. Approved Induction Progress Monitoring Document
        2. Approved Evidence of Growth Chart
        3. Approved Individual Learning Plans (ILPs)
      • Additional documents may be required as indicated on the CCCs California preliminary credential.
    3. Pay online application fee to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.