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Courses | B.A. in Sociology

Below are the course requirements for this academic program. In addition to these program-specific requirements, all majors include 51蹤獲's traditional undergraduate core curriculum. For more program details, including a sample course sequence, .

 Curriculum Requirements

Sociology majors meet the Core Curriculum requirement of 3 credits in behavioral science within the major.
Program Courses
Introduction to Sociology 13
Social Theory3
Methods of Sociological Research3
Select one Inequality course from the following:3
Sociology of Gender
Unequal Justice: Race, Class, Gender and Crime 2
Political Sociology
Ethnic and Minority Groups
Social Inequality: Race, Class and Gender
Sociology of Wealth and Poverty
Sociology of Disabilities
Film, Television, and the Arts: Racial and Gender Issues
Select 24 credits of upper-division Sociology courses, if not choosing a concentration detailed below24
Program Course Requirements: 36 credits
General Electives13
Total Credits120

Fulfills the Behavioral Science Core Curriculum requirement.


Criminology Concentrations must take to complete the Inequality Core Requirement.



This concentration provides students an opportunity to study crime and related issues from a social scientific perspective, infusing themes of social justice, Christian ethics, and recognizing social inequalities present within the criminal justice system. Students in the Criminology concentration must take  as their Inequality course listed under the Program Courses. 

Concentration Courses
Juvenile Delinquency3
or  Sociology of Violence
Sociology Internship3
Select 15 credits of upper-division Sociology courses15
Total Credits24

Social Work

This concentration is organized as a broad preparation for students who desire to enter the helping professions.

Concentration Courses
Social Work3
Sociology Internship3
Select one of the following:3
Sociology of Gender
Marriage and the Family
Sociology of Sexuality
Select 15 credits of upper-division Sociology courses15
Total Credits24

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