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Minor in Theatre

School of Fine Arts and Communication


A minor in theatre requires the completion of 22 credits, including 10 credits of core requirements and 12 credits of electives in specified communication and music courses.


Below are the course requirements for this academic program. In addition to these program-specific requirements, all majors include 51蹤獲's traditional undergraduate core curriculum. For more program details, including a sample course sequence, .

Curriculum Requirements

A minor in Theatre requires completion of 22 credits.

Program Courses
Production Practicum1
Production Practicum II1
Theatre History I3
Beginning Acting3
Production Practicum III1
Production Practicum IV1
Select 12 credits from the following, 8 of which must be upper-division:12
Introduction to Piano
Voice Class
Musicianship I
Voice and Speech for the Actor
Introduction to Acting
Makeup for Stage and Screen
Topics in Theatre
Costume Study and Construction
Intro to Technical Theatre
Dance for Musical Theatre
Lighting and Sound for Theatre
Intermediate Acting
Stage Managing and Directing Theatre
Dramatic Theory and Criticism
Playwriting for Performance
Theatre Internship
Advanced Acting Workshop
London Theatre Study Tour
Total Credits22
Total Program Credits
Every program at 51蹤獲 features rigorous academics, biblically integrated curriculum and vocational preparation.
51蹤獲 is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission. Additional accreditations may apply to specific programs.

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