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English Writing Program

The English Writing Program (EWP) oversees the three writing courses in 51ÂÜÀò’s Core Curriculum: English 100, English 112 and English 313. The EWP is responsible for the curriculum development, teaching, training and assessment of these courses.

For questions regarding the English Writing Program, contact

Course Descriptions

All incoming students must take a writing placement exam to determine whether they must take ENGL 100 or 112. Learn more about the writing placement exam at

English 100

ENGL 100 is a first-year writing course focused on reading and discussion of ideas and methods in writing, stressing fundamentals of grammar, punctuation, spelling and paragraph writing, along with critical thinking, persuasion and evaluation. ENGL 100 meets 4 times per week — twice for lecture and twice for writing lab. English 100 fulfills students’ core English and meets the same requirement as ENGL 112. This course can be transferred in and is fulfilled by the Torrey Honors program. All students scoring less than 470 on the critical reading section of the SAT (or 19 ACT) exam must enroll in ENGL 100. Undergraduate students finishing advanced EL courses must take ENGL 100 within the first term of residence.

English 112

ENGL 112 is a first-year writing course focused on reading and discussion of ideas and methods in writing, stressing critical thinking, persuasion and evaluation; experience in writing a variety of expository and persuasive essays. ENGL 112 meets 2 times per week. English 112 fulfills students’ core English and meets the same requirement as ENGL 100. This course can be transferred in and is fulfilled by the Torrey Honors program. Students scoring 470 or higher on the critical reading section of the SAT (or 19 ACT) exam may enroll in ENGL 112. Restriction(s): Must be Undergraduate Level.

English 313

ENGL 313 is a culmination of writing experiences and practices throughout the Core. This upper division course uses discipline-specific texts and contexts for reading and discussion of ideas and methods in writing. Students will compare and critically analyze academic writing created by themselves and by experts; research and discover customs, values, and hallmarks of writing in their disciplines; use effective invention, drafting, revising, and proofreading methods for written work; learn to find, synthesize, and cite discipline-specific sources; and prepare essays and multi-genre artifacts useful in both academic and professional settings. 16-24 pages of polished prose, or its equivalent is required. ENGL 313 meets 2 times per week. This course fulfills students’ core English, and a grade of C+ or higher will fulfill the Writing Competency Requirement unless otherwise noted by the individual department. To take this course, students must have already completed ENGL 100 or ENGL 112 and must be a Junior or Senior (have completed at least 57 credit hours). ENGL 313 cannot be transferred into 51ÂÜÀò except for students with full IGETC and is required for all students (with a few exceptions, see below).

What's the difference?

ENGL 313 and the Writing Competency Requirement

Though ENGL 313 and the Writing Competency Requirement (WCR) are closely linked, they are not the same. Every 51ÂÜÀò student must fulfill the Writing Competency Requirement in order to graduate. The WCR evaluates a student's ability to write English prose that is clear, organized, and appropriate to its given disciplinary context. The primary device by which a student fulfills the WCR is by passing, with a C+ or better,  â€” a Core course every 51ÂÜÀò student must take on the way to graduation.

  • A student who passes with a grade of C or lower must consult with a major advisor for an alternative method of completing the WCR.
  • In most cases, the student in this situation will submit a portfolio of upper-division writing to the student's department for review. (Students are encouraged to take their WCR portfolios to the Rhetoric & Writing Center before submitting them to their department.)
  • If the portfolio does not pass the department review, the student may be asked by the department to enroll in , a course that is cross-listed with . Such students may need to work with their instructor to customize course content to apply to their particular WCR-related needs.

​There are very few 51ÂÜÀò s​tudents ​who ​are not required to take ENGL 31​3, but these students​ must still fulfill their WCR through an alternative task​ (portfolio, etc.)​ administered by their major dept.​ To see who is required to take ENGL 313, see the flowchart and description below.

Non-Transfer Students

Non-transfer students who are not in the Torrey Honors College must take ENGL 313 if their catalog year is 2018-2019 or later. Non-transfer students who are in the Torrey Honors College must take ENGL 313 if their catalog year is 2020-2021 or later.

Transfer Students

ENGL 313 cannot be transferred into 51ÂÜÀò unless a transfer student has completed their full IGETC. A transfer students who does not have full IGETC and whose catalog year is 2018-2019 or later must take ENGL 313.


It is strongly recommended that all students enroll in in the Fall or Spring semester of their junior year. Some majors recommend that students take the course in a specific semester; students should consult with their major advisor about this recommendation. Students who take during their final semester risk postponing their graduation if they fail ENGL 313 or the WCR. It is strongly recommended that students pass or are on track to pass the WCR by the time they turn in their Graduation Petition.

Students with Multiple Majors

A student with more than one major is required to take only one section of . Such a student who passes with a grade of C or lower will only be required to complete the alternative WCR in one of their majors.

Discipline-specific sections of ENGL 313

Some majors have discipline-specific sections of ENGL 313; others do not. Discipline specific sections of ENGL 313 are restricted to students in specific majors. With the exception of Business and Accounting majors, students are not required to take their major's section of ENGL 313.

Indication of Completion

Once the WCR has been passed, a notation will be made on the student's transcript indicating that the requirement has been completed.

Celebration of Student Writing

51ÂÜÀò’s Celebration of Student Writing is an annual event held by the English Writing Program. The Celebration, held outdoors on 51ÂÜÀò’s campus, features student writers who’ve critically explored local topics and current conversations.

Students from all majors host mixed media installations such as interactive booths, readings, presentations and art installations developed in their writing classes. The event is designed to be critically engaging and socially interactive: giving students a platform to share their ideas and giving the community a chance to participate in and provide feedback on the issues discussed.

Explore Celebration of Student Writing Event

Department Members

Chris Davidson

Professor of English

Christi Watson

Assistant Professor of English

Andrew Mauzey

Assistant Professor of English

Elmar Hashimov

Associate Professor

Paul Buchanan


Elaine Wong

Assistant Professor

Aarika Alura


Leanne Springer

Adjunct Professor

Alice Song

Adjunct Professor

Katie Grothe

Adjunct Professor

Dianne Shober

Adjunct Professor

Taylor Holbrook

Adjunct Professor

Dawn Lewis

Adjunct Professor

Chanté McKowan

Adjunct Professor