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Coordinating Your Event


Below is a brief overview for how to coordinate your event. If you need training for how to use 25Live or the Event Wizard, please contact the Campus Coordinator at or x5991. If you have general questions about setup needs, please contact the Logistics Coordinators at or x5982.


Campus Calendar

Check 25Live () to determine a location and its availability for your event. Your desired event location may not be available on the date and times of your event. Be sure to use the Availability tab on the homepage, or the Locations Tab at the top of 25Live, to help find a space that meets your needs. Be sure to star your frequently-used locations and items needed/resources to make your requests quicker and easier for you to submit.

If you need training for how to use 25Live or the Event Form, please fill out our .


25Live Event Wizard Request

Once you have determined the location for your event, fill out an Event Wizard request, which is located on the tabs at the top of the page on . Please note that only authorized and trained individuals may access the Event Wizard to submit requests. See the 25Live page for more details.

A "banner organization" number is required for processing your request. Obtain this from the 51蹤獲 department sponsoring your event.

When filling out your request, consider the following:

  • Times:
    • How long with the actual event itself be? Will there be a time for check-in? How much time will you need for setup and teardown? Your reservation time can be categorized in three different ways:
      • Event Start/End time: What are the times when the actual event begins and ends?
      • Pre-Event/Post-Event time: Does your event need time for check-in, mingling before the event itself starts and after it ends, etc? Do you need additional time to set up/tear down your own materials?
      • Setup/Takedown: How much time does Event Services need to do setup for your event? How much time does Catering need to set up food?
  • Items Needed / Resources:
    Will you be needing tables, chairs, podium, microphones, screen/projector? Where exactly should they be placed at your event location? If it is an outdoor night event, will you want lighting? Do you need your event recorded, or do you want an audio technician at your event? Will you need trash cans, besides existing ones, to dispose of food or materials? If you do not need any setup whatsoever, you are still required to select the item None before you can move forward in the Event Wizard.
  • Custodial:
    All weekend events and certain specific locations on campus face the possibility of a custodial charge.
  • Campus Safety:
    After-hours events need doors unlocked in order to access rooms on campus. If the doors to your reserved location are locked, call Campus Safety at x6000 and they will take care of this for you.

Once you submit the request (as a "Draft"), the Campus Coordinator will review your request, ensuring it doesnt conflict with other campus events or need further review by the . Once your event has finished being reviewed, whether it is in a Draft or Tentative state, and is formally approved to proceed as planned, your events state will be changed to "Confirmed". When this occurs, the Campus Coordinator will also follow up with a formal confirmation and a summary PDF of your reservation. Until you receive this confirmation, the location for dates and times requested are not confirmed.

While your event is being processed, you should make note of your events status or state in your particular events details page in 25Live. Depending on what is indicated as your events state, here is what that means for your request:

  • Draft: This is the default state which requests are submitted, and means that your event has not formally been reviewed. It also means that the location(s) you requested are not held even though it was available at the time of submission.
  • Tentative: This is the state requests are put in when additional review is required. While in this state, the dates and times for your requested location(s) are tentatively held while the review is being completed.
  • Confirmed: This is the state where your location(s) have been formally approved. Further setup details may be needed or altered, but your locations are held.
  • Canceled: This is the state where all event details are canceled. It means that the dates and times for your originally requested location(s) are released for others to use.

If you need training for how to use 25Live or the Event Form, please fill out our .


Event Services

Once the event state is changed to "Confirmed" by the Campus Coordinator, the Logistics Coordinator will be sent a task in 25Live to "confirm" or "deny" your items needed/resource request. You can see the status of your items needed/resources on the "Task List" of your event in 25Live.

After Event Services approves it in 25Live, a work order will be generated and an Event Confirmation email will be sent to you detailing what, when, and where the equipment will be set up. This Event Confirmation is in addition to and separate from the confirmation you receive from the Campus Coordinator for the location and initial setup needs.

Always review the confirmation to make sure you are fully aware of what is going to be set up for your event! The confirmation may differ from what you originally requested.

Event Services processes requests chronologically. Because of the rate at which Event Wizard requests are confirmed by the Campus Coordinator, it may take a few weeks before your request is confirmed from Logistics Coordinator. However, if you do not get a confirmation two weeks prior to your event, please contact the Logistics Coordinator at to check on its status.



If you want to cater anything from refreshments to a complete catered meal, contact Catering by putting in an online request via , or by contacting or x5797.

Once your Catering request has been confirmed, you will need to inform Event Services what setup Catering will need for your event, if necessary. They will indicate what they will need on their Catering confirmation, and you will then need to update Event Services on their setup needs.


Student Development

Some equipment can be reserved through Student Development for free instead of using Event Services, including video or overhead projectors, portable screens and portable PA systems. If your event location does not already have these available and you would like to utilize them, contact Student Development at


Changes to Your Event

Who to contact when you need to change details for your event depends both on the state of your event and what exactly youre needing changed.

  • If your event is still in Draft, you are able to edit the dates, times, locations and other event details yourself.
  • If your event is Tentative, and you need to change the date, location or items needed for your event, you must contact the Campus Coordinator.
  • If your event is Confirmed and you need to change the date or location, you must contact the Campus Coordinator. If your event is Confirmed and you need to change the items needed, you must contact Logistics Coordinators.

There are three ways to send change requests:

      1. If you have 25Live open to your particular event that needs a change, navigate to More Options on the top right of the event details page, and then click Email Event Details from the drop-down menu that appears. From there, you will be able to select who the email goes to, if you want anyone CCd on it, as well as a text box to leave notes for what changes you need.
      2. You can also reply with your requested changes to the formal Confirmation email from the Campus Coordinator.
      3. Alternatively, you can simply send a direct email with your changes, but you must include the Reference ID in the email so that Event Services personnel know what exact event or reservation needs alteration.

If you want to cancel your event altogether, please notify both the Campus Coordinator ( and Logistics Coordinators ( Any large changes to the equipment setup and any changes whatsoever to the time, date or location of your event will require reassessment by Event Services staff.
