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Incoming Registration for Healthcare Management – Nursing Pathway Students

You will begin as a Healthcare Management major which will give you the solid foundation you need for clinical nursing. Learn more about the timeline and process of registration by reviewing the information on this page.


Healthcare Management Nursing Pathway

The Healthcare Management program prepares students for a variety of healthcare settings providing information from both business and health care perspectives.

The Healthcare Management program also serves as a pathway into the Clinical Nursing major. 51 students are first admitted to Healthcare Management and can apply to be a Clinical Nursing major once they meet the criteria. If accepted to Clinical Nursing, the student officially changes their major to Nursing.

Students must complete the following classes with a “C” or higher before starting the Clinical Nursing program:

  • BIOS 254: Human Anatomy
  • BIOS 281: Human Physiology
  • BIOS 282: Microbiology
  • CHEM 120: Bio & Organic Chemistry
  • ENGL 100 or ENGL 112: Studies in Critical Thinking and Writing
  • PSYC 200: Introduction to Psychology
  • NURS 112: Introduction to Professional Nursing
  • 3 credits of an approved communication course

There are additional steps to formally apply to the clinical Nursing program. For more information about how to apply, visit our clinical nursing webpage.

Apply to the Clinical Nursing Program

Freshman Student Registration

Freshman Nursing students 51 are placed in a cohort of either BIOS 254: Human Anatomy or CHEM 120: Bio & Organic Chemistry their first semester. You will not take both courses in the same semester. Students in programs such as Torrey Honors and athletics are placed in the cohort that works best with their schedule.

Once your cohort is finalized, you will be notified by your Nursing advisor to your email address.

Chemistry Cohort (50 students)

  1. CHEM 120: Principles of Bio & Org. Chem

    Fall Semester

  2. BIOS 254: Human Anatomy

    Spring Semester

The chemistry cohort begins with CHEM 120: Principles of Bio and Organic Chemistry in the fall semester and then continues with BIOS 254: Human Anatomy in the spring semester.

The first 50 students to pass the chemistry placement exam or meet the placement via 51’s online chemistry tutorial or by transferring in CHEM 107: Introduction to Chemistry are placed in the chemistry cohort.

Human Anatomy Cohort (50 students)

  1. BIOS 254: Human Anatomy

    Fall Semester

  2. CHEM 120: Principles of Bio & Org. Chem

    Spring Semester

The Human Anatomy cohort begins with BIOS 254: Human Anatomy in the fall semester and then continues with CHEM 120: Principles of Bio and Organic Chemistry in the spring semester.

Students are placed in the Human Anatomy cohort for one of these reasons:

  1. The chemistry cohort has already reached capacity (50 students)
  2. A student opts to take CHEM 107: Introduction to Chemistry during the fall semester
  3. A student does not pass the online chemistry placement exam or the chemistry tutorial

Fall 2025 Schedule for Freshman Students

When you receive your fall schedule on June 24 (early access freshmen) or July 2, you can expect to see the following courses on your schedule.

  • GNRC 000: Nursing Placeholder (4 credits)
    • The Nursing Pathway Placeholder holds a 4-credit spot for your fall nursing cohort.
    • Once your cohort is confirmed, you will be dropped from the placeholder course and registered for your science class (either Human Anatomy or Principles of Bio & Organic Chemistry) by your academic advisor. You are notified by email when your cohort is finalized.
  • CHEM 107: Introduction to Chemistry (3 credits)*
    • If you pass the Chemistry Placement Exam or tutorial, you will not need to take Chem 107 during the fall semester. However, initially you may be registered for this class to hold your spot, in case you need to take this class in the fall.
    • Your advisor will drop you from this course if you are placed in the Principles of Bio & Organic Chemistry cohort.
  • GNST 102: First Year Seminar – Nursing (1 credit)
  • ENGL 100: Basic Studies in Critical Thinking & Writing or ENGL 112: Studies in Critical Thinking & Writing I (3 credits)**
  • COMM 200: The Rhetorical Act or PSYC 200: Introduction to Psychology (3 credits)**
  • A Bible Class — BBST 103, 165, 209, or 210 (3 credits)**

Total credits: 14–17

**If you are in the Torrey Honors program, or have AP test credit for one or more of your college courses, or completed IB or CLEP courses, or have transfer credit, then your registered courses may look different.

Fall 2025 Transfer Student Registration

Transfer Nursing students are placed in a cohort of any of the four science courses. Typically, your advisor evaluates which prerequisite science courses are remaining and will register you in the class(es) that finish your prerequisites in a timely manner. If you have not transferred in CHEM 120: Bio & Organic Chemistry but meet the criteria to register for the course, your advisor will likely choose this course for you.

Each transfer student is invited to a 30-min appointment via Google Meet with your Nursing advisor to receive your class schedule and cohort, review your transfer credit, and discuss your remaining pre-clinical requirements. Sign ups for virtual appointments begin May 2, 2025 and appointments start Tuesday, May 20, 2025.

Fall Schedule for Transfer Students

  • GNRC 000: Nursing Placeholder (4 credits)
    • The Nursing Placeholder holds a 4-credit spot for your fall nursing cohort.
    • Once your cohort is confirmed, you will be dropped from the placeholder course and registered for your science class (either Human Anatomy or Principles of Bio & Organic Chemistry) by your academic advisor. You are notified by email when your cohort is finalized.
  • CHEM 107: Introduction to Chemistry (3 credits)*
    • This course will be on your schedule only if you have not yet completed the chemistry placement process.
  • GNST 102: First Year Seminar – Nursing (1 credit)
  • 2–3 Core and/or Bible Courses (6-9 credits)

Total credits: 14–17

Reminder: Transfer students receive their class schedule in their virtual advising appointment.

Note: Registration opens May 1

Chemistry Placement

For both Transfer and Freshman students, the best way to prepare for your first semester at 51 is to complete your chemistry placement requirements over the summer. For information on how to complete your chemistry placement, view the Chemistry Placement site.

If you have already completed CHEM 107: Introduction to Chemistry or CHEM 120: Principles of Bio & Organic Chemistry prior to your first semester, you are exempt from the chemistry placement exam. Instead, you will submit the placement form (available via the link below) and include the name of the school and course title for which you have transfer credit.

Complete Chemistry Placement