Faculty & Staff
The faculty and staff at the School of Fine Arts and Communication are experienced, skilled and dedicated to their students. Read the bios below and get to know our team.
Dean's Office

Dean, School of Fine Arts and Communication

Associate Dean, Division of the Visual and Performing Arts, School of Fine Arts and Communication

Associate Dean, Division of Communication, School of Fine Arts and Communication
Conservatory of Music

Applied Lesson Instructor, Viola

Dean of Spiritual Development

Applied Lesson Instructor, Clarinet

Applied Lesson Instructor, Contemporary Voice

Associate Professor, Guitar and Commercial Music

Adjunct Professor

Applied Lesson Instructor, Composition

Assistant Professor, Music and Orchestra Director

Operations Manager, Division of the Visual and Performing Arts

Adjunct Professor, Worship Arts

Adjunct Professor, Theatre

Juan Castaneda
Applied Lesson Instructor, Voice

Adjunct Professor, Piano

Assistant Professor & Technical Director, Theatre

Applied Lesson Instructor, Songwriting

Associate Professor, Music Theory and Composition

Adjunct Professor, Music Therapy

Katharine Eames
Applied Lessons Instructor

Adjunct Faculty, Strings

Adjunct Professor, Music Education

Professor, Percussion and Composition and Jazz Director

Professor, Piano

Adjunct Professor, Music Therapy

Applied Lesson Instructor, Electric Guitar

Jenny Kim
Applied Lesson Instructor, French Horn

Professor, Director of Voice Studies and Opera

Adjunct Professor, Improvisation

Assistant Librarian for Systems and Special Collections

Nate Laguzza
Applied Lesson Instructor, Drumset

Applied Lesson Instructor, Organ

Julie Long
Applied Lesson Instructor, Flute

Applied Lesson Instructor, Contemporary Voice

Applied Lesson Instructor, Bassoon

Assistant Professor, Music and Symphonic Winds Director

Applied Lesson Instructor, Composition

Drew Ninmer
Applied Lesson Instructor, Trumpet

Kathy Oh
Applied Lesson Instructor, Oboe

Adjunct Professor

Adjunct Professor, Piano

Academic Coordinator, Division of the Visual and Performing Arts

Associate Professor, Music Therapy

Carlos Rivera
Applied Lesson Instructor, String Bass

Katharin Rundus
Applied Lesson Instructor, Voice

Applied Lesson Instructor, Trombone

Recruitment and Marketing Admin, Conservatory of Music

Associate Professor and Director of Choral Activities

Applied Lesson Instructor, Electric Bass

Adjunct Professor, University Chorus

Adjunct Professor, Music

Associate Professor of Theatre

Adjunct Professor, Music History

Artist in Residence, Worship Arts

Adjunct Professor, New Media Composition

Adjunct Professor, Cello

Adjunct Professor, Piano

Adjunct Professor, Composition

Applied Lesson Instructor, Contemporary Piano
Department of Art

Associate Dean, Division of the Visual and Performing Arts, School of Fine Arts and Communication

Chair, Department of Art

Professor of Art

Adjunct Professor, Illustration

Adjunct Professor, Sculpture

Art Studio Manager

Professor of Art

Associate Professor of Art

Adjunct Professor, Drawing and Painting

Adjunct Professor, Ceramics

Assistant Professor, Art

Adjunct Professor, Art History

Adjunct Professor, Design

Adjunct Professor, Photography

Adjunct Professor, Photography

Associate Professor of Art

Adjunct Professor, Animation

Laura Carey
Administrative Assistant
Division of Communication

Associate Dean, Division of Communication, School of Fine Arts and Communication

Professor of Journalism

Professor of Communication

Associate Professor, Communication

Associate Professor of Journalism

Assistant Professor, Communication

Assistant Professor of Public Relations

Adjunct Professor in Communication Studies

Adjunct Professor, Communication Studies

Adjunct Professor in Public Relations

Associate Vice President, University Marketing

Senior Director of University Communications

Director of Media Relations and Strategic Communications

Instructor in Communication Core and Digital Learning

Career Specialist: Snyder School of Cinema & Media Arts, School of Fine Arts & Communication

Academic Coordinator, Division of Communication

Adjunct Faculty

Professor Emeritus

Adjunct, Communication Studies