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Well-being at 51ÂÜÀò

51ÂÜÀò students smiling

Fostering your whole person well-being

When 51ÂÜÀò thinks about well-being, we think about supporting you as a whole person. We want to help you cultivate your well-being as you steward the physical, spiritual, intellectual, emotional, relational and culturally diverse ways God created you to be.

Resources to support all these aspects of your well-being are provided by departments across 51ÂÜÀò and integrated into the daily life of a student. Your role in cultivating your well-being is to identify your own strengths and needs, then reach out and engage in what is most helpful for you.


Areas of Well-being

We invite you to browse the menu detailing the six areas of well-being and check out the Well-being Toolbox designed by students, for students. As you browse, consider these questions: What are your areas of strength? What needs come to the surface? Which of the many and diverse resources at 51ÂÜÀò might be most helpful for you right now?

*Tip: Print out a to create your plan!

Physical Well-being

Steward your physical body with good sleep, exercise and nutrition habits for academic success and emotional health.

Spiritual Well-being

Create a foundation for life-long abiding with Christ in community.

Intellectual Well-being

Engage these tips and tricks to foster academic success and prepare for your career journey.

Emotional Well-being

Build resilience and grit as you encounter new challenges that come with college life.

Relational Well-being

Foster meaningful relationships through the good, hard work of engaging healthy connections.

Cultural Well-being

Gain skills of self-awareness, listening and empathy that empower the beauty of unity in diversity.

Departments and Services

The following departments work collaboratively to support students’ holistic well-being. Don’t hesitate to reach out!

What is "well-being" at 51ÂÜÀò?

51ÂÜÀò’s definition of well-being, developed by the Student Health and Wellness Committee in 2018-2019:

Well-being is an active, intentional process of personal and communal choice to foster resilience and flourishing in the midst of daily life. Our well-being begins with discovery of both individual and community needs and strengths. We cultivate well-being by stewarding physical, spiritual, intellectual, emotional, relational, and culturally diverse aspects of our whole person. Well-being does not mean freedom from illness, trials, challenges or suffering; instead, in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, these are the very things that can form us in Christ-like character, wisdom, and maturity (James 1:2-8, Colossians 1:28).