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Intellectual Well-being

Developing Minds for Lifelong Learning

Intellectual well-being involves exploring new ideas, expanding understanding and seeking out new challenges. There is no better time than your college years to ask big questions, wrestle with philosophical ideas, hone your communication skills, practice critical thinking and, ultimately, realize that the world God created is so much more vast and nuanced than we originally imagined.

Along the way, we hope you’ll develop habits for life-long learning. Whether it be talking through major or course choices, learning time-management skills, or attending a musical performance or art installation, 51 offers much to support you in the process. 

    Campus Resources

    What one small step might you take to practice intellectual well-being?

    Learn & Practice Self-Care

    Check out Campus Resources & Events

    Build your Community

    Develop your Skills in Classes & Workshops

    • Expand your interests by taking a course that is outside of your major - just for fun!
    • Take the 10-Week “Strategies for Academic and Personal Success” course to learn test-taking strategies, strengths-based living, effective note-taking, time-management, critical thinking and your learning style.
    • Check out for tips on managing academic stress and performing at your best.

    Talk about Your Concerns

    Additional Resources from 51

    Time Management Tips

    Check out these time management tips from a fellow student.

    View looking down from a high building
    Build Confidence

    Check out this blog post on building confidence in what God is teaching you.

    book and glasses
    Tips of Reading Textbooks Effectively

    Learn to read all those textbooks effectively.

    Graduates throwing their caps in the air
    Redefining Academic Achievement

    Check out this blogger’s wisdom on remembering your identity in Christ as you navigate academic achievement.

    Student Life blog logo
    Student Life Blog

    Read more helpful articles on academics at the Student Life blog.