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Things to Know


Students are encouraged to understand all costs of the programs they are pursuing. These costs are the responsibility of the student whether self-incurred or assessed by the operator of the Program.

Tuition Costs

All students will be charged 51ÂÜÀò’s standard on-campus undergraduate tuition.

  • Fall Semester: The first down payment of your payment plan (or full 100% payment) is due by the enrollment deadline in mid-August for the Fall semester or before your study abroad trip departs, whichever is earlier.
  • Spring Semester: The first down payment of the payment plan (or full 100% payment) is due by the enrollment deadline in mid-December for the Spring semester or before your study abroad trip departs, whichever is earlier.

Failure to make your down payment prior to departure will result in the immediate cancellation of your registration.

Travel & Living Costs

  • Room and board costs are additional and are usually established by the program Provider. See the program's application page for details. For many Programs room and board costs are lower than on campus at 51ÂÜÀò; for some they are higher.
  • Living costs vary greatly by each student’s spending habits, exchange rates, and the general cost of living in their host country. Living in London, for example, is generally more expensive than living in La Mirada, while living in Ecuador or Uganda is generally less expensive.
  • Transportation costs to and from the program are additional, as are the costs of any travel done once you have arrived.

Other Costs (Post Acceptance)

  • 51ÂÜÀò Administrative Fee: $500
  • International Health Insurance (required for international Programs): Estimated $248


Financial Aid

Under 51ÂÜÀò’s Financial Aid regulations:

  • Students are eligible for full financial aid when the student commits to graduating in four years (Nursing and Music majors commit to graduating in five years).
    • Students on Dependent Scholarships/Tuition Waiver should for how their aid is applied.
  • Students will be eligible to receive University Aid for one Fall or Spring program.
  • Summer programs are usually not covered by financial aid; you should contact your Financial Aid Counselor to confirm.



Students interested in off-campus study must be academically eligible and in good disciplinary standing. Students who are not currently eligible should still to discuss other potential opportunities and options.

Academic Requirements

  • Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7
    • Oxford requires a minimum GPA of 3.7
    • Japan, South Korea and Indonesia Exchange Programs require a minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Students must have declared a major
  • Students cannot be on academic probation

Disciplinary Requirements

  • All 51ÂÜÀò students must pass a disciplinary clearance from Student Development to determine whether they will be approved during the application phase.


Courses & Grades

Credits: You are required to take a full course load, 15-16 credits per semester. If you wish to take more than 16 credits you’ll need approval from Study Abroad.

  • Non-academic or audited courses do not earn credit or appear on 51ÂÜÀò records.

Course Selection: You will be required to select courses during the application phase. All course selections will go through an approval process monitored by Study Abroad prior to enrollment. Program courses are listed program pages. This excludes student exchange in Indonesia and South Korea; meet with Study Abroad or email for advising on these programs.

Grades: All grades earned while abroad will be factored into your 51ÂÜÀò GPA.

The academic system abroad may be very different from what you are used to at 51ÂÜÀò. For example, you may not receive a detailed syllabus for each course or have as much homework and/or graded work as you do at 51ÂÜÀò. In many places you will need to be more independent and self-motivated in your studies.

Policies: All students are subject to the academic policies of their host institution or program provider, including but not limited to: absence policies, academic conduct policies, and decisions regarding grades and credits.
