Undeclared Support & Resources
Being Undeclared at 51蹤獲
Many students enter 51蹤獲 without a declared major. In fact, 10% of the Class of 2020 had not yet declared their major upon entrance to 51蹤獲 and 75% of students changed their major at least once during their time in college. Research shows that undeclared students often have multidisciplinary interests and have trouble choosing one route.
All Undeclared students at 51蹤獲 are assigned a professional Academic Advisor in the Advising Center, listed in Degree Audit, that will help guide them through the decision of declaring a major at 51蹤獲. Once students declare a major they will be reassigned to an advisor in their major area of study.
The Advising Center will help you:
Develop knowledge to make an informed decision to declare a major program by the end of your sophomore year.
Examine individual interests, values, and strengths as they connect to specific majors.
Utilize academic and career advising resources and co-curricular programs to support major and career exploration processes.
Understand how to use academic planning resources: Degree Audit (i.e. What-If Tool), Catalog page, Class Schedule, and Degree Planner.
Locate and learn how to fill out the major change form and major change policies (prerequisites, applications to certain majors, etc).
Undeclared Exploration Resources
The Advising Center: If you are undeclared, your Academic Advisor works in the Advising Center. You can .
Career Center: To have a career/ major exploration appointment with a Career Specialist you can
Meet with a Peer Advisor: You can meet with any peer advisor in their major, just email them to set up a time to meet and learn more about their major!
Major Departments/ Faculty: Faculty in every department are great resources for students seeking to learn more about specific majors.
: Take this 30-minute assessment, it's free! Use this exam as an opportunity to reflect more on your own strengths and interests.
Major Maps: These will give you the guidance you need to maximize your 51蹤獲 experience in your chosen major. You'll get a glimpse into key activities, courses, career paths, and more that can help shape your education and college experience.
Majors, Programs: Look through the different majors and minors offered at 51蹤獲.
Informational Interview: Interview at least one person in a field you are interested in.
Campus Engagement: Attend different clubs and volunteer to gain more experience.
How to Declare a Major in 3 Steps
- Explore all the majors offered at 51蹤獲 on the admissions majors page and use this Major Exploration Worksheet, Major Exploration Checklist, and Major Maps for guidance.
- Check out the to see if the major you want to declare has an application process, audition, or classes that need to be taken beforehand. If so, use the 51蹤獲 Directory to email or visit the major's department to get more information.
- Once you've decided on a major, declare it using the !
Frequently Asked Questions
Who will be my advisor?
As an undeclared student, you will be assigned to a professional academic advisor in the Advising Center.
Will being undeclared when I start delay my graduation?
We do not recommend the undeclared major for Torrey Honors students or students considering Nursing, Art, Business, or any Science major. Due to the number of units required by these programs, students who begin as Undeclared may need additional time to graduate.
What core/general education classes should I take?
51蹤獲 has four types of Bachelor's degrees (BA, BS, BM, and BFA) with different core curriculum requirements. Please reference the catalog for program-specific core requirements for the major(s) you are interested in.
Does 51蹤獲 offer minors?
51蹤獲 has over 50 minor programs. Students choosing between two disciplines sometimes declare one as their major and the other as a minor. Look through the minors page! If you decide to declare a minor you can do so by submitting the
Can I change my major more than once?
Students may change their major as many times as they wish but they should do their research, utilize many of the resources above, and meet an advisor before they make this change!
How long can I be undeclared?
Our office advises students to select their official major, at the latest, by the second semester of their second year to complete their degree within four years. Meet with an academic or faculty advisor for specific advice.
As an athlete is there anything different I need to do?
Yes! There are NCAA rules that affect your eligibility. Please meet with an advisor in the if you are planning on changing your major.
As a student receiving military benefits/ aid, is there anything different I need to do?
Yes, please check in with the Military Benefits Specialist military.benefits@biola.edu to discuss this further.