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Traditional Undergraduate Student Resources

Important Dates

Study Resources and Academic Support

  • Peer-created Study Resources - Access . You can also with a trained Peer Academic Advisor for Study Skills and Success to get personalized support with time management, test-taking, and more.

  • Tutoring - The Office of Accessibility provides free one-on-one tutoring to 51ÂÜÀò students for various general education and lower-division courses. Additionally, several academic departments run their own tutoring programs for students enrolled in particular courses. Reach out to your department’s administrator to see if there might be additional tutoring for your major.

  • Academic Mentors - Request a free academic mentor to gain confidence in your studies and build healthy time management rhythms.

  • Rhetoric and Writing Center - The Rhetoric & Writing Center offers free 1x1 writing tutoring for all students. Best of all, you don’t need to have a 10-page paper to see them—they can help with any kind of assignment, down to those 200-word discussion board submissions.

  • Disability Services - The Office of Accessibility exists to provide guidance, services, and accommodations for students with disabilities, including short-term disabilities (e.g., a broken arm).

  • Academic Probation - Learn more about how you can take the right steps and meet the requirements to get back on track with your degree.

  • Incomplete Grade Process - The purpose of an Incomplete Grade Process is to meet the needs of a student facing unforeseeable emergencies beyond his/her control and are serious enough to prevent completion of course assignments before the semester ends (e.g., extended illness, significant injury, critical family emergency, etc.).

Degree Planning

  • Undeclared Students - Learn more about being Undeclared and exploring majors.

  • - Understand the degree requirements for your program and the academic and administrative policies that govern students. Your catalog year, which is typically the year you started at 51ÂÜÀò, is critical for determining your specific requirements—you can find this listed on your Degree Audit.

  • Degree Audit - A document of record and academic planning tool that shows you the catalog requirements for your major and tracks your personal progress towards completing them.

  • Planner - An academic planning tool built into your Degree Audit, designed to help you plan your semester-by-semester course schedule. Check out our to learn how to use this tool, or with a trained Peer Academic Advisor to get personalized support with building your plan.

  • Graduation Requirements & Application - In order to graduate, you need to meet all graduation requirements and fill out a Graduation Application in partnership with your academic department. Applications are due once you have reached 95 completed credits, but you are encouraged to apply earlier. For help with the application process, with a trained Peer Academic Advisor.

  • Major/Minor/Catalog Changes - Students wishing to change, add or remove a , , or adjust a , need to fill out the appropriate forms.

  • Transferring Courses - If you have or plan to transfer coursework from another institution and would like to see how it will transfer to 51ÂÜÀò, use the Transfer Equivalency Tool. If you are unable to find the course there, you may need to submit a .

Substituting 51ÂÜÀò Courses - Submit a for a 51ÂÜÀò course that you are seeking to fulfill another 51ÂÜÀò course requirement (e.g., MATH 210 Introduction to Probability and Statistics for MATH 190 Business Statistics).


  • Academic Advising - All traditional undergraduate students are required to have academic advising each semester. Undergraduate students in fully-online programs have access to advising year-round. Your assigned advisor can be found on your Degree Audit.

  • Degree Applicable Courses and Financial Aid - If you register for a course that is not listed on your Degree Audit, it may not be eligible for certain kinds of financial aid.

  • Registration Planning Tool - Before registration, you can your ideal semester course schedule. When your time ticket opens, you can register from the registration plan in one click.

  • Course Registration Help - Check out our for help with registration questions and common errors. You can also drop in for advising assistance at Sutherland Hall, or with a trained Peer Academic Advisor.

  • Registration and Enrollment FAQs

University Withdrawal and Leave of Absence

  • Withdrawal Process - Learn more about the withdrawal and readmission policies, including medical withdrawals.

  • Leave of Absence (for fully-online bachelor students only)


Change your catalog year.

Enrollment Verification

Request proof of enrollment or graduation.

Change your major, concentration, or add/drop a second major.

Add or drop a minor from your degree plan.

Request that a 51ÂÜÀò class fulfill a 51ÂÜÀò course requirement that is not typically satisfied by that course.

Request approval for a course from another institution to fulfill a 51ÂÜÀò requirement.