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Registration and Enrollment

Were here to walk you through the registration and enrollment process, step by step. All students must complete both registration and enrollment tasks each term. Whether youre a new or continuing 51蹤獲 student, review the steps for preparing to register, completing online registration and completing enrollment.

Registration is when current students add their courses for the upcoming term. This typically happens during late-March and November, the last few weeks of the previous term (for new Fall students, during summer).

Enrollment is required of all students and involves completing all tasks on and the required payment. Enrollment payment deadlines can be found on the Academic Calendar. Classes are dropped on the first day of the term for students with a non-enrolled status.

    On this page, you'll find helpful information on:

    Preparing for Course Registration

    Before registering for your courses, here are some steps to take:

    1. Check the Academic Calendar and your Registration Time.

      Where can I find registration and enrollment deadlines?

      Find important registration and enrollment dates and deadlines on 51蹤獲s Academic Calendar.

      Where can I view my registration time ticket?

      If you're an incoming student, your time ticket represents the date and time you can view and edit your official course schedule. 
      If you're a continuing student, your time ticket represents the date and time you can register yourself for classes.

      Find your registration time on under My Registration Time Ticket on the Tasks page.

    2. Meet with your Academic Advisor.

      Once youve started your 51蹤獲 journey, you will meet with your academic advisor to create a comprehensive academic plan for graduation.

      How can I schedule an appointment for academic advising?

      Current Undergraduate Students

      • If you are a current undergraduate student, find your advisor on and contact your advisor to make an appointment.
      • All students must receive academic advising in order to register for classes. In a typical advising session, students will plan for their classes and discuss degree requirements. All first-year advising students will meet with their Academic Advising staff advisor. 
      • Your academic department or advisor should email you with how and when advising is happening. If you feel you have missed this communication, please reach out to your department. Some departments also have Peer Academic Advisors available for supplemental advising.
      • Online undergraduate students are assigned a staff or faculty advisor who they will meet with each semester prior to registering for classes. Find your advisors name and contact information on our Online Bachelor Advising site.

      Incoming Undergraduate Students

      • Incoming students do not meet with academic advisors for their first semester, as the Advising Center registers you for your first semester of classes. Find out more about registration for incoming students.

      Graduate Students

      • Graduate students are assigned a staff or faculty advisor who they can meet with each semester prior to registering for classes. Find your advisors name and contact information on or check the graduate program advisor list.
      • Graduate students, except those in the TESOL program, do not need an Academic PIN to access course registration.

        How can I prepare for my advising meeting?

        1. Understand your .

        • Your Degree Audit serves as a tool to understanding what courses you need for your major or degree. Learn more to understand your Degree Audit.
        • Review this for instructions on how to view and use your Degree Audit.

        2. Browse the .

        • Look up overall course information like subject, course, and description on 51蹤獲s Catalog at

        3. Select your courses for next semester and summer.

        • Make a list of courses you plan to take for your advisor to review. If you are not completely sure of what you want to take, bring a few options and questions to ask your advisor. They are there to help you when you are unsure. Take advantage of to create a term-by-term academic plan for your remaining degree requirements, or to save which classes you plan to register for in the coming term.
        • Be sure that the courses you plan to add will count towards your program so that they will be eligible for federal financial aid. You can do this by checking your planned courses in Planner or using the What If tool in Degree Audit to see how your planned classes will be counted towards your degree. For more information, visit the Courses Counting Towards Degree and Financial Aid Eligibility page.

        4. Prepare to address any course restrictions.

        • Make sure to discuss with your academic advisor any overrides or special approvals for pre-requisites, co-requisites, time conflicts, restrictions, etc. You can check the requirements needed for each class on the .

          What is my academic PIN?

          If you are an incoming undergraduate student, after you complete your advising meeting, your advisor will provide you with a unique 6-digit Academic PIN (e.g., 133451) required to access course registration on MyAccount. When your time ticket (your course registration time) begins, you will enter the PIN and get access to register for your next semester courses. If you are in an incoming undergraduate student or in an online bachelor's degree program, you are not required to have a PIN to register.

        1. Check your MyAccount tasks and note your upcoming enrollment dates.

          Before you register, make sure to view your time ticket, check if you have any holds, or any other tasks that must be completed prior to registration. If you do have any holds, contact the department listed next to your hold to see what steps are needed to resolve them.

        2. Search the class schedule.

          How can I search the class schedule?

          1. Search for classes

          • To search for classes, go directly to or access the class schedule from the Degree Planning section on .

          2. Select a Term

          • On the Select a Term page, choose which term you would like to search from the dropdown menu and click "Continue."

          3. Browse Classes

          • On the Browse Classes page, you can either type in a subject code or click in the subject field to see a list of course subjects to search from.
          • You can choose to enter a specific course number if you know the course you're looking for, or you can enter a percentage sign as a wildcard (for example, enter 2% to search for all 200-level courses).
          • You can also use the keyword field to search for specific CRNs or keywords that are found in course titles or descriptions.

          4. View Results

          • Click the search button to view your results. If you don't see any results, there may not be classes that match your search criteria; try refining your search.

          5. Advanced Search

          • For a more advanced search, you can click on the Advanced Search link and filter your search for more specific things, like the instructor, online class sections, or days of the week.

          5. View prerequisites, corequisites, links or restrictions

          • You can click on the title of any class to open an info box that will show you any prerequisites, corequisites, links, or restrictions that are required for the specific class section.

          View Video Tutorial

        Registering for Courses

        Here are some important tips on how to register for your classes and view/manage your schedule.

        1. Access Registration

          You will access online registration from MyAccount when your time ticket (your course registration time) begins. If you are a traditional undergraduate student, you will need to enter your 6-digit academic PIN (provided when you meet with your academic advisor). If you do not register as close to your time ticket as possible, you may miss out on classes that you need; they may close due to excess demand, or be canceled due to insufficient demand. However, you may still add available classes to your schedule until the add deadline which is typically the Monday after the first week of the semester. If you are in an Online Bachelor's degree program, you are not required to have a PIN to register.

        2. Adding Courses

          Registration for incoming undergraduate students

          • Traditional Undergraduate Students: An advisor will register you for your classes. You can access your class schedule through MyAccount and make adjustments as needed once your time ticket begins.
          • Online Bachelor Students: Schedule a virtual meeting wit your program advisor to register for your first term.
          • Learn more about registration for incoming traditional undergraduate students and incoming online bachelor's students.

          Registration for continuing undergraduate students

          • Access online registration from MyAccount and search for classes to add to your schedule.
          • For troubleshooting errors or additional questions, view Frequently Asked Questions.

          Registration for graduate students

          • Access online registration from MyAccount and search for classes to add to your schedule.
          • For troubleshooting errors or additional questions, view Frequently Asked Questions.

        3. Waitlists

          Automated waitlisting lets you add yourself to a waitlist for a class directly on your schedule. You will automatically receive an email at your 51蹤獲 email address if a seat becomes available.

          Waitlist status and notifications

          • If you try to add a class that is full (usually by directly entering the CRN), you will see an error message, which will indicate if there is space available on a waitlist. Choose the status "WAITLISTED" from the Action selection menu, then click the Submit button to save the waitlisted status.
          • You can see your waitlisted classes in the Add/Drop Classes task through . You will see a list of any classes for which you have registered or waitlisted yourself, and the Action section will show you the status of those classes.
          • If a seat becomes available in the class for you, you will receive an email at your 51蹤獲 email address from "" to inform you. The email will include a deadline by which you must add the class. This deadline is 24 hours from the time the seat becomes available. After the deadline, an email will be sent to the next student on the waitlist. If your notice expires and you would still like to take the class, you will need to add yourself back to the waitlist. To make sure you receive the waitlist notification, consider adding notifications from your email app for your 51蹤獲 email account.

          Check our Frequently Asked Questions page or contact us at if you have further questions.

        Dropping Classes, Tuition Refunds & Withdrawal Policy

        Students may drop classes, receive tuition refunds or withdraw from the university based on the following policies:

        Dropping Classes

        Classes may be dropped in the Dropping Courses section of your Student Tools on . 

        If you are attempting to drop your last class for any given term, you may encounter an error preventing you from doing so. If this is the case, email with your name, ID number, the registration term, and the class you would like to be dropped, and they will remove the course from your schedule.

        Tuition Refunds

        Some students may be eligible for refunds if it changes their student status. Refer to the Tuition Refund Schedule for drop deadlines and tuition refund information.


        If you would like to withdraw from 51蹤獲, submit the . Learn more about withdrawal/readmission policies below.

        • Official withdrawals: Students who wish to officially withdraw from the university must submit an . Please see the refund schedule for details regarding dates, tuition and grades. Students enrolled in one of 51蹤獲's Online Bachelor's programs are eligible to take a Leave of Absence for no more than two compulsory terms. More information on the may be found in the 51蹤獲 Catalog.
        • Unofficial withdrawals: Students who stop attending class are considered unofficially withdrawn. No refund is granted to students who unofficially withdraw. Students who unofficially withdraw will receive grades of "UW" or "F" for their courses.
        • Medical withdrawals: Students who are withdrawing for health reasons and wish to apply for a medical withdrawal may do so by submitting the . Please see the for more information.

        Completing Enrollment

        To complete enrollment, complete all your tasks on MyAccount by the deadlines specified. Remember that some tasks may be unavailable to access until a certain date. Check your for this information.

        Your MyAccount Enrollment section will have multiple tabs available to complete tasks:

        1. Enrollment Tasks
        2. Incoming Student Tasks
        3. Health Requirement Tasks
        4. Parking and Textbooks

        Need help with enrollment? Expand each section to view the tasks and contact information.

        Enrollment Tasks

        MyAccount Task Department Contact
        Add/Drop Classes 1 Academic Advising

        (562) 903-4782
        View Office Hours

        Office of the Registrar

        (562) 903-4720
        View Office Hours
        Review Course Schedule Academic Advising

        (562) 903-4782
        View Office Hours
        Title IV Authorizations Financial Aid
        (562) 903-4742
        View Office Hours
        Health Insurance Acknowledgement Health Center
        (562) 903-4841
        View Office Hours
        Financial Responsibility Agreement Student Account Services
        (562) 903-4760, ext. 5073
        View Office Hours
        Payment Student Account Services
        (562) 903-4760, ext. 5073
        View Office Hours

        1 If you need assistance with selecting courses, please contact your Academic department or Academic Advising. All other questions may be answered by either office.

        Incoming Student Tasks

        MyAccount Task Department Contact
        Register for Placement Exams Academic Advising

        (562) 903-4782
        View Office Hours
        Submit a Registration Profile Academic Advising

        (562) 903-4782
        View Office Hours
        Schedule a Virtual Advising Appointment Academic Advising

        (562) 903-4782
        View Office Hours
        Apply for Housing or Request to Commute Housing & Residence Life
        (562) 944-0351, ext. 5838
        View Office Hours
        Submit Official Final High School Transcript Admissions

        (562) 903-4752
        View Office Hours

        Health Requirement Tasks

        MyAccount Task Department Contact
        Health Forms Health Center
        (562) 903-4841
        View Office Hours
        Health Insurance Health Center
        (562) 903-4841
        View Office Hours

        Parking and Textbooks

        MyAccount Task Department Contact
        Parking Permit Campus Safety
        (562) 903-4877
        View Office Hours
        Textbook Subscription Service 51蹤獲 Campus Store
        (562) 903-4883
        View Office Hours

        Frequently Asked Questions

        If you have registration questions, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions page, email us, or call us at (562) 903-4720.

        Dates and Deadlines

        View the Academic Calendar for important dates and deadlines related to registration and enrollment.