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Courses | B.S. in Communication Sciences and Disorders

Below are the course requirements for this academic program. In addition to these program-specific requirements, all majors include 51ÂÜÀò's traditional undergraduate core curriculum. For more program details, including a sample course sequence, .

GPA Requirements

All majors must achieve a minimum grade of a C in all major courses taken at 51ÂÜÀò. Anyone receiving a lower grade must repeat the course with a higher grade to receive credit for the course.

Curriculum Requirements

Recommended Core Curriculum Courses
In addition to the program courses, eventual licensing and credentialing in the field by the American Speech Language Hearing Association requires at least one course in the following Core Curriculum areas: Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Behavioral/Social Sciences, Research/Statistics, and an alternative communication modality. In light of this, the department strongly recommends that students take the following Core Curriculum courses: 1,2
Biological Principles
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Physical Science Survey: Lecture
Introduction to Psychology
Select 4 credits of American Sign Language:
Elementary American Sign Language
Elementary American Sign Language II
Intermediate American Sign Language
Program Courses
In addition to the courses below, students must complete 25 hours of observation.
Introduction to Human Disabilities3
Neuroanatomical Foundations for Communication Disorders3
Clinical Phonetics and Phonology3
Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing3
Speech and Hearing Science3
Fluency Disorders3
Speech and Language Development and Disorders (Birth to 5yrs)3
Speech and Language Development and Disorders (5yrs to Adolescence)3
Multicultural Topics in Communication Disorders3
Neurogenic Communication Disorders3
Aural Rehabilitation3
Clinical Practicum: 51ÂÜÀò Speech/Language Clinic2
Speech Sound Disorders3
Diagnostic Methods3
Therapeutic Methods3
Voice Disorders3
Research in Communication Disorders3
Program Course Requirements: 56 credits
Total Credits123

See for details.


From the recommended Core Curriculum courses list, if both a Biological Science and a Physical Science course are taken, the program credit total will increase by 4 credits. 

Accelerated Program

Students who enter into the Communication Sciences and Disorders, B.S. as freshmen have the chance to declare their intent to enter the accelerated program, in which the students will complete the undergraduate program in three years and enter straight into the two year program. (Students must complete the University Graduate Admissions application)

In order to remain in the accelerated program, students must maintain pleasant and professional relationships with all department faculty. Failure to maintain these professional competencies will result in the student’s removal from the accelerated program.

GPA Requirements

All majors must achieve a minimum grade of a C in all major courses taken at 51ÂÜÀò. Anyone receiving a lower grade must repeat the course with a higher grade to receive credit for the course. Students in the accelerated program should also maintain a 3.6 overall GPA.

Curriculum Requirements

Recommended Core Curriculum Courses
In addition to the program courses, eventual licensing and credentialing in the field by the American Speech Language Hearing Association requires at least one course in the following Core Curriculum areas: Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Behavioral/Social Sciences, Research/Statistics, and an alternative communication modality. In light of this, the department strongly recommends that students take the following Core Curriculum courses: 1,2
Biological Principles
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Physical Science Survey: Lecture
Introduction to Psychology
Select 4 credits of American Sign Language:
Elementary American Sign Language
Elementary American Sign Language II
Intermediate American Sign Language
Program Courses
In addition to the courses below, students must complete 25 hours of observation.
Introduction to Human Disabilities3
Neuroanatomical Foundations for Communication Disorders3
Clinical Phonetics and Phonology3
Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing3
Speech and Hearing Science3
Fluency Disorders3
Speech and Language Development and Disorders (Birth to 5yrs)3
Speech and Language Development and Disorders (5yrs to Adolescence)3
Multicultural Topics in Communication Disorders3
Neurogenic Communication Disorders3
Aural Rehabilitation3
Clinical Practicum: 51ÂÜÀò Speech/Language Clinic2
Speech Sound Disorders3
Diagnostic Methods3
Therapeutic Methods3
Voice Disorders3
Research in Communication Disorders3
Program Course Requirements: 56 credits
Total Credits123

See for details.


From the recommended Core Curriculum courses list, if both a Biological Science and a Physical Science course are taken, the program credit total will increase by 4 credits.  

Graduate Curriculum Requirements

In order to advance from the Communication Disorders, B.S. to the Speech-Language Pathology, M.S. degree, students need to fulfill the following requirements prior to starting graduate course work.

  • Should have a minimum of 3.6 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale
  • Submit official transcripts from all colleges attended
  • Pass the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST)
  • Favorable professional competencies recommendation from department faculty

Below are the curriculum requirements for the Speech-Language Pathology, M.S. degree (to be completed during the fourth and fifth years).

Core Requirements
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods2
Childhood Language and Literacy Disorders4
Anatomy and Neurology in SLP1
Theology of Disability3
Research in Speech-Language Pathology3
Motor Speech Disorders3
Advanced Speech Sound Disorders3
Advanced Dysphagia3
Cognitive-Communicative Disorders3
Applied Research1
Autism Spectrum Disorders3
Neurogenic Language Disorders3
Advanced Voice Disorders2
Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Disorders1
Advanced Fluency Disorders2
Advanced Augmentative and Alternative Communication1
School and Hospital Based Issues3
Audiology and Aural Rehabilitation for Speech-Language Pathologists3
Counseling and Christian Care in Speech-Language Pathology3
Professional Issues in Speech-Language Pathology2
Advanced Capstone Experience3
Diagnostic Team3
Clinical Practicum I1
Clinical Practicum II1
SLP Clinical Externship I3
SLP Clinical Externship II3
Total Credits63

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