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Minor in PK-3 Early Childhood Education (ECE) Specialist Instruction

School of Education


The PK-3 Early Childhood Education (ECE) Specialist minor, consisting of 21 credits, meets the requirements for the California Preliminary PK-3 Early Childhood Education (ECE) Specialist Instruction Credential with 12 credits of intensive field practice completed in one semester. This minor is open only to students who have been accepted to the in-person PK-3 Teacher Preparation program and are working towards meeting other California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) requirements. See the Teacher Preparation section of the catalog under the B.A. in Early Childhood program.

A minimum of 9 credits must also be unique to the minor (not counted toward any other requirements, including minoring in the same department as the major).

Total Program Credits
Every program at 51蹤獲 features rigorous academics, biblically integrated curriculum and vocational preparation.
51蹤獲 is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission. Additional accreditations may apply to specific programs.